ステップマザーとの出会いと彼女から学んだ4つの教訓、そして海外生活に挑むまでの経緯/Encounter with My Stepmother, Four Lessons Learned from Her, and the Journey Leading Up to Embracing Overseas Life


Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.



カナダにいながら得た父からの5つの教訓はこちらから→ https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-1107/

カトリーヌとの出会い in 東京



































日本にいたころはその苦労は頭ではわかっていましたが、初めて自分が異国の地バンクーバーでの生活を体験したことで、彼女への尊敬の念は増すばかりです。 バンクーバーでの経験を重ねて、尊敬する彼女に少しずつ近づけていると思います。南フランスの町ビアリッツで決意した海外生活への決意は、私の人生において絶対的に正しかったと言えます。







Meeting my stepmother and the four lessons learned, and the process leading up to my overseas life

My stepmother, Catherine, is my mentor in life. Whenever I face a major obstacle after coming to Vancouver, I always reach out to Catherine. Talking to her helps clear my mind and gives me a positive outlook. She truly saved me during a difficult period in my life.

You can read about that period in this past article →https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-191/

The five lessons I learned from my father while in Canada are available in this article →https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-1107/

Meeting Catherine in Tokyo

Catherine and my father were former colleagues. They got married about seven years ago, and at that time, I didn’t communicate with my father as frequently as I do now. So, when I received a sudden call from my father saying, “I’m getting remarried. The person is French,” I was so suprised and exclaimed loudly. I congratulated him and he then said, “We’re submitting our marriage registration at the city hall next month, so take a day off and come as well.” I remember immediately changing my work schedule.

That’s how I first met Catherine on their wedding registration day, October 17, 2016. This photo was taken two months later on the day of their wedding party. We happened to encounter a turtle while taking a walk in the streets of Tokyo.

Shared memories with Catherine and my father

Despite our busy schedules, we had several meals together in Tokyo, visited art museums, and even went to Yakushima and Izu for horseback riding.

Growing up in Japan surrounded by Japanese people, this was my first experience building a deep relationship with someone who wasn’t Japanese. Although I was sensitive to the nuances of Japanese humor and small talk, I learned that if the core essence of a person aligns with mine, those small details don’t matter, and we can build a deep connection.

Decision to embark on overseas life sparked by a trip to France with the three of us

In August 2019, Catherine and my father took me to France to meet her family. We went to a town called Biarritz in southern France to meet Catherine’s mother.

She could speak not only French but also English. However, despite coming all the way from Japan to meet her, I couldn’t have a conversation at all and felt frustrated. I suddenly burst into tears when I was alone with Catherine on the beach in this photo.

This became the catalyst for my strong determination to become a globally competent Japanese and challenge myself to live abroad. After returning from France, I was just a few months away from reaching the age limit to apply for a working holiday visa, so I decided to cancel my apartment lease and immediately started preparing for the visa.

My working holiday plans were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and my life with Catherine started from Christmas 2019.

During that time, no one expected that the pandemic would last for years. I also thought that if I waited a bit, I would be able to go abroad. Therefore, instead of extending my apartment lease for two more years, Catherine suggested that we live together. And so, our life together finally began.

Due to the prolonged pandemic, what was initially planned for a few months turned into a shared life of nearly two years. I witnessed her way of life every day and learned many things. While we went to various places together, spending time on this lovely terrace at Catherine’s place holds fond memories. We often had brunch together here.

The Tokyo sunset view from this terrace is indescribably beautiful.

Four lessons learned from living together with her

Specifically, there are four lessons I learned from her.

1. Living a life true to one’s passions and interests

Catherine has a deep love for art. With her extensive knowledge of art, she incorporates it into teaching French to her Japanese students. She excels in pursuing her passion and turning it into a business, which is one of the main reasons why I see her as a role model in life. You can visit her French language school’s website here. https://ecoleartistes.com/qui-sommes-nous/

2. Education leads to personal freedom

Catherine loves to learn. Despite her busy schedule, she continues to expand her knowledge of art, Japanese, and even Chinese. She tells me, “Education frees people, so it’s really important.” I always looked up to her as I witnessed her dedication to learning.

3. Aligning words and actions

Catherine does what she says she will do and doesn’t procrastinate. She exemplifies this in her business and everyday life. It is because of her commitment to her decisions that her business is trusted, successful, and has many students. She continues to grow and never stops.

4. Curiosity and a sense of adventure broaden one’s possibilities

Despite her busy schedule, Catherine remains active. On her days off, she visits art museums, meets friends, and explores new places of interest. These actions lead to new ideas, acquiring knowledge, and meeting new people. Ultimately, it expands the potential of her business.

Arrival in Vancouver on December 31, 2021

After about two years of living together, I finally arrived in Vancouver. Despite it being New Year’s Eve, my beloved friends surprised me by coming to see me off at my home. I was truly happy. As a token of my gratitude to Catherine for taking care of me, I prepared an album containing two years’ worth of memories as a gift. Surprisingly, it turned into four albums! The photo in the bottom left shows us all looking at the albums together.

Since it was not a good time to be near airports due to the pandemic, I said goodbye to my friends who came to see me at the nearest station to Catherine’s place. My father had an accident and was hospitalized about ten days before my departure date, and my mother lives in Aichi, so Catherine and I went to the airport together.

I am convinced that my life in Vancouver after spending about two years with her will be incredibly fulfilling. Looking back, I realize that before living with her, there was a part of me that was somewhat careless and complacent about my way of life and work.

If it weren’t for my life with Catherine, I don’t think I would have established the unwavering principles I wrote about in my previous article → https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-937/

Respect and Admiration for Catherine’s Continual Growth in Vancouver

As a Japanese person who came to Vancouver, I have gained a deeper understanding of the challenges Catherine has faced in living and building her career in a foreign country like Japan, where she speaks the language. While I intellectually understood her struggles when I was in Japan, it is only through experiencing life in Vancouver, a foreign land, that my respect and admiration for her have grown.

With each experience I have in Vancouver, I feel that I am getting closer to Catherine, whom I deeply admire. The decision to pursue life overseas, which I made in the town of Biarritz in the south of France, was undoubtedly the right choice in my life.

If you are interested in studying abroad or working holiday but have been struggling to take action, I highly recommend starting with a free consultation with an agent. They can help you create a concrete plan, making it easier for you to take action. Here is a recommended agent.

Temporary Return to Japan in November

I am planning to stay in Japan for one month in November. I am looking forward to going to art museums in Tokyo with Catherine, enjoying delicious food, and most importantly, having many conversations while looking at her face directly. Although this visit will be a short period of time, I am very excited to have a glimpse of our everyday life together.

If I hadn’t met her, I don’t think I would have had that moment of determination to challenge myself to a life overseas while crying my eyes out on the beaches of southern France.

I am sincerely grateful that she has created the opportunity for me to come to Vancouver and make it a part of my life. I am also filled with gratitude towards my father, who remarried a wonderful French woman.

With deep gratitude, I am sending you this article.


  1. […] 父からの5つの教訓についての記事はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-1107/ステップマザーからの4つの教訓についての記事はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2501/ […]

  2. […] ステップマザーからの4つの教訓についての記事はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2501/ […]

  3. […] ステップマザーから得た4つの教訓はこちらから→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2501/ […]

  4. […] ステップマザーから得た4つの教訓はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2501/ […]

  5. […] ステップマザーからの4つの教訓はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2501/ […]

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