Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.
- 一期一会 in バンクーバー Part 12
- 怒涛の10の質問
- 偶然にも見つけた桐島洋子さんの記事
- デイヴィットの目の輝きと奥にある真の強さ
- バンクーバーでの一期一会たちの始まりは留学エージェントへの無料相談から
- Encounter with David, the Owner of Antique Interior Shop “FOLKART INTERIORS,” and Its Approximately 40-year History
- Once-in-a-lifetime encounters in Vancouver Part 12
- Rapid-fire 10 Questions
- I found an article about Mrs. Yoko Kirishima by chance.
- The true strength shining through David’s eyes
- The beginning of the encounters in Vancouver started with a free consultation to a study abroad agency
一期一会 in バンクーバー Part 12
先日ひょんなことから新たな魅力的な方との出会いがありました。それは私が先月偶然見つけたアンティークインテリアショップ「FOLKART INTERIORS」のオーナーのデイヴィッドとの出会いです。

以前「アンティークインテリアショップ”FOLKART INTERIORS” と修復士ジョンとの出会い」という記事を書きました。ちなみに下の写真に写っているのが修復士のジョンです。


1. ご出身は?
2.「FOLKART INTERIORS」の歴史とオーナーになるまでの馴れ初めは?
「元オーナーにより1985年にオープン。彼は1988年高校卒業後、職探しのためバンクーバーへ引っ越。木を彫ったり、家具を作るなど、木材を扱う仕事が好きだったので、修復士としてFOLKART INTERIORSの従業員として就職。」

3. 元オーナーからビジネスを買う資金がなぜ23歳の若さでなぜあったのですか?
4. どのようにこんなに沢山の素敵なヴィンテージを収集しているのですか?
5. 人々が沢山持ち込んでる沢山のものから選ぶ基準は何ですか?
6. どのようなお客様がメインですか?





デイヴィッドは「FOLKART INTERIORS」の約40年の長い歴史の中で、新聞や雑誌に掲載された大量の記事を保管していました。それらを可能な限り沢山見せてくれました。




彼女がバンクーバに住んでいた時期があったことすら知らなかった私は大興奮。「I know her !!!!」と思わず大声で叫びました。彼女のご自宅には「FOLKART INTERIORS」で購入されたベット、木彫りの猫の置き物があったそうです。

憧れのカレンさんを女でひとつで育て上げた洋子さんと偶然にもお気に入りのお店「FOLKART INTERIORS」が一致したことだけでも大変光栄に思いました。



Encounter with David, the Owner of Antique Interior Shop “FOLKART INTERIORS,” and Its Approximately 40-year History
Once-in-a-lifetime encounters in Vancouver Part 12
Recently, I had the chance to meet a fascinating guy by chance. It was an encounter with David, the owner of the antique interior shop “FOLKART INTERIORS,” whom I came across last month.
Previously, I wrote an article about my meeting with a restoration expert named John at the “FOLKART INTERIORS.” By the way, the person in the photo below is John. Here is the article about John →
After completing the article, I had promised to show it to John and visited him the other day. Unfortunately, it happened to be his day off.
However, during this visit, I had the opportunity to meet David, the owner of the shop. I had been curious about the owner’s personality for some time, and I was immediately drawn to his cheerful nature and lively smile. Therefore, I decided to write an article about him as well. By the way, the shop is filled with intriguing vintage items, making it a place where one could spend the entire day.
Rapid-fire 10 Questions
Since I had originally planned to see John, I hadn’t prepared any questions for David’s interview. Nevertheless, due to his intriguing personality and the smooth flow of conversation, I couldn’t stop asking him questions. Before I knew it, I had spent about 40 minutes at the shop. Despite not having an appointment, David kindly agreed to be interviewed.
1. Where are you from?
I’m from Vancouver Island.
Vancouver Island is a nearby island located west of Vancouver.
2. The history of “FOLKART INTERIORS” and how you became the owner ?
The shop was originally opened in 1985 by a previous owner. After graduating high school in 1988, I moved to Vancouver in search of work. Since I enjoyed working with wood, such as carving and making furniture, I found a job as an employee at “FOLKART INTERIORS,” where I dealt with wood restoration. However, I excelled at sales talk, so I gradually started dealing with customers directly.
Two years later, in 1990, the previous owner, who wanted to retire, offered to sell the business to me, and that’s how I became the owner, continuing the shop’s journey to this day.
3. Why did you have the funds to buy the business at the young age of 23?
It seems that I diligently saved money following my mother’s advice to “save up.”
4. How do you collect so many wonderful vintage items?
Apparently, many people bring items to my store. As a result, most of the items there come from North America.
5. What criteria do you use to select from the multitude of items people bring in?
I choose handmade items that are not mass-produced and have unique elements.
6. What kind of customers are your main target?
My main customers are local residents and people who own vacation homes in the surrounding islands or Whistler. They come looking for furniture and accessories for their vacation homes.
The store also frequently rents items for movie shoots, catering to the demand from Vancouver’s bustling film industry.
7. What are David’s top 5 recommendations?
・Unique material bookshelves (apparently, this is my personal favorite too).
・Girl Scout ponchos
・Vibrant yellow and impressive shelves (David seems to have a liking for colorful furniture).
・Vintage small books
That create excitement when opened to see what’s written inside.
・Lunchboxes with captivating artwork and storytelling elements that make them irresistible to collect.
8. Do you remember all the items in the store?
Yes, of course. I make it a point to remember them since I’m investing my own money.
9. What is the happiest moment in running the store?
The moment you came in and started this interview.
And when they receive requests to pick up furniture and items from vacant houses, I feel thrilled not knowing what I will find and experience a great sense of happiness when I discover charming vintage pieces.
10. What is your favorite food?
I found an article about Mrs. Yoko Kirishima by chance.
David has been keeping a large collection of articles published in newspapers and magazines over the approximately 40-year history of “FOLKART INTERIORS.” He showed me as many of them as possible.
My favorite article is a two-shot of a young David and John.
You can read about their encounter with restoration expert John here →
He was featured in many other articles as well.
Among them, I found an article written in Japanese by the essayist Yoko Kirishima about “FOLKART INTERIORS” and Vancouver, dating back about 30 years ago. She is the mother of my idol, Karen Kirishima.
I was thrilled because I didn’t even know she had lived in Vancouver. I couldn’t help but exclaim, “I know her!!!” Apparently, her home had beds and wooden cat figurines purchased from “FOLKART INTERIORS.”
Yoko Kirishima gave birth to three children as an unmarried woman and raised Karen and her siblings as a single mother while pursuing her writing career. Considering the background of about 60 years ago, she was an incredibly avant-garde woman.
She was diagnosed with dementia in 2014 and is currently living peacefully in Japan. It’s an honor to see that the beloved store, “FOLKART INTERIORS,” matches with Yoko Kirishima, who raised the admired Karen all by herself.
The true strength shining through David’s eyes
His eyes were full of life, and his smile was dazzling, conveying that he genuinely enjoyed his life with a positive attitude. When I asked, “What was the hardest thing during the long history of running this store?” he couldn’t come up with an immediate answer.
In the approximately 35 years of its existence, there must have been tough times. However, he seems to interpret such situations positively and walks through life that way.
I admire the sparkle in the eyes of people who don’t just leave their passions as hobbies but firmly connect them to business and achieve results. My mentor, Stepmother, is the same way.
You can find the four lessons I learned from her here →
their eyes shine with kindness, yet you can glimpse a calm and true strength within them.
I respect the determination to pursue one’s passion while facing the reality of dealing with practical numbers.
Moreover, as a veteran in furniture making, he showed me a custom-made bookshelf he was working on. It is because he balances the roles of craftsman, salesperson, and businessman that he has been able to sustain this store for 35 years.
The beginning of the encounters in Vancouver started with a free consultation to a study abroad agency
Today, I noticed that this series of “once-in-a-lifetime encounters” consists of 12 articles.
“One-time, One-meeting Series 1 to 11” is here→
It all began when I had started considering the challenge of living abroad, and to clarify what I should do first, I had a free consultation with a study abroad agency. If you are interested in studying abroad or working holiday but find it hard to take action, I highly recommend starting with a free consultation with an agency.
Beyond that lies wonderful once-in-a-lifetime encounters, adventures, and days of growth. Here is the agency I recommend. If you are interested, please take a look.