自分のルーツを辿ると繋がる母からの4つの教訓 / Four Lessons from My Mother, Tracing My Roots


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Four Lessons from My Mother, Tracing My Roots

It has been about a year and a half since I started living in Vancouver. As I have written in previous articles, I feel the changes and growth in my values and way of living every day.

However, the core of my interests, likes, and guiding principles have remained unchanged since my time in Japan. When I trace back my roots, they always lead to the profound influence of my mother. Each time, I keenly realize the significance of her presence.

My father used to have frequent business trips abroad and was a busy man at work. When I was 14, he started his solo assignment to Tokyo. It was only when I moved to Tokyo at the age of 26 that I began to meet my father frequently, creating many cherished memories together.

As a result, from the time I was old enough to understand, until I left Aichi at the age of 26, I spent significantly more time with my mother than my father. Her teachings and education have largely shaped my personality. I am deeply grateful for her successful upbringing of my brother and me. Furthermore, my father also expressed his gratitude to my mother, saying, “You raised our two children with truly excellent education.”

Today, I will write about four valuable lessons I learned from my mother.

The photo below was taken three years ago during a celebration trip for her 60th birthday. It was captured at the “Ishidatei Ishida,” a ryokan (traditional inn) filled with memories for both of us, located in Nagano Prefecture. https://www.sekitaitei.com

Four Lessons from My Mother, Shaping My Personality

① Gratitude in All Things

I have always received education from my mother to maintain a sense of gratitude for everything in life. She taught me to never forget to appreciate the environment I was given and the things I possess. There are countless things to be thankful for, such as family, friends, a partner, a job, a healthy body that allows me to move freely, the visible beauty of landscapes, the ability to enjoy delicious meals, and the gift of voice and language to communicate with others.

In everyday life, there is an abundance of precious happiness that cannot be bought with money.

In Vancouver, I often encounter significant challenges, but thanks to my mother’s teachings, I have developed a habit of finding points for which I should be grateful, even when my heart feels on the verge of breaking.

② Mother’s Elevated Sense of Beauty and Love for Beautiful Things

My mother is an incredibly beautiful person, to the extent that she worked as a fashion model during her college years. Other students from different schools would even come to my mother’s school just to catch a glimpse of her. Growing up with such a stunning mother has always been a source of pride for me. Every time she attended my school events, I was guaranteed to receive admiration from my classmates and teachers. As a result, school events were always something I looked forward to.

Her sense of beauty is exceptionally refined, and whenever she goes out, her makeup, hairstyle, and fashion are always impeccable. My interest in fashion and my decision to work in the apparel industry in Japan were influenced by my stylish mother.

The values guiding my life, such as being drawn to art and flower design, revolve around beautiful things, and this influence can be traced back to my childhood home filled with items carefully chosen by my mother.

Even after coming to Vancouver, I pursued a career as a florist, my partner is an artist, and I run VVR, where I sell vintage clothing and accessories. My appreciation for the beautiful aspects of Japanese culture that continue to thrive in Vancouver is also rooted in the sense of beauty instilled by my mother.

③ The Law of the Mirror

“As you bring happiness to others, happiness will return to you. As you give love, you will receive love in return.”

“Before getting angry with others, it is essential to be flexible and generous, letting things flow.”

My mother educated me with the belief that when we get upset with someone, it is crucial to let it pass with grace because being angry and complaining about others only keeps us at the same level, and similar situations will keep happening.

From minor grievances in school during my student days to petty complaints in the workplace as an adult, every time I shared my concerns with my mother, she was an attentive listener.

She understood my feelings and helped me find the “lessons learned” and “what I gained from the experience.” She taught me practical ways to break it down and let it flow with flexibility.

Through this process of overcoming challenges and elevating my own level, I found that difficult people naturally distanced themselves from me. This is the “Law of the Mirror” that my mother taught me.

In Vancouver, I encounter diverse values on a daily basis. There are times when negative emotions arise in response to them, but at the same time, this lesson from my mother always comes to mind. It has strengthened my ability to control my emotions positively.

④Believing in My Potential Cultivated through Encouraging Education

I remember when I was a child, winning an award in art class, and my mother said, ‘You could become an artist!’ Whenever I cooked something delicious, she would say, ‘You could become a chef!’

During elementary school, I excelled at mathematics, and my mother once said, ‘You could become a mathematician!’ Her expression of praise was always so rich, and it made me incredibly happy every time she said those things.

Even to this day, it continues; whenever I send her pictures of my confident flower arrangements, she showers me with compliments using her extensive vocabulary.

She also diligently checks this blog and provides accurate and positive comments.Her encouraging education, full of praise, is the reason why I’ve become someone who actively embraces new challenges, such as studying abroad, working with flowers in Vancouver, and becoming a web writer.I am grateful for her nurturing and the belief she instilled in me.

Beauty knowledge as an Esthetician

She has abundant knowledge in skincare and beauty practices that contribute to beauty from within, not just focusing on external elements. This is the only lesson I couldn’t inherit from my mother, haha!

My mother utilizes her knowledge and skills as an esthetician and has been doing a fantastic job in her profession. I have received esthetic treatments from her several times, and they feel so pleasant that I sometimes fall asleep during the sessions. Moreover, she has a profound understanding of all the pressure points on the face and neck that should be addressed, resulting in noticeably improved skin condition the next day.

If anyone is looking for an excellent esthetician in Aichi Prefecture, I highly recommend “Angel Heart.” The skills of both my mother and the owner are exceptional, and the atmosphere in the spa is incredibly peaceful, creating a relaxing experience that not only purifies the skin but also rejuvenates the soul.

You can find Angel Heart’s website here: https://www.spa-angel.com

I truly respect my mother, who has mastered her expertise and continues to bring happiness to numerous customers. For women, “beauty” is a significant factor in building happiness in life.

Gratitude towards my mother since coming to Vancouver

My mother lives in Aichi Prefecture, which is 7,752 km away from Vancouver.

I yearn to see her, and despite the distance, my gratitude for her grows each day. I think of her constantly. Since moving away, I have started to communicate with her more frequently than when I was in Tokyo.

However, I know that what brings her the most joy is spending time together, going on trips, and having light-hearted conversations. When I return to Japan for a month in November, I hope to spend time with her just like when I used to live at home, laughing and talking about various things in her room.

While fulfilling my curiosity and adventurous spirit, I aim to grow myself to create more time to spend with my mother. Achieving “true freedom” is my goal.

You can read more about it in this article: link to “What is True Freedom?”.

The gratitude I feel towards my family, which grows daily, is one of the significant factors that make me appreciate challenging myself to live abroad in Vancouver. Besides improving my English and meeting people and having experiences in Vancouver, this love for my family motivates me in my personal growth journey.

Here are five lessons from my father: link to “Five Lessons from My Father”.

And here are four lessons from my stepmother: link to “Four Lessons from My Stepmother”.

For those interested in studying abroad or going on a working holiday but find it difficult to take action, I recommend starting with a free consultation with a study abroad agent. Here is my recommended agent.

I send this article to my mother with heartfelt gratitude.


  1. […] Here are the three lessons I learned from my mother→ https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-1012/ […]

  2. […] 自分のルーツを辿ると繋がる母からの4つの教訓はこちらから→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-3786/ […]

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