カナダにいながら得た父からの5つの教訓/5 Lessons I Learned from My Father While in Canada


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5 Lessons I Learned from My Father While in Canada

Deepening Bonds through Long-Distance between Japan and Vancouver

Today, it’s Father’s Day in Japan, a little ahead of the rest of the world. With an 16-hour time difference between Canada and Japan, it’s still Saturday here.

Instead of giving a physical gift to my father, who doesn’t get too excited about material things, I thought of presenting him with this article.

Since I came to Canada, no one has received more phone calls from me than my father. As a former judo athlete, he possesses a strong mentality. With his experience of studying in the United States for about seven years, traveling the world for work, and remarrying a French woman about ten years ago, his advice comes from a global perspective, which has often saved me during emotionally challenging times. (For more about that period, you can read my previous article here: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/精神の崩壊時期から這い上がるため4つの行動/)

I would like to share five lessons I’ve learned from my father, hoping they can help those who feel stuck in life, lacking confidence, or exhausted from living abroad.

Always give your best in any situation, no matter what happens.

    In any given environment or problem, calmly choose the best course of action and give it your all. The accumulation of such efforts leads to improvements in your surroundings and problem-solving. Once you’ve done that, there’s no need to worry excessively about other things.

    Never forget the purpose of coming to Canada. Everything is a mere means to grow

      You don’t need to get emotionally hurt or become upset over events or words directed at you. Always maintain the understanding that everything is a mere means to grow and achieve your goals.

      Don’t let your English language skills undermine your confidence.

        You possess a wonderful smile, the ability to understand people’s emotions, and the charisma that makes people love you. These qualities are universally valuable, so even if your English skills are lacking, there’s no need to lose confidence. While acknowledging the language barrier, there’s absolutely no need to let it negate your personal qualities and abilities.

        Always maintain a 10% margin and act with a detached perspective.

        Since coming to Canada, I have often become too absorbed in the tasks at hand, losing sight of the bigger picture. This advice acknowledges my tendency and suggests always having a 10% margin for objectivity. At the same time, whenever I felt overwhelmed and thought I couldn’t handle it anymore, my father told me I could come back to Japan anytime. Each time, he reminded me that I have my home country, helping me regain a broader perspective.

        Become a “citizen of the world.”

        Develop the flexibility, skills, and a broad mindset that allows you to thrive in any country on Earth. What I’ve realized daily since coming to Vancouver is how drastically different people’s values and opinions can be depending on their country, culture, or individuality. Cultivating the ability to appreciate these differences and stabilizing a positive mindset that believes in your own potential regardless of the circumstances is what my father refers to as becoming a “citizen of the world.”

        Canada Departure and Father’s Accident

        Actually, about a week before I left for Canada on New Year’s Eve 2021, my father, who was riding a motorcycle, was involved in an accident with a car. Fortunately, he didn’t sustain any life-threatening injuries, but over the past year and a half, he has undergone seven surgeries on his leg and has been in and out of the hospital. He is still unable to walk, but recently he has finally found a good doctor and is slowly getting better. Despite such circumstances, I am in awe of my father’s mental strength and love as he always worries about me and encourages me.

        My father always tells me that the best way to show filial piety is for me to live my life with a sparkling passion, pursuing my dreams and growing, no matter how far apart we are.

        Temporary Return to Japan in November 2023

        I am planning to return to Japan for a month in November. Finally, after about two years, I will be able to see my father. I hope that by that time, his leg will have recovered, and we can enjoy going for walks together like we used to. Both of us love to eat, so I would like to go to our favorite teishoku (set meal) restaurant in Nishi-Sugamo together.

        As a way of repaying the unconditional love my father has given me for the past 34 years, I intend to continue adventuring and growing.

        Even though we have been physically apart for about a year and five months, our bond has deepened through countless phone calls. Every time I am reminded of my father’s strength and greatness, I feel that my decision to come to Canada was not a mistake. I believe that showing a child’s growth through their adventures is one way of filial piety.


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        4. […] 父からの5つの教訓についての記事はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-1107/ […]

        5. […] 父から得た5つの教訓はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-1107/ […]

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