気遣いすぎ日本人が海外でのコミュニケーションでストレスを溜めないための5つの思考/Five Ways for Japanese Individuals to Avoid Accumulating Stress Abroad by Not Being Overly Concerned in Communication


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ちなみにこの湖は心の疲れが溜まっていると感じる時に行くお気に入りの湖「Deer Lake」です。


















“Five Ways for Japanese Individuals to Avoid Accumulating Stress Abroad by Not Being Overly Concerned in Communication”

My Characteristics That Resemble Japanese Traits Among Japanese Individuals

Due to my past experience in the customer service industry, I possess a communication style that involves considering various factors while engaging in conversations with others.

These factors include the other person’s feelings, expressions, attitudes, subtle gestures, suitable topics to bring up in the moment, as well as anticipating the outcome and mood after initiating a conversation, and even the timing to initiate a conversation with someone.

Furthermore, I tend to think about what the other person might want to talk about, what topics would make them happy, and if there are any personal experiences or topics I share in common while listening to their story.

I incorporate these elements into the conversation, ensuring that they don’t overly extend the conversation. Sometimes, I might deliberately say slightly impolite things that I know will be forgiven, in an attempt to create a sense of closeness with the other person.

When sharing my own stories, I often add unexpected twists or elements to the narrative to maintain interest and fit the pacing of the conversation.

In essence, I contemplate numerous aspects while conversing. Additionally, in group conversations, I choose topics that everyone can understand, and I may initiate topics to engage those who appear disinterested. This tendency is partly due to past professional experiences and also my inherent personality, so I find it to be normal for me.

This approach works seamlessly in Japanese, and as creating a happy atmosphere for both myself and the other person is satisfying, I don’t experience any fatigue.

In my case, I believe I tend to overthink more than the average Japanese individual.

There are individual differences, and while others might not possess an intense thought process like mine, I think it’s safe to say that certain characteristics of being Japanese include at least some degree of what I described.

This characteristic becomes a significant factor for accumulating stress during life abroad

While living abroad, using English as a second language, and being surrounded by people with vastly different cultures and backgrounds, maintaining the same thought process as when I was in Japan can be quite exhausting both mentally and emotionally.

Continuing to uphold the swift back-and-forth of conversations that I was naturally capable of, making remarks that lighten the atmosphere, engaging in lively discussions, and feeling the desire to extend hospitality to others – all these aspects become frustrating when my English proficiency doesn’t match, especially during the first year. To be honest, even now, that frustration still exists.

Having been born and raised in Japan and having worked in customer service for about 10 years, these characteristics are undoubtedly my strengths.

Five Controlled Thoughts

However, upon going abroad, I’ve begun to understand the need to adjust the intensity of the aforementioned thoughts in order to live positively without needless exhaustion. I primarily maintain control over five aspects of my mindset.

① Not Being Controlled by the Words and Attitudes of Others

In contrast to Japan, where concealing emotions is valued as part of the culture of the ideal ‘Yamato Nadeshiko,’ people abroad tend to display both their joys and discomforts through their attitudes and expressions. (Of course, there are individual differences.)

As a result, becoming overly sensitive to the words and attitudes of others can lead to exhaustion. Creating a state of happiness depends on how one perceives the situation, their mindset, and how they spend their time.

Since most people don’t put deep thought into their words and attitudes, it’s key to develop a degree of insensitivity and take charge of one’s own mood.

② Not Over-Imagining the Emotions and Attitudes Hidden Behind Words

As a characteristic of communication between fellow Japanese, there’s a cultural tendency to convey messages indirectly, wrapped in layers of words. Additionally, there’s the cultural practice of expressing things through subtle gestures and expecting others to understand without explicitly stating them.

Having grown up in this culture and with experience in customer service, I tend to have a strong inclination to read between the lines and infer the true intentions and meanings behind words and attitudes. However, if left unchecked, this inclination can lead to exhaustion during life abroad.

While there might be individual differences, many people abroad tend to express what needs to be communicated directly in words. Thus, it’s best not to overthink and to maintain a natural demeanor.

The culture revolves around principles like ‘saying what needs to be said’ and ‘making things clear through direct communication,’ so I’ve started to realize that I don’t need to delve too deeply into these matters.

③ Sharing What I Want to Say, Not Just What the Other Person Wants

Selecting common topics that everyone present can enjoy, sharing interesting experiences from my life – these things come naturally when surrounded by people who grew up in Japan and speak Japanese. This is because even among Japanese individuals, while there are differences, the shared foundation of the same country and culture makes it easier to have shared interests and topics to laugh about.

However, when interacting with individuals from different languages, races, cultures, and backgrounds, if I become too fixated on selecting topics, I’ll honestly find myself with nothing to say.

It’s a shame to be overwhelmed by overthinking and not being able to speak when there are so many opportunities to use English while living abroad.

Consequently, it’s also a technique to allow myself to speak based on the desire to share what I want, without deeply pondering. Whether it’s a fleeting emotion in the moment, something beautiful that caught my eye, complimenting someone’s outfit, or something enjoyable from yesterday – anything small is acceptable.

④ Focusing on Small Achievements and Praising Myself

Even now, when I’m in a group with multiple native speakers, I often struggle to keep up with the conversation. I used to excel at conversing in larger groups in Japan, so initially, the feeling of becoming invisible in a group was frustrating and disheartening. There are still moments where I feel this way.

However, they speak at a remarkably fast pace, and for someone who has been raised in an exclusively Japanese language environment, this is undoubtedly a high level of difficulty. But it’s important not to blame myself for what I can’t do.

While acknowledging my limitations and letting go of what’s beyond my reach, I focus on understanding parts I can grasp, asking questions based on what I’ve heard, reacting, smiling while listening, and so on – accumulating different ways to actively participate to the best of my ability.

To make it easier for myself, I’ve learned to focus on small achievements – being more active in conversations today than yesterday, catching more words in our back-and-forth exchanges, and so on. Since arriving in Vancouver, I’ve developed a tendency to excessively focus on what I can’t do.

However, if I do this too much, it becomes mentally exhausting. Therefore, to ensure I enjoy myself and maintain positivity, I consciously regulate this tendency.

⑤ Channeling Frustration into Learning Motivation

Rather than letting frustration and exasperation turn into stress and darkness, I’ve learned to control them and redirect them towards a motivation to learn.

If I’m frustrated, it’s more reasonable to take small actions that contribute to my growth, like learning as many words as possible or trying to use newly learned grammar when speaking to people in front of me. This not only positively influences my emotions but also helps me grow by turning my frustration into meaningful progress.

By the way, this lake is my favorite spot, ‘Deer Lake,’ where I go when I feel mentally drained. Honestly, there are still moments when I feel down due to language barriers. However, by being conscious of these five control methods, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in how quickly I bounce back compared to the first year when I had just arrived in Vancouver.

The Foundation of Gratitude for a Precious Environment Unique to Vancouver

Here is one of my favorite views in Vancouver. By taking the perspective of a tourist and objectively looking at Vancouver, you can reaffirm that it truly is a beautiful city.

Creating an environment surrounded by native speakers is a high challenge in Japan. Instead of letting the precious environment be a source of stress by overthinking it, I control my mindset to channel feelings of gratitude and natural enjoyment.

Since coming to Vancouver, I’ve written in my blog about the encounters with my partner, their family, dear friends, my job as a florist in an English-speaking environment, various serendipitous encounters, and the growth of my mindset.

These experiences have become treasures in my life because, while being conscious of transforming moments of stress from language barriers into feelings of gratitude, joy, excitement for new things, and enjoyment, I’ve accumulated days of choosing challenges that can only be undertaken here. I firmly believe that taking on the challenge of coming to Vancouver was 100% the right decision.

“The ‘Ichigo Ichie’ Series is available here → https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/category/ichigoichie/

Articles related to my partner Joseph can be found here → https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/category/kokusairenai/

Articles related to mindset can be found here → https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/category/mindset/ Articles related to my work as a florist can be found here → https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/category/florist/


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