精神どん底期から這い上がるためにとった4つの行動/Four actions to overcome a mental breakdown


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肯定的な言葉による自己暗示で、理想の自分を引き寄せること。 ポジティブな言葉を使うことで、自分を幸せにするマインドセットのひとつです。












Four actions to overcome a mental breakdown

When I first came to Canada, everything was fresh and exciting. I had a lot to do to settle into my new life, and I was desperate to get everything in order. However, after getting accustomed to the new environment, a difficult period began in late autumn and continued through winter last year.

At one point, I developed six mouth ulcers simultaneously, had an unexplained fever, and lost my appetite. I ended up staying at home for about two weeks.

There were several causes for that difficult period, but discussing them would make this response lengthy. So today, I will focus on the four actions I took to overcome that situation. I hope that these actions can be helpful to those who are feeling stuck in life, finding it hard to cope with daily living, or seeking ways to shift their mindset and find brighter perspectives.

Talking to both family and friends

I made several phone calls to my father, mother, and stepmother. My father, a former judo athlete with a strong mental resilience, was a great source of support. My mother, who sees me as her pride and always boosts my confidence with gentle words, played a crucial role. My stepmother, who has lived in Japan for over 20 years despite being French, is my mentor. She has successfully pursued her passions in work, providing me with calm and precise advice.

Additionally, I confided in Amanda, a lifesaver living nearby, about my concerns and situation. After spending several days isolated at home, I received an unexpected call from her. Honestly, I hesitated to answer because I didn’t want to see anyone, and speaking English felt exhausting. However, I convinced myself that connecting with the outside world would be beneficial and answered the phone.

To my relief, Amanda, who was worried about me, promptly brought homemade food to my house. It truly lifted my spirits. Having not only supportive family members who live far away but also understanding friends nearby is incredibly important.

Making a bold change in your environment

If you feel stressed due to circumstances beyond your control, it may be beneficial to make a significant change in your environment, such as moving or changing jobs. In my case, although my former workplace and colleagues were wonderful, I decided to move to another florist because the environment didn’t suit me.

While I felt sorry for the shortage of staff, I firmly believed that it was my choice to make for my own happiness. The experience of working there for a year strengthened my mental resilience and boosted my confidence. I am very grateful to my former boss for teaching me the fundamentals of flower arrangements and giving me the opportunity to work there when my English skills were still limited. One of my best memories is when she allowed me to create a large arrangement for the entrance of Hotel, one of her big clients.

Speaking positive words to yourself every morning

Even when I was tired of speaking English, lost sight of my goals and aspirations, and began to feel anxious about the future, I started a practice of speaking positive words to myself every morning, regardless of whether I truly believed them at the time. I would say phrases like “Today will be a great day. I am successful. I am attractive.” I learned that rather than letting emotions arise as a result of external events, we can create emotions that can then manifest in reality.

This is an ongoing training process, but I’ve realized the tremendous power that words hold. Some people may feel that being strict with oneself and changing workplaces is a form of running away. However, if the decision is made after diligently working every day, it is not an act of running away. It is up to you to choose in which environment you want to be and with whom you want to spend your time.

Creating time for affirmations

Affirmations are positive self-suggestions that help attract the ideal version of yourself. By using positive words, you can develop a mindset that brings happiness to yourself. There are many great affirmation resources available on YouTube, and I recommend searching for them. Personally, I found that incorporating external positive words into my routine had a significantly positive impact.

Starting my blog

When I was in Japan, I used to think that I was incredibly tough. I was positive and hardly ever cried, and I could spend almost every day brightly, no matter what happened. I even thought that conditions like depression, hikikomori (social withdrawal), or mental weakness were only for certain people. But now, I have come to understand the feelings of those individuals as well. With each difficulty or hurdle I overcome, my ability to understand people’s emotions has expanded, and I believe I have become kinder.

On Instagram, since it focuses mainly on photos, you only see the glamorous side, right? No one wants to post pictures of their six mouth ulcers or their bare-faced selves when they’re shut in at home. And nobody wants to see that either, haha. Blogging has become an opportunity for me to express my thoughts and it helps me organize my mind. It has also become a valuable record of my life.

I’m glad I started it.

Here are five lessons I learned from my father while in Canada: [Link to the article: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-1107/]

Discovering my roots and the four lessons I gained from my connected mother can be found here: [Link to the article: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-3786/]

The story of my encounter with my stepmother, along with four lessons and the journey leading up to embracing life abroad, is detailed here: [Link to the article: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2501/]

My encounter with Amanda, my life savior, and what I can do in return for her kindness here: [Link to the article: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-635/]


  1. […] of despair during last winter’s mental breakdown period (link to the past article here: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/精神の崩壊時期から這い上がるため4つの行動/) to Amanda’s […]

  2. […] Initially, I also had the same mindset. When I was in Japan, my thoughts and mindset were strongly aligned, and I could take action. But after facing various obstacles in Canada and losing confidence, it became difficult for me to connect my thoughts with my mindset, and I experienced a lot of difficulties. It’s challenging to connect your mind and heart when you’re feeling down. (You can find an article on how I overcame this period of mental breakdown here: link) […]

  3. […] しかし精神的低迷時期から這い上がり、自分の生活も落ち着き始めた5月末にもう一度トライしました。(そこから這い上がるためにとった行動についての記事はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-191/) […]

  4. […] この時期についての過去記事はこちらから→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-191/ […]

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