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- 一期一会 No.13 in バンクーバー
- 「EWMA」とは?
- 「Atira Women’s Resource Society」とバンクーバーの深刻なホームレス問題
- 「EWMA」のマネージャーミナについて
- ミナとのインタビューを経て
- 観光ではなく長期間の海外生活だからこそ深堀りできること
- “Encounter with ‘EWMA’ Manager Mina and Social Issues in Vancouver”
- One Time, One Meeting No.13 in Vancouver
- What is “EWMA”?
- “Atira Women’s Resource Society” and Vancouver’s Serious Homelessness Problem
- About “EWMA” Manager Mina
- After the interview with Mina
- Living abroad for an extended period, rather than just traveling for tourism, allows for in-depth exploration
一期一会 No.13 in バンクーバー


「EWMA」とはEnterprising Women Making ARTの略。実はこの場所はただアートを販売するお店ではありません。「EWMA」はアートセラピーを通して、ドラッグやアルコール中毒、メンタルヘルス面で問題を抱えている女性達の生活の質の向上に向けて2003年に設立された非営利団体です。


「Atira Women’s Resource Society」とバンクーバーの深刻なホームレス問題
「EWMA」の母体となっているのは、1983年に設立された「Atira Women’s Resource Society 」です。女性に対する肉体的、精神的な暴力をなくす活動に取り組む非営利団体です。女性達のドラッグやアルコール中毒へのきっかけは、暴力や女性蔑視であることも多いといわれています。
「Atira Women’s Resource Society」の取り組み
この社会問題に対して「Atira Women’s Resource Society」 は、安全な住まいを彼女達に提供し生活を守ること、あらゆる形態のジェンダー暴力を終わらせることにつながる教育と権利擁護を提供する活動を続けています。

- 彼女達と地域生産の力を増進させていくともに、彼女達と消費者の間に公正な繋がりを作る手助けをすること
- ダウンタウン・イーストサイドの低所得者コミュニティの強みと能力の認知の促進
- 多種多様なグループが協力する機会を作ることで、コミュニティの結束を促進すること
- 個人の自給自足を高める
“Encounter with ‘EWMA’ Manager Mina and Social Issues in Vancouver”
One Time, One Meeting No.13 in Vancouver
Near Joseph’s apartment in East Vancouver, there is a place called “EWMA,” which has become one of my favorite spots. It showcases unique, one-of-a-kind accessories, art, and tableware.
Enchanted by its appearance, I stepped foot into this place for the first time last autumn. Since then, I have visited several times, and I really adore the earrings I purchased here, wearing them almost every day.
It was here that I had the chance to meet an enchanting woman named Minna. She is the manager of this place. Meeting Minna became a catalyst for deepening my understanding of both “EWMA” and the social issues in Vancouver.”
What is “EWMA”?
“EWMA” stands for Enterprising Women Making ART. In fact, this place is not just an art-selling shop. “EWMA” is a non-profit organization established in 2003 with the aim of improving the quality of life for women facing issues related to drug and alcohol addiction, as well as mental health problems, through art therapy.
EWMA has a studio and an art sales space combined. All women in Vancouver, including those in need of art therapy, can use this studio. Furthermore, the accessories, ceramics, paintings, and other artworks created here are sold in the sales space alongside artworks from Vancouver artists. The proceeds from these sales are used to support their livelihoods, creating a cycle of support.
Here is a glimpse of the art studio.
Furthermore, all the materials needed for art therapy, including sewing machines, art supplies, threads, and needles, have been collected through donations.
“Atira Women’s Resource Society” and Vancouver’s Serious Homelessness Problem
The organization that serves as the parent organization for “EWMA” is the “Atira Women’s Resource Society,” which was established in 1983. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing physical and psychological violence against women. It is believed that violence and misogyny are often contributing factors to women’s initiation into drug and alcohol addiction.
The Increase in Homelessness Due to Drug and Alcohol Addiction
One of the reasons for the continuous increase in homelessness in Vancouver is the financial problem of “low income compared to high cost of living and rent.” However, the most significant reasons are “drug and alcohol addiction” and “mental health issues.” It is estimated that approximately 70% of the homeless population experiences symptoms of addiction.
The bus I take to work passes through an area where Hastings Street and Main Street intersect, known for having a high concentration of homeless. As a result, I witness this scene on the bus almost every morning.
The first time I saw it, I was shocked by the large number of homeless individuals, people struggling with drug addiction, and discarded syringes scattered all around.
Vancouver is an attractive city, known for its many beautiful aspects and was even ranked 6th in the “World’s Most Livable Cities” in 2019. However, the increasing homelessness problem is a serious issue.
According to research in 2019, the number of homeless individuals in Vancouver was reported to be 2,223, marking an increase of over 30% in the past four years. It’s important to note that this figure only represents the individuals known to the city, and the actual number is believed to be higher. (Source:
Furthermore, the pandemic in 2020 and recent price increases have exacerbated the situation.
For comparison, as of 2022, Tokyo’s homeless population was reported to be around 693 individuals. This numerical comparison highlights the significant difference in homelessness rates between Vancouver and Tokyo. Additionally, the number of homeless individuals in Japan has been decreasing in recent years.
The Efforts of “Atira Women’s Resource Society
In response to this social issue, “Atira Women’s Resource Society” continues its efforts to provide safe housing to women, protect their livelihoods, and offer education and advocacy to put an end to all forms of gender-based violence.
Here is the website of “Atira” where you can learn more about their dedicated initiatives:
Among their various programs, one of them involves art therapy and the sale of their artwork at “EWMA,” which is how I discovered it.
About “EWMA” Manager Mina
I feel very drawn to Mina’s serene demeanor, combined with her passionate and gentle way of speaking. I became curious about her and decided to interview her. I asked her eight questions.
Where are you from?
I’m from Nigeria.
What was the reason for moving to Vancouver?
I came to Vancouver from my home country in 2021 for university studies. After that, I pursued an MBA and now I work at “EWMA.”
What motivated you to choose the role of manager at “EWMA”?
My passion is to help women seeking assistance from mental illnesses such as drug and alcohol addiction.
When do you feel the happiest as the manager of “EWMA”?
I feel the happiest when the women generate revenue by selling the artwork they create through art therapy, and we can contribute those earnings to support them.
When do you find the job most challenging?
It’s most challenging when we struggle to gather the necessary materials, tools, and grants for art therapy. During those times, I tirelessly search for organizations willing to donate.
What effects does art therapy have on the women?
Art therapy has the power to control the mind. It’s not about creating something beautiful, but rather expressing what they feel inside. This expression brings them peace.
What are your goals and visions as the manager of “EWMA”?
My goals are to empower the women and boost local production, while also facilitating fair connections between them and consumers. I aim to promote the recognition of strengths and abilities within the low-income community in Downtown Eastside. Additionally, I seek to create opportunities for diverse groups to collaborate and foster community cohesion. Furthermore, I want to enhance self-sufficiency for individuals.
What is your favorite food?
I enjoy pasta with a hot chili sauce.
After the interview with Mina
Since coming to Vancouver, I have made it a point to choose items like clothes, accessories, and goods that I can only find here. Even when I come across something nice, I now calmly consider whether I can buy it in Tokyo before making a purchase.
Through my conversation with Mina, I gained a deeper understanding of “EWMA,” which has made me more conscious of where my money goes before making a purchase. I could sense Mina’s passion for her work and her strong determination to help the women in Vancouver from her eyes. I am deeply grateful for her kind response to my numerous questions, even though I was a stranger who suddenly visited her in the midst of her busy schedule.
With gratitude in my heart for providing me the opportunity to learn more about “EWMA” and “Atira,” organizations actively addressing Vancouver’s social issues, I am writing this article. I hope this article serves as a chance for more people to get to know “EWMA.”
Living abroad for an extended period, rather than just traveling for tourism, allows for in-depth exploration
Living abroad for an extended period and supporting oneself can lead to a profound understanding of the country, encompassing both its beauty and harsh realities. This experience can undoubtedly be a valuable asset in one’s life.
Building relationships with locals and working together in a foreign country is significantly different from merely enjoying it as a tourist.
You can find the past “One Time, One Meeting” series here: