なぜ人は過去や未来に縛られるのか?〜今を生きる、この瞬間に集中する3つのコツ〜/Why do people feel bound by the past and future? – Three tips to live in the present moment and concentrate on the now


Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.





  1. アリス・モース・アールの言葉を痛感したバンクーバーで最近起きたエピソード
    1. Yesterday is history/昨日はヒストリー
    2. Tomorrow is a mystery/明日はミステリー
    3. Today is a gift/今は贈り物
  2. 今を生きていないと感じる3つの瞬間と解決方法
    1. SNSに費やす無駄な時間
      1. 解決方法:無意味に携帯を触らない、開く瞬間をコントロールする
    2. 過去や未来のことを考えすぎて現在に集中していないとき
      1. 解決方法:抱いたネガティブな感情は可能な限り早く消化する。自分ができることをやり切った後は、自分でコントロールできない範囲のことは考えない
    3. 家で過ごす時間と外出する時間のバランスが崩れる時
      1. 解決方法:意識的に外に出て興味のあることや新しい経験を吸収する時間を作る
  3. That’s why we call it “The present”/だから今をプレゼントと呼ぶのです
  4. Why do people feel bound by the past and future? – Three tips to live in the present moment and concentrate on the now
  5. Recently in Vancouver, an episode that strongly resonated with the words of Alice Morse Earle
    1. Yesterday is history.
    2. Tomorrow is a mystery
    3. Today is a gift
  6. The three moments when one feels not living in the present and their solutions
    1. Wasting Time on Social Media
      1. Solution: Avoid mindlessly using your phone, control the moments when you open it
    2. When you are thinking too much about the past or the future and not fully concentrating on the present
      1. Solution: Process negative emotions as soon as possible. Focus on what you can control, and once you’ve done all you can, refrain from dwelling on things beyond your control.
    3. When the balance between time spent at home and going out is disrupted
  7. That’s why we call it “The present”


Yesterday is history/昨日はヒストリー



Tomorrow is a mystery/明日はミステリー





Today is a gift/今は贈り物



























That’s why we call it “The present”/だから今をプレゼントと呼ぶのです





Why do people feel bound by the past and future? – Three tips to live in the present moment and concentrate on the now

Are you familiar with this phrase?

This is a quote from a book published in the early 1900s by American historian and author Alice Morse Earle. It became famous through a speech by the wife of President Roosevelt. I first encountered this phrase about a year and a half ago when my partner Joseph shared it with me as we began our relationship.

Since then, I’ve come across it naturally, whether it was displayed on the wall in his parents’ home or written on a mural in Vancouver. Each time, it never fails to evoke a moment of reflection.

Recently in Vancouver, an episode that strongly resonated with the words of Alice Morse Earle

Yesterday is history.

No matter how much we regret yesterday, we cannot change anything.

In my case, just the other day, I had a conversation with a customer at my workplace, a florist, as shown in the attached photo. Even though I could explain the content calmly and confidently in English once I settled down, I found myself hesitating and fearing failure, immediately turning to my boss without attempting the challenge.

Regret filled me afterward, but I quickly shifted my mindset. The very next morning, I dedicated time to read an English book.

Tomorrow is a mystery

Overthinking and excessive preparation, traits often associated with women, can lead to regrets about not being adequately prepared. I dislike the feeling of later regretting why I didn’t prepare and find myself exhausted from constantly thinking about the future.

While preparing for the future is essential, focusing solely on it may cause us to overlook the beautiful things happening in the present.

In my case, it was last October. The search for a house in Vancouver, where the rent keeps increasing, and the preparations for returning to Japan in November, along with the anxiety about moving, and renewing my visa, all happened simultaneously. My mind was constantly filled with these tasks every day. I kept researching whenever I had free time, and it truly exhausted me. Indeed, each of these tasks is important and absolutely necessary.

Looking back now, I realize I didn’t need to think about them constantly. After completing all the necessary tasks, I’ve learned not to waste time worrying about tomorrow.

Today is a gift

Today is the youngest moment of my life. Why not take on the things I want to do? Why convince myself that I can’t do it?

Just the other day, I attended an exhibition by a wonderful artist couple. Since it was the last day, they were present in the gallery. Though I mustered the courage to approach them, I missed the opportunity to hand them my business card, and I left the gallery without mentioning my work as a writer or interviewer. Later, regretting not providing more information about myself and expressing my willingness to write an article about their art and exhibition, I realized there might be a chance to help them find a venue for an exhibition in Japan.

Yet, going back and interrupting their busy moment might make me seem awkward. Despite regretting not giving my business card, after about 10 minutes of contemplating outside, I summoned the courage to return to the gallery. Nervously introducing myself, I handed over my business card. To my surprise, they responded with, ‘Thank you for coming back! Actually, we wanted your contact information! Let’s grab coffee sometime. Are you free on Monday or Tuesday?’ Applauding my courage, they sent me off with a sense of accomplishment.

The three moments when one feels not living in the present and their solutions

Wasting Time on Social Media

This photo captures the beautiful snowy scenery in Vancouver. When you walk around consciously, the city is filled with stunning views, delicious food, lovely architecture, cherished people, and stylish restaurants.

Despite having all this beauty right in front of you, do you find yourself missing out because you’re focused on checking social media? Social media is a useful tool for obtaining new information, watching interesting videos, and keeping up with friends and colleagues. However, it’s easy to get lost in it and miss what’s happening around you.

Solution: Avoid mindlessly using your phone, control the moments when you open it

Ask yourself if what you’re about to see on social media is truly essential in this very moment. Isn’t there something more worthwhile right in front of you? Moreover, social media can be addictive, making it hard to stop once you start.

That’s why I consciously control the moments when I open social media. There are still times when I catch myself unconsciously opening it and am surprised, quickly closing it.haha

When you are thinking too much about the past or the future and not fully concentrating on the present

Thinking about yesterday’s mistakes, embarrassing moments, and worrying about the future can feel overwhelming. However, the past cannot be changed, and worrying won’t alter the outcome.

Solution: Process negative emotions as soon as possible. Focus on what you can control, and once you’ve done all you can, refrain from dwelling on things beyond your control.

Believe in yourself, convince yourself that things will be okay, and prioritize how you are spending the present moment. To shift away from past anger or future anxieties, take action in the present moment to bring about change.

Accumulating these positive actions can lead to a better tomorrow. Aim to become a version of yourself that has grown even a little from yesterday.

When the balance between time spent at home and going out is disrupted

Since moving to a new apartment in December last year, I’ve grown to love my home. With an increase in writing jobs, I find myself spending more time at home, especially given Vancouver’s frequent rainy weather during this time of year.

Back when I was in Japan, I loved being outdoors and rarely stayed home. However, creating a comfortable environment at home, making it a place I truly want to return to, has become something wonderful and appreciated in my life.

Solution: Consciously allocate time to go outside and absorb experiences related to your interests

However, spending too much time at home may trigger thoughts like, “Despite being in Vancouver, should I be seeking more new experiences?” “Should I actively meet new people?” “Am I making the most of the present?”

Simultaneously, I embrace the notion that, “Chasing new experiences and spending time outdoors is great, but how can I shape and preserve those experiences afterward? How can I make them a source of life wisdom?” “Rather than blindly seeking new things, constantly having an antenna up ensures that the necessary knowledge comes to me.” “People destined to meet will cross paths.”

Moreover, for me, working as a florist allows me to directly touch and arrange beautiful flowers. It’s an enriching experience filled with unique and nice colleagues, providing valuable opportunities to interact directly with local customers in Vancouver. The moment when I see the smiles on customers’ faces from the arrangements I’ve created is truly fulfilling and brings great joy.

The attached photo is of a pure white arrangement I made on a snowy day.

That’s why we call it “The present”

The world is filled with negative news, rising prices, the accumulating years, future uncertainties, and interpersonal challenges.

Once you start thinking about the past or the future, there seems to be no end. However, to switch your mindset from there, it’s crucial to focus on what you can do in this very moment.

This is what I’ve been contemplating every day recently.

The articles from the past mindset series can be found here:https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/category/mindset/


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