ブログを始めて圧倒的に良かった7つのこと/7 benefits of starting a blog


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私が選んだレンタルサーバーは国内使用率No 1のXserverです。カスタマーサービスサポートの手厚さと、最も多くの人が使っているので、操作方法に迷ったときはGoogle検索すると誰かしらが必ず記事を書いてるので、一発で解決できます。豊富な実績と安心と安定、そして価格のバランスはダントツ位です。





7 benefits of starting a blog

About a month has passed since I started my blog, coinciding with several motivations. I have been able to achieve my goal of posting one article per day so far (although to be honest, I took a day off when I wasn’t feeling well, haha).

The Vancouver summer days are long and sunny, and it feels like a waste to be engrossed in computer work indoors. That’s why I enjoy writing on the terrace at my partner Joseph’s house.

The scenery changes every time depending on the time of day and the day itself, so I can’t help but take photos repeatedly.

Here are seven benefits of starting a blog.

1.Recording valuable experiences and thoughts

The act of documenting my experiences and thoughts in a blog has become a valuable asset. I strive to create a unique blog by connecting my personal thoughts and mindset with the places I’ve been and the people I’ve met. This blog is truly my own treasure.

2.Revisiting and learning about the places I’ve been

I have a rather poor memory when it comes to names and details of places I’ve visited. By writing about them in my blog, I research and confirm their names, history, and background, which helps me expand my knowledge.

3.Family eagerly anticipating daily posts

My parents look forward to reading my daily posts and provide feedback. My stepmother, being a former editor, provides detailed feedback from a critical perspective. Sharing detailed backgrounds and emotions about my adventures in a foreign country brings joy to my parents, and I consider it a way of showing filial piety.

4.Joyful responses from friends featured in the “Encounters” series

Since coming to Vancouver, I’ve met many wonderful people. Whenever I write about them in the “Encounters” series and share the posts, they are delighted, which brings me a sense of fulfillment.

5.Opening doors to writing opportunities

I’ve secured a freelance writing job thanks to my blog. While I enjoy hands-on work like being a florist or jobs that involve meeting people, I also want to develop skills that allow me to work with just a computer, regardless of the country I’m in. Writing a blog helps me improve my writing skills, learn about WordPress and SEO, and having a blog serves as proof of my ability to use WordPress, allowing me to showcase my expertise and writing skills, thus increasing the potential for freelance writing opportunities.

6.Assisting those interested in studying abroad or working holiday

The original purpose of starting my blog was to assist those interested in studying abroad or working holiday but unsure how to take action or hesitant to try new things. When I received messages from individuals in that situation saying, “Your blog has inspired me,” it made me very happy.

7.Becoming aware of meaningful experiences and time to share with others

How we spend our time is up to us, whether we simply go through the motions or live with purpose. Whether we delve deeper into the places we visit and the people we meet or not is also a matter of personal awareness. Since starting my blog, I’ve developed a habit of seeking out more information about things and people that interest me. The small accumulations of each day can undoubtedly lead to significant growth in the future.

Recommend Xserver as a reliable web hosting service

I mentioned in a previous article (you can find the article about starting a blog →https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-33/)

that I actually attempted to start a blog in January. However, it was during a period of emotional distress, and I struggled with my limited computer skills, so I ended up giving up halfway through.

However, I managed to overcome that period of emotional low and began to settle down in my life by the end of May. That’s when I decided to give it another try. (You can find the article about the actions I took to climb out of that low point here→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-191/)

It turned out that starting a blog was much easier than I had imagined.

It is the number one choice in Japan due to its excellent customer service and widespread usage, which means that whenever you encounter any difficulties, a quick Google search will likely yield helpful articles. Xserver strikes a perfect balance between an extensive track record, reliability, and affordability.

For those who are interested in starting a blog but have reservations about computer work, I want to emphasize that the barrier is only as high as you perceive it to be. I encourage you to give it a try with Xserver!

The encounter with a study abroad agent was the beginning of an adventure

I came to Vancouver, I felt the desire to start a blog. When I was in Japan, I was conscious of how others perceived me, and I was too embarrassed to share my thoughts through a blog. If you are interested in studying abroad or working holiday, I highly recommend starting with a free consultation with a study abroad agent. On the other side of that consultation are adventures and personal growth you can’t even imagine. Here is the link to my recommended agent.


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