ジョセフとの出会いと言葉の壁を超える会話、英語上達の重要性/Meeting Joseph, crossing the Language Barrier through Conversation and the Importance of Improving English Skills

一期一会/Once-in-a-lifetime encounters

Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.

一期一会 in バンクーバー①

















Meeting Joseph, crossing the Language Barrier through Conversation and the Importance of Improving English Skills

Once in a Lifetime in Vancouver, Part 1

I met Joseph in June 2022. Our workplaces were located in the same building, with my previous workplace and Joseph’s workplace both being art galleries. We shared a garbage disposal area, and it was there that we coincidentally met and exchanged greetings. I remember awkwardly recounting the self-introduction I had practiced multiple times during my online English conversation lessons back when I was in Japan.

This is the building where I met him. His workplace is a gallery that deals with native Canadian art. After that, we kept running into each other on the street near this building or accidentally meeting at the garbage disposal area. Eventually, one day he came to me and asked for my contact information, which led to our first date. Our first date took place at Sunset Beach. We talked a lot while watching the sunset until it got dark. I remember using Google Translate multiple times during that period to aid our conversations.

My favorite Sunset Beach. I’ve already been there many times this year.

Reasons why conversations with him felt pleasant despite the language barrier:

Compatibility of conversation topics

I’m not particularly fond of conversations that revolve around gossip, complaints, or discussions about the past. On this beach, we talked a lot about ourselves, our present, and our future.

Balance between asking questions and providing answers

:Individual differences may exist, but generally, people from other countries tend to talk a lot. Moreover, they speak fast, making it difficult to catch the timing to speak for us Japanese. However, during that time, he asked me a lot of questions. Showing genuine interest in the other person transcends the language barrier. It’s true that even among Japanese, some people are not interested in the other person and only talk about themselves. (But sometimes, the strength and courage to keep talking even without being asked are also necessary, haha.)

Shared interests and values

Conversations with someone who shares common values and the things they consider important in life are enjoyable and comfortable, even with a language barrier. It naturally leads to deeper conversations.

However! On the other hand, there were many incidents and fights caused by the language barrier, which I can’t fully describe here. Each time, I felt the importance of improving my English skills. Our upbringing, countries, and cultures are completely different. The language is different too. And there are also differences between genders and differences in our inherent personalities. Nevertheless, relationships between men and women are incredibly complex, aren’t they?

When I was talking about our first date earlier, Joseph mentioned that communication was quite challenging for him as well. Now, he says that conversations are smoother than back then, so I believe my English skills are gradually improving. 

Acquiring language skills expands one’s world. The aspects of overcoming the language barrier (1-3) are undoubtedly true, but I constantly think about wanting to understand what he says more smoothly! I want to express my feelings as naturally as I do in Japanese! Diligence is key. Not only did English, but also meeting him, greatly expanded my perspective and worldview. I am grateful.

If you are interested in learning English, studying abroad, or working holiday, why not start with a free consultation with a study abroad agency? Online learning is also fantastic, but being in the actual country offers many experiences, wonderful encounters, and opportunities!


  1. […] Conversations with her are truly pleasant, and each time we meet, we have lots of news to share. I previously talked about why the conversation during my first date with my partner Joseph was so enjoyable, despite the language barrier. You can read about it here: [Link provided: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/ジョセフとの出会いと英語上達の重要性と言葉言/%5D […]

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  3. […] 彼とのバンクーバーでの一期一会についてはこちらから→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-102/ […]

  4. […] 彼とのバンクーバーでの出会いについてはこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-102/ […]

  5. […] ジョセフとの出会いについての記事はこちらから→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-102/ […]

  6. […] ジョセフとの初めての出会いについての記事はこちらから→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-102/ […]

  7. […] ジョセフとの初めての出会いについての記事はこちらから→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-102/ […]

  8. […] ジョセフとの出会いについての記事はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-102/ […]

  9. […] ジョセフとの初めての出会いについてはこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-102/ […]

  10. […] ジョセフとの初めての出会いはこちらから→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-102/ […]

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