親友Ariとの絆と英会話を楽しむコツ/The bond with my close friend Ari and tips for enjoying English conversation

一期一会/Once-in-a-lifetime encounters

Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.

一期一会 in バンクーバー⑥



















The bond with my close friend Ari and tips for enjoying English conversation

Once-in-a-lifetime Encounters in Vancouver Part 6

How many close friends do you have? Typically, most people have one or two, maybe up to four?

About a year and five months ago, when I first came to Vancouver, I met a beautiful Mexican woman named Ari. She would later become my first close friend who was not Japanese.

During my initial three months, I took ESL classes to learn English. On the first day of school, we sat in adjacent seats and briefly introduced ourselves. Ari, with her good fashion sense and beautiful long black hair, caught my interest. I had a preconceived notion that Mexicans loved parties and were generally lively, but Ari’s quiet and slightly shy demeanor added to her charm. After class, I invited her for coffee, and that’s how our relationship began.

Despite both of us being inexperienced in English, conversing with her was incredibly pleasant. The same points I mentioned in my previous article about my first date conversation with Joseph applied perfectly to her as well. You can find the link to the previous article here: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/ジョセフとの出会いと英語上達の重要性と言葉言/

Ari and I share six main commonalities:

  1. We both have backgrounds in the fashion industry. She worked as a fashion designer, while I worked for a Japanese apparel company.
  2. We are close in age. In our class, most students were in their early twenties, and we were the only two in our thirties. Therefore, our perspectives on life, family, work, and timing were similar, allowing us to have deep and meaningful conversations.
  3. We have similar interests. Ari also enjoys art and culture, and we visited art museums together multiple times.
  4. We both take pride in our respective cultures. Mexican art and culture are truly amazing, and Ari had a lot of knowledge about them. Engaging in conversations with her, a smart and knowledgeable person, about these topics was incredibly meaningful. We also discussed the sense of formality we felt while living in our home countries.
  5. We have similar aesthetic senses. When we saw the same things, our opinions on whether they were beautiful or not often aligned. This allowed us to have frank and enjoyable conversations. As a side note, our tastes in men are also similar.
  6. We share the same sense of humor. It’s truly precious to meet someone with these commonalities in a foreign country. When your upbringing and culture are different, your sense of humor often varies as well. However, Ari and I always had laughter-filled conversations. It seems that compatibility transcends racial boundaries.

During that time, I was in the ESL period when I wasn’t allowed to work, so I had a lot of free time. After class or on days without school, Ari and I went out together and created many beautiful memories.

But after four months of knowing each other, Ari returned to Mexico. I remember crying my eyes out at the airport, wondering when I would see her again. (However, I went to Mexico two months later because I missed her, so we were able to meet again quickly )

Despite the short duration, Ari, with whom I built a profound relationship, is undoubtedly my soulmate. Even now, we exchange emails and occasionally have video calls to update each other on our lives. Since we sometimes feel down at the same time, we encourage each other.

Our relationship encompasses many crucial elements that surpass language barriers. However, we also talked about how wonderful it would be if we could converse more smoothly.

What are the tips for enjoying English conversation?

If you want to enjoy learning English through conversation, it is highly recommended to connect it with people or subjects that genuinely interest you. A great example of this is my relationship with Ari, which has served as excellent practice for engaging in English conversations. It’s not just about studying English itself; it’s about using it as a gateway to explore and build relationships with different cultures and people. Finding meaning and fulfillment in your English learning journey comes from connecting with what lies beyond the language itself.

If you have an interest in studying abroad or working holiday, I strongly recommend taking action. The ability to experience firsthand the friendship that transcends language barriers, like the one I have with Ari, is one of the reasons I came to Vancouver. I suggest starting with a free consultation with my recommended study abroad agent from the link below.

Although Ari and I are currently apart, we continue to create beautiful memories. We often discuss which country to visit next. Colombia and Costa Rica are strong contenders. We also talk about wanting to go to Europe. To achieve that, I want to grow more mentally, temporally, and economically. Her presence is a great source of encouragement for me. Female friendships are truly wonderful. I miss Ari.


  1. […] 去年の1月にバンクーバーで出会い、私の人生で初めての日本人以外の親友となったAriは出会って4ヶ月後に母国であるメキシコに帰国してしまいました。(Ariとの出会いについての詳細はこちらのリンクから→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-583/) […]

  2. […] Ariとのバンクーバーでの出会いについての詳細はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-583/ […]

  3. […] Ariとのバンクーバーでの出会いについての詳細はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-583/ […]

  4. […] Ariとのバンクーバーでの出会いについての記事はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-583/ […]

  5. […] Ariとのバンクーバーでの出会いについての記事はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-583/ […]

  6. […] Ariとのバンクーバーでの出会いについての記事はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-583/ […]

  7. […] Ariとのバンクーバーでの出会いについての記事はこちら→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-583/ […]

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