Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.
- ①彼女にとっては自然界は遊びの宝庫
- ②動物への接し方
- ③森の中でアップルウォッチ操る野生児ガール
- デェズレーの将来
- デェズレーとの思い出のきっかけは海外生活への決意と行動
- Summer Vacation in Partner’s Hometown, Prince George – Part 2: Wild Child Deisree and Apple Watch
- 1.For her, the natural world is a playground
- 2.Interaction with animals
- 3.Wild Child who operates an Apple Watch in the forest
- Deisree’s Future
- The memories with Deisree became the catalyst for my determination and action towards overseas life











Summer Vacation in Partner’s Hometown, Prince George – Part 2: Wild Child Deisree and Apple Watch
Last year in August, I stayed in Prince George, the hometown of my partner Joseph, for one week.
Article on Prince George’s Summer Vacation ① – Attending Joseph’s Mother Amber’s Wedding – can be found here →
Article about the First Meeting with Joseph can be found here →
Articles related to international relationships can be found here →
The primary purpose was to attend his stepfather’s wedding, and I probably met almost all of his family and relatives there. As I find it difficult to remember English names, most of the distant relatives’ faces and names are no longer matching in my memory, considering I greeted dozens of people. Sorry.
However, there is one girl among them whom I can’t forget. Her name is Deisree. She is the daughter of Joseph’s stepfather’s sister, so roughly speaking, she is Joseph’s cousin. She and I spent a few hours playing in nature, and she even took me to her home to introduce me.
The environment she grew up in is completely different from my childhood environment, so I was constantly amazed, and my emotions were in turmoil.
Among them, there are three things that left an impression on me.
1.For her, the natural world is a playground
Activities at Amber’s Home
She had the imaginative power to turn everything in nature into a plaything or a tool for enjoyment. Growing up surrounded by the wilderness of Prince George, she probably didn’t need video games.
At Amber’s house (Joseph’s mother), we played in the stable located in one corner. There were several large barrel-shaped bundles of grass for horses to eat, as shown in the photo. She turned them into play equipment and challenged herself to climb to the highest point as quickly as possible, changing her climbing style to make it more fun.
Afterward, we climbed a mysterious tree structure standing in a corner of Amber’s huge garden and wrote our names on the pillars.
We also made mud pies and took a walk in the forest.
Activities at Deisree’s Home
Afterward, she suggested showing me her home, so we moved together. There, we engaged in various activities using nature.
Here is a collection of eggs laid by the chickens they raise at her home. They come in different colors and sizes, and they are all adorable.
This is her small car, which she uses to drive around in the forest.
She took me to a small cabin near her house, which she called her secret base. We climbed up there and enjoyed the view from the hilltop.
This is Deisree playing with seeds from plants. It’s my favorite photo.
Afterward, she put the powder from a butterfly’s wing that she had caught on her face as makeup.
When I returned to Joseph’s house with the makeup on, Wade, Joseph’s stepfather, saw me and became worried, asking Joseph, “Is your girlfriend strange a bit? Where did you find her?” I recently knew about this fact after a year. Haha.
When Deisree invited me, saying, “This butterfly powder is really beautiful, so let’s put it on our faces together,” I initially declined. I’m not particularly good with insects, and I thought it wouldn’t be nice if I had a skin reaction later. Haha. But at the same time, I realized that if I declined this invitation, I would never have another opportunity to put butterfly powder on my face. I started to think it would be a waste to decline. And I was captivated by her innocent eyes looking at me curiously, so I finally agreed and joined in.
2.Interaction with animals
Like Joseph’s mother, Amber, Deisree also had two horses, two dogs, one cat, and even many chicks at her home.
Her way of interacting with animals was as skillful as Mutugoro(Japanese naturalist zoologist) Not only taking care of the horses but also the smoothness with which she caught chicks by hand surprised me.
3.Wild Child who operates an Apple Watch in the forest
Since there was a forest within the premises of her home, we used to explore it together. Along the way, she used her Apple Watch to communicate with her mother. The combination of the great outdoors and an Apple Watch was very refreshing, and I couldn’t help but take a photo.
Deisree’s Future
Growing up surrounded by this great wilderness while also mastering AI technology and electronic devices at home, I am very excited about Disree’s future. She embodies these two extremes, and I wonder what kind of person she will become. In her room, there were many books, and I was amazed by her knowledge about animals. She also loves drawing.
Although I haven’t seen her in a year, I’m sure she is spending a meaningful time in that great wilderness this summer as well.
The memories with Deisree became the catalyst for my determination and action towards overseas life
It was because I decided to come to Vancouver, met Joseph, and suddenly decided to visit his hometown. If you are interested in studying abroad or a working holiday but find it challenging to take action, I highly recommend starting with a free consultation with a study abroad agent. That was my first step as well. On the other side, there are great adventures and wonderful experiences that exceed your imagination. I will provide the link to my recommended study abroad agent below, so please take a look if you are interested.