誰かの日常は、誰かの非日常/Someone’s everyday life is someone else’s extraordinary experience

異文化交流/ Cultural Exchange

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    Someone’s everyday life is someone else’s extraordinary experience

    Last month, I had an interview job for the monthly current affairs magazine Junior AERA, published by Asahi Shimbun Publishing.

    Junior AERA is a “news magazine that parents and children can enjoy together,” providing explanations of daily news ranging from politics and economics to science, culture, and sports, aimed at elementary and middle school students and their parents.

    Since it contains a compilation of fresh news that cannot be learned from textbooks or cram schools, it is introduced as supplementary material in learning centers and schools, and it is supported by parents with students preparing for junior high and high school entrance exams as a useful magazine for exam preparation.

    An in-depth look at the daily lives of children living abroad! ‘Children’s Earth Navigator

    The page I was in charge of is called ‘Children’s Earth Navigator.’ Aimed at Japanese children, the purpose is to introduce different countries by showcasing the national character through the daily lives of children living abroad, presented from a fresh perspective by journalists residing in each country.

    Since the target audience was children aged 6 to 12, I obviously didn’t have friends in that age group. So, I thought of my good classmate from school days, Gabriela from Mexico, and her son, Jürgen.

    When I contacted Gabriela, I was grateful to receive an immediate positive response.

    I find Jürgen and his daily life very interesting

    To learn about Jürgen, I needed to interview him, as well as take many photos of his daily life. Therefore, I accompanied him to his home and school, shared dinner with his family, and learned about his homework, favorite things, hobbies, and passions. He even showed me his room.

    Jürgen, who has an artistic nature, loves drawing and showed me many of his pictures.

    He also attended a pottery class for six months and created numerous cups, plates, and monsters, all of which were displayed in his room. Additionally, he enjoys building with Lego and making clay models of monsters from games.

    With his artistic talent, he aspires to become an artist in the future!

    This is from when I asked Jürgen for his signature for the Junior Aera article.

    Full of the unique multicultural elements of Vancouver

    My former classmate Jürgen’s mother, Gabriela, is Mexican. His father, Dieter, is half German and half Mexican, and was born and raised in Canada. Gabriela came to Vancouver as an international student in 2005, and their relationship began when Dieter, a customer, occasionally visited the café where Gabriela worked part-time.

    Dieter, who has a hobby of photography, loves German cameras and has a large collection at home!

    Both Jürgen and his sister Ainoa speak Spanish with Gabriela, so they can speak both English and Spanish. Sometimes, they mix the two languages when they talk.

    Their habit of starting dinner early, around 4:30 to 5:00, comes from Gabriela’s Mexican culture.

    As someone born and raised in Japan, I found their home and lifestyle, filled with diverse cultures, very refreshing.

    Trends of generations I don’t usually interact with, and above all, incredibly cute children

    Jürgen has recently been obsessed with creating his own original games on ‘Roblox,’ which is popular worldwide. As someone with no knowledge of video games at all, I was amazed by the quality of gaming devices used by kids today.

    Jürgen is a handsome boy with a very shy personality, but once I started asking him questions little by little, he couldn’t stop talking about his favorite things. It was adorable how he would blush and look away shyly whenever our eyes met.

    Jürgen’s younger sister, Ainoa, is an affectionate and kind girl. Every time we meet, she always gives me a hug. She quickly noticed when I accidentally burned my thumb (which I had left unbandaged), and she went to tell her mom, Gabriela, about it. Ainoa then carefully applied a bandage to my finger with her little hands. She was so adorable that I wanted to take her home with me! 😄

    Above all, through Jürgen’s daily life, I got to know Gabriela, whom I met at school, on a deeper level. I was very happy that our relationship deepened

    Someone’s ordinary everyday life can become someone else’s exciting extraordinary experience

    Since coming to Vancouver, I have grown to enjoy glimpsing into people’s everyday lives. Perhaps living in Vancouver feels like an endless journey because I don’t know when it will end.

    While visiting famous tourist spots is appealing, I most enjoy moments where I can touch upon the lives of locals, experiences that cannot be gained from short-term tourism. To me, someone else’s ordinary daily life is an exciting and stimulating experience, filled with cultural differences and fresh perspectives.

    As a journalist, I hope to cover these experiences and share them back in Japan, hoping that even just one person can enjoy the excitement and cultural diversity.

    On the contrary, even my own everyday life would be extraordinary to someone else.

    Having that perspective can add depth to my daily routine and help me find freshness in it. Things that I unconsciously consider ordinary or boring can be quite innovative when seen from a different angle.

    That’s why I make it a point to consciously take time to observe my daily life objectively. Just doing that increases the freshness of the scenery and events I encounter every day, and reminds me to appreciate them because those moments won’t happen again.

    I heard that the page featuring Jürgen, whom I interviewed, will be published in ‘Junior AERA’ by Asahi Shimbun Publications in October this year! I’m looking forward to it.


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