起業家メイソンとの出会いそして陶芸教室/Encounter with Entrepreneur Mason and Pottery Class

一期一会/Once-in-a-lifetime encounters

Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.

一期一会 in バンクーバー part 11










https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2735/ ②https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2910 ③https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2993/






























Encounter with Entrepreneur Mason and Pottery Class

Once-in-a-lifetime encounters in Vancouver Part 11

One of the precious once-in-a-lifetime encounters in Vancouver is meeting Mason. Our first encounter happened at my previous workplace, where he worked as the social media coordinator from spring to summer last year.

My initial impression of him was, “What a cute and beautiful boy!!” His skin was smooth, his teeth were white, and his smile was radiant. He was fluent in English, had a sense of humor, and whenever Mason was at the store, the atmosphere became much brighter. His conversations with customers were fluent. Mason always seemed to sparkle.His way of speaking and gestures were incredibly charming and just watching him made me feel happy.

But the reason I liked him goes beyond just his external qualities. He is intelligent, perceptive about the essence of people’s hearts, and at the same time, possesses a delicate sensitivity.

As a newcomer to Vancouver in my first year, the environment at my previous workplace was often chaotic, and there were moments when my spirit felt broken. During those times, Mason saved me multiple times. Without me saying anything, he sensed it and swiftly came by my side, gently whispering the words I needed to hear the most.

Mason left the job last summer, but we have continued to keep in touch ever since. When I started dating my partner Joseph last year and had to go to his hometown, Prince George, in a hurry, Mason worried that I might be kidnapped and asked me to send him the address of the house I was staying at. (You can read about my summer vacation in Prince George here: 1.https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2735 2.https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2910 3.https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-2993/)

Even when Joseph and I started our vintage resale business, VVR, Mason, with his expertise in social media, provided us with valuable advice. (You can read more about VVR here: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-679/)

Over a year has passed since I met Mason. He contacts me at the perfect timing, and sometimes I reach out to him, reminded of his existence. Although we are both busy and don’t meet frequently, this relationship that naturally flows and continues leisurely is invaluable to me.

Mason with a Taiwanese father and Japanese mother

Since Mason’s mother is Japanese, he has half Japanese heritage. Perhaps that’s why he is drawn to Japanese culture. He has many tattoos that incorporate various Japanese elements such as geisha, camellia, crane, and daruma. Every time I see his tattoos, I feel incredibly happy.

Pottery Workshop with Mason

My workplace is divided into two main teams: the flower team and the ceramic team. My boss, who started the business as a florist about 15 years ago, also began a ceramic business due to the pandemic. The flower team uses flower vases produced in his ceramic studio to create arrangements.

You can find my florist-related articles here: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/category/florist/

I had wanted to go to my boss’s ceramic studio for pottery experience, and coincidentally, Mason became interested in pottery after seeing a handsome ceramic artist on Instagram. We decided to go to a pottery class together.

Recently, we finally went to a pottery class together.

Both of us made coffee mugs. Mason used three colors – yellow, black, and white – to create patterns, while I incorporated the traditional Japanese pattern called “seigaiha” (blue ocean wave) and two geese that Joseph loves dearly onto my mug. I imagined them floating leisurely on the waves.

The article about Joseph’s creation of 70 geese art can be found here → https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-479/.”

I’m excited to go pick up our finished mugs in four weeks.

It has plenty of natural light, a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, and a well-organized, clean space. The staff members from the ceramic team were also very friendly and helpful.

Mason’s Business Venture and Our Future

Conversations with Mason while doing pottery were very meaningful. I can’t multitask while speaking English, so whenever I got engrossed in conversation with him, my hands would stop, and I barely finished making my pottery on time. haha

We discussed his business venture and our future.

After leaving my previous workplace as a florist, Mason started a business while attending school. His business involves selling Canadian products in Taiwan, his mother’s home country. I genuinely admire him for having the courage to start a business and steadily guiding it toward success.

Conversations with him always lead to discovering new ideas, which I greatly appreciate. Currently, I work as a junior floral designer in Vancouver while also starting my blog and freelance writing work. Additionally, Joseph and I have our vintage resale business, VVR.

During the pottery class and conversation with Mason, I discovered new possibilities for expanding VVR using my Japanese heritage as an advantage. Encountering someone who excites me about the future through conversations about our aspirations is truly precious.

Find detailed information about VVR here → https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/pos.

Meeting Mason is an irreplaceable once-in-a-lifetime encounter that makes me genuinely glad to have come to Vancouver.

The series “Once-in-a-lifetime Encounters” parts 1 to 10 can be found here: https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/category/ichigoichie/

Challenges of living abroad go beyond language acquisition; they include experiencing different cultures firsthand and encountering valuable connections that become lifelong assets. If you’re interested in studying abroad or working holiday programs but haven’t taken action yet, I highly recommend starting with a free consultation with a study abroad agent. Life only comes once, so be true to your feelings, gather courage, and start with small steps to avoid regrets.


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