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そんな私たちが即一致した推しのルチャドールは「Soberano Jr」でした。完璧な美しい肉体を持ち、マスクの下から垣間見える顔は絶対的にイケメンで、空中技を華麗に決める彼は地元の人たちからも非常に人気であることが会場の雰囲気から伝わってきました。彼の登場シーンと観客の熱気がよくわかる動画はこちらからご覧いただけます。(音量ご注意ください!)
からの帰り道と同様に、ルチャリブレの帰り道のAriとの他愛もない会話も忘れられない大切な思い出です。私たちのお気に入りのSoberano Jrについて話し、彼のインスタを2人で見ながら「かっこいい。この写真が素敵。」などと話しながら帰りました。そんなかけがえのない大切な思い出をくれたAriと出会えたのもバンクーバーに来る決断をして行動に移したからこそです。

Trip to Mexico with My Dear Friend Ari Part 5 ~ Mexican Wrestling “Lucha Libre” ~
Ari, my close friend whom I met about a year and a half ago in Vancouver. Last year in July, I stayed in Mexico for 10 days to meet her in her home country. Today, I would like to write about one of the Mexican cultures that we experienced together, “Lucha Libre.”
With a flashy entertainment show and a lively atmosphere filled with cheers from the local audience, my excitement skyrocketed. “Lucha Libre” is an absolute must on a trip to Mexico!
Mexico Trip 1 ~ Ballet Folklórico de México ~ →
Mexico Trip 2 ~ Exploring Mexico City with Ari and her friends ~ →
Mexico Trip 3 ~ Memories with Ari’s sister Daniela ~ →
Mexico Trip 4 ~ Ari’s mother Patty and traditional Mexican cuisine “Pozole” ~ → /
Article about my encounter with Ari in Vancouver →
What is Lucha Libre?
Lucha Libre refers to Mexican professional wrestling and the term itself means “free fight.” Male wrestlers are called luchadores, and female wrestlers are called luchadoras. Some top stars are referred to as “estrellas” or “superestrellas.”
Mexican professional wrestling began in the 1930s, and before that, it was practiced by European wrestlers and was not the kind of entertainment show it is today. The name is said to symbolize the struggle of the indigenous people against the Spanish conquerors. Knowing its origins, I can understand why it is deeply loved not only by tourists but also by the local Mexican people. It has even been registered as an intangible cultural heritage of Mexico. The day I went, the venue was packed with local Mexicans, and the atmosphere was electrifying. The colorful masks and costumes unique to Mexico are also one of the attractions, and there are many souvenir shops selling masks.
Differences from Japanese Pro Wrestling
Matches in Lucha Libre are usually divided into three rounds, and the first wrestler to win two rounds is declared the winner. Additionally, the matches mostly involve tag teams of 2 vs. 2 or 3 vs. 3, and one-on-one matches like in Japanese pro wrestling are not as common. Furthermore, Lucha Libre features a lot of aerial maneuvers and almost all wrestlers wear masks, which sets it apart from Japanese pro wrestling.
I actually went through a phase of being a fan of Japanese pro wrestling influenced by someone I used to date, so I went to see pro wrestling matches in Japan several times. Based on my personal experience, I felt that the energy of the audience and their expression of support are quite different from Japan. With the passionate and expressive nature of the Mexican people, it’s impossible not to get caught up in the excitement of Lucha Libre, which they love. You can get a sense of the audience’s enthusiasm from this video. (Please be aware of the volume!)
The Luchador that Ari and I instantly agreed on as our favorite is “Soberano Jr.” Despite growing up in different countries, Ari and I have many similarities, and one of them is our taste in men. (I wrote about it in a past blog post, which you can read here →
Soberano Jr. has a perfect and beautiful physique, and his handsome face glimpses through his mask, making him undeniably attractive. His aerial techniques are also stunning, and you can immediately feel his popularity among the local crowd from the atmosphere in the arena. You can watch a video that captures his entrance and the enthusiasm of the audience here. (Please be mindful of the volume!)
You can watch his spectacular flying kick in the following video. (Please be cautious of the volume!)
His Instagram can be found here.
On the way back with Ari
Journey to Mexico Part 1 – Ballet Folklórico de México → Just like the way back from our trip and our conversation about Ballet Folklórico de México, the conversation with Ari on the way back from Lucha Libre is also an unforgettable and precious memory. We talked about our favorite Soberano Jr and looked at his Instagram together, saying things like, “He’s cool. This photo is amazing.” It was thanks to making the decision to come to Vancouver and taking action that I was able to meet Ari, who gave me such priceless memories.
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[…] Part5〜メキシカンプロレス「ルチャリブレ」〜 […]