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- 一期一会 in バンクーバー No.14
- Laurieへ10つの質問
- インタビューを経て再確認した「アーティスト×彼らの人生や価値観=アートが放つパワー」
- バンクーバーでの貴重な一期一会
- The encounter with ceramic artist Laurie and the reasons why art attracts people
- A once-in-a-lifetime encounter in Vancouver No.14
- 10 Questions for Laurie
- Through the interview, I reconfirmed, “Artists x their lives and values = the power that art gives off.”
- Presious once-in-a-lifetime encounters in Vancouver
一期一会 in バンクーバー No.14


こちらが「EWMA」で販売されているジュエリーの一部です。Link to EWMA

話しやすい穏やかな雰囲気の中にある彼女の情熱や人生に 深く興味が湧き、10つの質問をしました。

- EWMA :
- Community Thrift & Vintage FROCK SHOPPE :
- Art Gallery of Greater Victoria :
- Joanna Keller Beautique :

一期一会 in バンクーバーNo.1〜No.13→
The encounter with ceramic artist Laurie and the reasons why art attracts people
A once-in-a-lifetime encounter in Vancouver No.14
There is an amazing ceramic artist I found in Vancouver. Her name is Laurie, she creates jewelry and clothing using ceramics and gold.
These photos are from a fashion magazine photo shoot.
These jewelry pieces are unique and incredibly beautiful, with the power to captivate anyone who sees them. The individuality of each piece is also a charming aspect of her work, making you want to collect them without realizing it.
My first encounter with her was at “EWMA,” which is located near my partner Joseph’s apartment. “EWMA” is a non-profit organization in Vancouver that works to improve the quality of life for women facing mental health issues such as drug and alcohol addiction through various activities involving art.
You can find more information about “EWMA” and the social issues in Vancouver here → http://→
In addition to her artistic pursuits, she volunteers as a ceramics teacher here. And at “EWMA,” you can purchase the accessories she creates.
Here are some of the jewelry pieces available for sale at “EWMA.”Link to EWMA
I am a big fan of Laurie’s jewelry, and I already own three of them.
10 Questions for Laurie
She is not only fascinating for her art, but also for her own friendly and cheerful personality.
I asked her 10 questions because I was deeply intrigued by her passion and life in a bright and warm atmosphere.
1.What inspired you to start making arts?
I have always made art in one form or another. Initially as a writer and performer and then as someone who made assemblage jewelry.
It wasn’t until about 11 years ago when I first got my hands on porcelain clay, that the passion and vision was really sparked.
2.How do you feel once you have completed your art ?
It’s funny because I have many feelings once I complete my art, and some are opposite to each other. I feel a sense of accomplishment of creating what I set out to do in my vision but also a restlessness to keep making. I feel constantly curious, which is happy but also like I will never have enough time to explore all of ceramics, which can have a small sadness.
3.How do you get your ideas to make them ?
I think my ideas are gathered. subconsciously from everything I encounter with both urban influences as well as those from this gorgeous landscape.
4.What do you think about when you make them?
When I make my art I’m thinking a bit about the technical parts of creation, but less than I used to, because once skill is gained, it can be more automatic. The creative side of things is harder to say. I may have a very general plan of what I wish to create when I’m rolling out clay, but more often it by impulse and what tools I feel drawn to in the moment. And this process repeats with each stage of creation (building, glaze, firing, assembling)
5.What is your ritual when you make your arts ?
My ritual is often to have a cup of tea or maybe a soda, wear comfortable clothes and put on music. I have a ceramics playlist on Spotify that has 22hrs of music!
I also like to have all day in the studio if possible because I loose all sense of time.
Also the relationship with clay cannot be rushed, it requires time and patience in all the stages.
6.What kind of person would you like to have your jewelry?
Because I have a desire to explore so many things with Ceramic Jewelry, and rarely repeat a specific piece, I can see literally anyone wearing my work. Regardless of age, gender or economic background. I try to keep my work affordable for that reason.
7.What is the happiest moment and hardest moment when you do arts ?
I think the happiest moment in the process is so hard to pinpoint because there are so many… there is the endless possibilities of a fresh slab of clay, there is the joy of getting lost in the process, the satisfaction of completion, and then the honour to have someone choose a piece and wear it on their body!
I would say for me the hardest parts is at times questioning if what I’m doing is really art. I guess it’s that “imposter syndrome“
8.How do you get over if you have a hard moment ?
Sometimes when moments are hard, I need to just go away from the whole thing. Walk away for awhile, go outside and move my body and regain perspective on whatever is bothering me. Often the next day will offer a different feeling.
9.How would you describe in one word or one sentence what the jewelries are to you?
“Jewelry is an opportunity to make part of what exists on the inside visible on the outside”
10.What are you goals for the future?
My goals are to keep creating in general, including collaborating with artists in other mediums and to make more ceramic clothing.
My practical goal is to get my online shop up and running this fall.
Through the interview, I reconfirmed, “Artists x their lives and values = the power that art gives off.”
After gaining a deeper understanding of her, I reaffirmed that an artist’s work is strongly connected to their way of life, personality, values, and it’s why people are unconsciously drawn to the power emanating from art.
The first time I saw Laurie’s ceramic jewelry, my heart was naturally captivated. Even if I didn’t know much about her at the time, I immediately became enthralled by her work.
Wearing her jewelry brings me a sense of tranquility and brightness. I wear it almost every day because through her jewelry, I can feel the heart, way of life, and soul she pours into her creations.
In Vancouver, you can purchase her jewelry at these four locations:
- EWMA (604) 685-8043
- Community Thrift & Vintage FROCK SHOPPE (604) 682-8535
- Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (250) 384-4171
- Joanna Keller Beautique (778) 227-7122
The online shop is currently under preparation.
Her Instagram “kilnceramicjewelry”
You can message her directly to enquire.
Presious once-in-a-lifetime encounters in Vancouver
As I explore the roots of the art and shops that have captivated my heart, and delve into the lives and values of the people I meet, I find that many of them lead curious, positive, and energetic lives. I’ve realized that this series of once-in-a-lifetime encounters has now reached No. 14.
These encounters and emotions are treasures in my life that cannot be measured in money.
Whenever I experience these once-in-a-lifetime encounters that have come about because I came to Vancouver, I sincerely feel that it was worth summoning the courage to challenge living abroad. For those interested in studying abroad or working holidays, I highly recommend taking action.
At the same time, my fundamental belief is that regardless of which country you live in, “building once-in-a-lifetime encounters depends on your way of life and choices.”
Whether you stay in your home country or live in a distant place, I believe that this perspective is the most important.
On the other hand, I can also say that I was able to reaffirm and solidify this perspective precisely because I came to Vancouver.
If you are interested in the past series of once-in-a-lifetime encounters in Vancouver, please take a look here. Once-in-a-Lifetime Encounters in Vancouver No.1 to No.13 → Link to Series