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一期一会 in バンクーバー⑩
先日出向いたグリークデーイベントとパートナージョセフの生地調達の道中で「FOLKART INTERIORS」という素敵なお店を発見しました。
「FOLKART INTERIORS」のオーナーデイヴィッドとの出会いはこちら→





彼の仕事とは全く関係ありませんが、私は個人的にこの質問が好きなのでしました。笑 バンクーバーに来て思うのは想像以上にみんなSUSHIが大好きです!

Antique Interior Shop “FOLKART INTERIORS” and the Encounter with Restoration Craftsman John
Once-in-a-lifetime encounters in Vancouver part 10
In my previous article about the Greek Day event (you can find the past articles about Greek Day and my partner Joseph’s fabric sourcing journey on my blog), I mentioned that while on the way to source fabric with Joseph, we came across a charming shop called “FOLKART INTERIORS.”
Here is the story of my encounter with David, the owner of “FOLKART INTERIORS”→
Inside the shop, there was an array of antique items, including furniture, accessories, clothing, electronics, paintings, and tableware, sourced mainly from North America. Every item had a story behind it, making the shop a captivating place to spend an entire day.
The Encounter with Restoration Craftsman John
As we ventured further into the shop, we discovered a studio that resembled a scene from a Studio Ghibli film. And there, I met a stylish and cool man named John. He introduced himself as the restoration craftsman for the antique items in the shop.
Although I first encountered him on Greek Day, I was immediately drawn to John’s mischievous smile and his captivating aura. Intrigued by him, I returned to the shop and informed him that I was writing a blog, which led to me asking him seven questions about his work.
1.How long have you been working as a restoration craftsman?
“Approximately 35 years.”
2.What made you choose this profession?
“I simply love wood, and I enjoy the process of restoration.”
3.How did you acquire the skills as a restoration craftsman?
“It all started about 35 years ago when I restored a piano. Since then, I gradually expanded my skills, working on furniture and building restoration.”
Almost the same length of time as my own age. With the recent trend of diversifying work options and many people having side jobs, I believe it’s possible to explore various possibilities while considering the future. Personally, I work as a florist, sell vintage items, and take on writing jobs as a challenge. However, there is something undeniably cool about individuals like John, who have dedicated decades to mastering a single craft. Their eyes often exude kindness and clarity, regardless of nationality.
4.What is the most challenging aspect of your work?
“Taking on materials or items that I haven’t restored before. But I don’t find it difficult or intimidating. The excitement of gaining new skills and moving on to the next level outweighs any challenges.”
People who continue to learn and grow while enjoying new challenges every day have the perseverance to stick to one thing and excel in that field. It’s wonderful to have a deep and fulfilling way of life.
5.What is the moment you feel the most joy at work?
“When I see people delighted with something I have repaired.”
Indeed, there is a sense of fulfillment in jobs that contribute to people’s smiles and happiness. However, I believe it depends on each individual, regardless of the type of work, whether they have the consciousness to create such connections. Whether you’re a florist, a barista, a carpenter, a doctor, or a driver, I think everyone is the same in this regard.
6.What do you think about while working?
“It’s more like a meditative state than thinking about something specific.”
I understand this feeling very well. When I’m at work arranging flowers or making bouquets, I experience the same sensation. I concentrate intently, and time flies by. Although there is the pressure of time, the process of creating something beautiful while touching lovely flowers feels like meditation.
(You can find my florist-related articles here →
7.What is your favorite food?
Although it has nothing to do with his job, I personally like this question. haha What I’ve noticed since coming to Vancouver is that people here love sushi more than I imagined!
Conversation with John, who answered my questions with gentle eyes and a touch of humor, was a truly pleasant time. Even in his simple replies, I could sense depth and profoundness, which I believe reflected John’s way of life and the stories behind the restored antiques.
Curiosity and A Spirit of Exploration
Curiosity and a spirit of exploration lead to encounters with fascinating and charming individuals when discovering new and wonderful places. These moments, where you glimpse into the lives of people you meet in those new places, make you appreciate the decision to come to Vancouver.
If you’re interested in studying abroad or working holiday, I recommend starting with a free consultation with an agent. You should be able to create a concrete plan, and taking action will lead to even more amazing encounters and discoveries on the other side. Here is a link to a recommended agent, so please take a look if you’re interested.
At the same time, I also believe that the attitude of exploring new places that excite you and valuing deep connections with people there is the same, even if you return to Japan. Regardless of which country you are in, I want to maintain this mindset. It greatly enhances the fulfillment of each day.