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皆さんは、フィル・ニュイッテン(Phil Nuytten)というカナダ人を知っていますか?1941年8月13日にバンクーバーで生まれて、2023年5月13日に亡くなりました。
- 発明家、起業家としてのフィル・ニュイッテンの生い立ちと功績
- フィル・ニュイッテンはノースウェストコーストアートのコレクター、ライターでもある
- フィルのノースウエストコーストアートへの探究心
- 多岐にわたるジャンルで活躍する人と1つのことを極め続ける人
- 後々、予期せぬところで全てが繋がる
- 結局人生は自分にベストなバランスで過ごせるように出来ている
- ジャーナリスト、ライターの仕事のご依頼はこちらのフォームから
- People Who Excel in Various Fields and Those Who Devote Themselves to One Pursuit: Phil Nuytten’s Northwest Coast Art Collection
- The Life and Achievements of Phil Nuytten as an Inventor and Entrepreneur
- Phil Nuytten is also a collector and writer of Northwest Coast art
- Phil’s passion for Northwest Coast art
- People Who Excel in Various Fields and Those Who Devote Themselves to One Pursuit
- In the end, everything connects in unexpected ways
- Ultimately, life is designed to be lived in a way that best balances for oneself
- For job inquiries, please contact me here
彼のことを詳しく調べてみると、発明家、起業家、探検家、Nuytco Research LtdおよびCan-Dive Services Ltdの社長兼創設者慈善家、ライター、アートコレクター、ソングライターなど様々な肩書きが出てきます。
私が彼を知ったのは、ウノ・ラングマン(Uno langmann)という美しいアートギャラリーで開催された彼のノースウェストアートコレクションを見に行ったことがきっかけです。

彼がコレクションを始めたのは11歳か12歳の時。ロバート・デイビッドソン(Robert Davidson)やビル・リード(Bill Reid)、アレン・ニヨン(Ellen Neel)、ドン・ヨーマンズ(Don Yeomans)、ジョン・リビングストン(John livingston)などノースウェストコーストアートを代表する世界的に評価されているアーティストの非常に価値の高いアートばかりで、個人コレクションとは思えないほどの規模とクオリティでした。まるで国立美術館にいるような錯覚を覚えるほど。


上の二枚の写真は、フィルの大量のコレクションの中で特にお気に入りのものだそう。「FROG TOTEM」1889年に作られたものです。(写真提供:Uno langmann)





People Who Excel in Various Fields and Those Who Devote Themselves to One Pursuit: Phil Nuytten’s Northwest Coast Art Collection
Do you know about Phil Nuytten, a Canadian? He was born on August 13, 1941, in Vancouver and passed away on May 13, 2023.
He was internationally recognized as an inventor and entrepreneur in the diving industry. Throughout his life, he dedicated himself to developing deep-sea diving products, significantly expanding the range of human exploration in the deep ocean.
The Life and Achievements of Phil Nuytten as an Inventor and Entrepreneur
Phil developed technologies that enabled longer diving expeditions and enhanced safety. His deep-sea diving equipment and the military submarine rescue systems he designed are used by a wide range of organizations, including NASA and the navies of twelve countries.
Additionally, his record-setting dives in Arctic waters earned him recognition, and he made significant contributions to a five-year deep ocean environmental impact study conducted by the National Geographic Society and NOAA.
On Canada Day in 2016, the Governor General of Canada announced that Phil Nuytten had been appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada, the country’s second-highest civilian honor, in recognition of “his innovations in deep-sea exploration, which have improved safety and made Canada a leader in underwater development and commerce.”
In researching Phil’s life, one finds various titles associated with him: inventor, entrepreneur, explorer, president and founder of Nuytco Research Ltd and Can-Dive Services Ltd, philanthropist, writer, art collector, and songwriter.
Reference: Nuytco History – Phil Nuytten
Phil Nuytten is also a collector and writer of Northwest Coast art
I first learned about him when I visited his Northwest Coast art collection at the beautiful Uno Langmann art gallery.
He began his collection at the age of 11 or 12. It consisted solely of highly valuable artworks by internationally acclaimed artists representing Northwest Coast art such as Robert Davidson, Bill Reid, Ellen Neel, Don Yeomans, and John Livingston. The collection was of such a scale and quality that it was hard to believe it belonged to a private individual—it felt more like being in a national art museum.
It seems that Phil’s family had a long-standing relationship with the owner of this gallery, and after Phil passed away in May of last year, they reached out to see if the gallery would host an exhibition of his collection.
The two photos above are said to be among Phil’s favourite pieces from his extensive collection. One of them is the “FROG TOTEM,” which was created in 1889. (Photo courtesy: Uno Langmann)
Phil’s passion for Northwest Coast art
While growing up in Vancouver, he began learning about his paternal Aboriginal heritage at the age of 11. His curiosity about Northwest Coast art was immense, and his knowledge was extensive. It led him to publish a book in 1982 about totem pole carvers! (See the photo above)
He connected to Northwest Coast artists himself, obtaining permission to learn carving techniques directly from them. He developed his skills to the point where he could create his own totem poles. The two photos above are of pieces he created himself. He was said to possess various talents including sculpting and painting.
People Who Excel in Various Fields and Those Who Devote Themselves to One Pursuit
Phil’s life as an inventor in the diving industry and his dedication to Northwest Coast art might seem entirely unrelated at first glance. However, as I was captivated by the beauty of his collection, I found myself pondering a thought.
That is, about people who excel in various fields versus those who devote themselves to one pursuit. Phil is clearly the former type. Which type are you?
In the past, I strongly felt that dabbling in various things while still in the process of mastering one would result in everything being left unfinished. I admired the latter way of life, thinking that “continuing something for 60 years” was impressive, and I viewed the former type somewhat negatively. This is particularly true in Japan, where there are features like obi craftsmen, tabi craftsmen, and dye craftsmen. They delve deeply into one thing, master it, and end their lives that way. That’s why I think Japanese products and culture are of such high quality and depth on a global level.
However, around the COVID-19 period, due to the changing times emphasizing multiple careers and diverse working styles, combined with my personality that drives me to act quickly on things I’m interested in, I became the former type.
But I still question whether dabbling in many things might result in everything being left unfinished. I have also considered that focusing on one goal might shorten the time and distance to achievement.
He personally reached out to Northwest Coast artists and obtained permission to learn their carving techniques directly from them. He honed his skills to the point where he could create his own totem poles. The two photos above are of pieces he created himself. He was said to possess various talents including sculpting and painting.
In the end, everything connects in unexpected ways
I’m still in the early stages of my career as a journalist, writer, and floral designer, and my proficiency in English is also a work in progress. Comparing myself to those who have had a significant impact on the world might make me feel immature.
However, what I’ve recently begun to realize is that everything connects unexpectedly.
In other words, the growth as a journalist and writer also influences growth as a floral designer. Conversely, as experience accumulates as a floral designer, it will reflect in articles. Of course, improvement in English will dramatically assist both areas of growth.
For example, even practicing kimono dressing shares common ground with floral design in attention to detail, aesthetic sense, and mastering techniques to finish beautifully and quickly.
Surprisingly, combining several things often enhances the speed of growth in all areas I’m involved in.
The key is to keep an open mind. Instead of deciding something isn’t related to my goals and giving up, I try to challenge myself with anything I enjoy, anything that stirs my emotions, or any chance that comes my way.
One thing to be mindful of is that this personality trait keeps me quite busy haha
We all have the same 24 hours in a day. It’s important to manage schedules to strike a balance and decide how to allocate time during the week, focusing on what’s important.
Ultimately, life is designed to be lived in a way that best balances for oneself
Looking back on the year in Vancouver from April 2023 to the present, I feel that ultimately life is designed to be lived in a way that best balances for oneself.
I moved to a new workplace in April 2023 to learn floral design and started this blog when things settled down a bit. This led to gradually increasing work as a writer and journalist, and then school started in August.
After school ended in late February 2024, I continued to juggle work as a writer, journalist, and florist. Then, from the end of April, opportunities as a floral designer suddenly increased, keeping me busy, while my work as a journalist and writer has currently slowed down a bit.
However, “writing” is very important to me, so whenever I have some time, I dedicate it to preparing to publish a book based on this blog.
When one thing ends or settles down, I use the gaps in time to challenge myself with things that attract my heart and interests, expanding my possibilities and the world around me. I love living this way. The moments when these things unexpectedly connect are very comforting.
At the same time, my respect for those who continue to delve deeply into one single thing remains unchanged. Which method suits an individual depends on the person. I also think it’s possible to alternate between the two approaches depending on the time or situation.
It feels presumptuous to compare myself to Phil, who left behind such remarkable achievements in the world. However, on my way back after enjoying his collection, I found myself sorting through these thoughts in my head.
For job inquiries, please contact me here
For inquiries regarding jobs as a journalist, interviewer, or writer, please contact me here.
I also accept requests for writing articles that require interviews conducted in English, and translation between Japanese and English. Interviews with people worldwide can be conducted online.
You can view the portfolio here: