日系センターでの書道教室とカナダの小学生/Shodo (calligraphy) classes at the Nikkei Center and Canadian elementary school students

日本文化/Japanese Culture

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海外だと日本人としてのこの良さが原因で弱く見えたり、意見がないように見えたり、思ってることを口にできなかったりして(言葉の壁も大きな原因ではありますが) 悔しい思いをすることは多々あるので自己表現の幅を増やすのと英語の上達は必須です。




日本の文化を通じて、人が幸せそうだったり感激してくれているのをみるとこれが私の「生き甲斐」のひとつなのでは思います。いまいち自分のゴールや生き甲斐が明確ではなかった私はカナダに来てからそれについて毎日考えるようになりました。特に精神どん底期に入るくらいからずっと。(その時期についての詳細はこちら→ /https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/精神の崩壊時期から這い上がるため4つの行動/)




Shodo (calligraphy) classes at the Nikkei Center and Canadian elementary school students

Pride as a Japanese

I feel a strong sense of being Japanese every day since coming to Canada, and that sometimes makes me tired, but it also strengthens my pride in being Japanese. Each time, I feel grateful for the environment I grew up in, my family, friends, and my home country. I realize how much I have benefited from a truly diligent and good education. The consideration and manners of Japanese people are at a level that we can be proud of in the world (although there are times when it can feel restrictive in Japan).

While I have met many wonderful people in Vancouver, sometimes I am surprised by how rude some people can be in public. But for them, that is normal. In both positive and negative ways, I think there are more people overseas whose emotions and actions align instantly compared to Japan. Sometimes, I envy that too, haha.

Being overseas, I often feel that these positive aspects of being Japanese make me appear weak, as if I have no opinions, or that I can’t express my thoughts (language barrier being a major factor). It is frustrating, so it is essential to broaden my self-expression and improve my English proficiency. But the core of my Japanese identity remains unchanged, and I don’t want to change it.

Every day, I ponder what I can do for my beloved homeland, the country that shaped me. One of those things is volunteering to teach calligraphy to children. I do it at the Nikkei Center where I met Fumiko-san, the queen of kimono dressing (link to past article).

I am neither a professional calligrapher nor a certified instructor. As you may know, Japanese elementary school students have mandatory calligraphy classes, so everyone has some experience. In my case, I attended calligraphy classes once a week after school and joined the calligraphy club with friends in high school, but that’s about it.

For Canadian children, the familiar culture of calligraphy is incredibly fresh, and they concentrate and enjoy the experience of calligraphy. They often ask for more paper, demanding it repeatedly.

Seeing people being happy or moved through Japanese culture, I feel that this is one of my “Ikigai” My goals and purpose in life were not clear, but since coming to Canada, I have been thinking about it every day, especially during my darkest moments. The opportunity to deeply contemplate this and find the beginning of the answers was my “study abroad” in Canada. If you’re interested or hesitant about taking action, I recommend starting with a free consultation with the agent I recommend. That’s the first step.

There are still many areas where I am inexperienced and things I need to grow in, but I hope that my small actions and growth can contribute even a little to Japan, and that through Japan’s beautiful culture, people overseas can find happiness. I also believe that it will be a way of repaying my family and friends.


  1. […] カナダに来てからというもの毎日のように日本の文化がいかに海外の人達から愛されているか、ユニークであるか、素晴らしいものであるかを再確認します。その度に日本人であることが誇らしくなります。私達からしたら普通のことが海外の人からしたら違った見え方をしていて、深く興味を持ってくれます。日系センターで書道のクラスをやらせて頂いてるのもそれが体感できるからです。それについての過去記事はこちらから→https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-447/ […]

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