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- フローリストの仕事に興味を持ち始めた理由
- 東京「ANIMA GARAGE」との出会い
- 東京でのフローリストの経験は言葉の壁を越える度胸に
- 留学エージェントへの無料相談がはじめの一歩
- Florist Job at Flower Crown Workshop in Vancouver and Former Workplace “ANIMA GARAGE” in Tokyo
- The reason I became interested in florist work
- Encounter with “ANIMA GARAGE” in Tokyo
- The experience as a florist in Tokyo gave me the courage to overcome the language barrier
- Taking the first step with a free consultation with a study abroad agent
そしてありがたい御縁から幸運なことに、アパレルのお仕事をフルタイムでしながらも週一で働かせてもらえる素敵なフローリスト「ANIMA GRAGE」のオーナーの慶太さんに出会いました。
東京で個性的なお花屋さんをお探しの方は、東京の荒川区町屋の情緒溢れる下町の一角に突如現れる洗練された異空間「ANIMA GARAGE」に是非足を運んでみてください。オンラインのオーダーももちろん行っているので全国からオーダーしていただけます。アレンジメントのテイストはもちろん、仕入れる花瓶や食器、小物のセンスも秀逸です。そして実はお店の奥に入るとこのかわいいフクロウ「てんぷら」が潜んでいます。オーナーの慶太さんの相棒です。私が働いていた時もいつもてんぷらが横にいました。
「ANIMA GARAGE」のWebサイトは只今改装中ですが、インスタグラム「animagarage.flower」から全て見ていただけます。オーダーもこちらからしていただけます。



ここで 彼と働いていた時間は非常に有意義で、私のお花への興味をさらに深くしました。今の職場とはまた違ったスタイルです。ANIMAのスタイルも洗練されていて大好きです。

「ANIMA GARAGE」で働き出した頃は自分がバンクーバーに行くことは全く考えていませんでした。しかし海外生活に挑戦するプランを組み始めてから「バンクーバーでの仕事はフローリスト」と決めていました。
英語の自信のない私にとって、週一回だけの勤務ながらも「ANIMA GARAGE」で働いていた貴重な経験はバンクーバーでの仕事探しの際の度胸に繋がりました。お花の世界は本当に奥が深いので、まだまだ知識や技術不足のところがあり、日々修行中です。

Florist Job at Flower Crown Workshop in Vancouver and Former Workplace “ANIMA GARAGE” in Tokyo
A flower crown workshop was held at the florist where I work in Vancouver. It was originally my day off, but I really wanted to work, so I told the store manager, and they immediately changed my schedule so I could participate as a staff member. I was very happy to see the customers wearing the flower crowns I made with delighted expressions on their faces. It was a moment when I reaffirmed that flowers have the power to make people happy.
The reason I became interested in florist work
Before coming to Vancouver, I worked full-time in the apparel industry in Tokyo while also working as a florist once a week as a side job. I have always had a tendency to feel unsatisfied being just a “customer” when experiencing things that interest me, and I often feel envious of people’s skills or want to see the behind-the-scenes. For example, when I watch a parade at Disneyland and am impressed, I also feel jealous of the skills of the dancers or the people inside the Mickey costume. Laughing I feel the same way when I see the works of amazing artists. Whether it’s going to a musician’s live performance, I have the same emotions.
I’m not particularly drawn to sports or finance, so it seems that I only have these feelings for art and entertainment. I have always enjoyed visiting art museums and galleries, but every time, I felt frustrated that I didn’t have the skill to create something with my own hands. However, I don’t enjoy drawing, and I’m bad at singing and dancing to the point where it’s comical. While pondering over this, I started to become interested in the work of a florist, creating beautiful arrangements with my beloved flowers.
Although I’m not good at creating something from scratch, the work of a florist, where you combine beautiful elements to create something, has similarities to my main job in the apparel industry. It involves playing with color coordination and considering how to combine different shapes. However, when I looked at the job postings for florists in Tokyo, almost all of them required experience, and I still enjoyed my main job in the apparel industry. So it didn’t feel right to take a flower arrangement class at some flower shop because I would just be a “customer.” I wanted to actually work and learn how the business operates, as well as experience the physical and challenging aspects.
Encounter with “ANIMA GARAGE” in Tokyo
Fortunately, thanks to a grateful connection, I met Keita, the owner of ANIMA GARAGE, a wonderful florist where I have the opportunity to work one day a week while working full-time in the apparel industry.
For those looking for a unique flower shop in Tokyo, I highly recommend visiting ANIMA GARAGE, a refined and otherworldly space that suddenly appears in a nostalgic corner of Arakawa-ku Machiya. They also accept online orders, so you can order from anywhere in the country. Their arrangement style is impeccable, and their selection of flower vases, tableware, and accessories showcases their excellent taste. And here’s a secret: their adorable owl companion, “Tempura,” is also waiting at the shop. Tempura was always by my side when I used to work there.
The website for ‘ANIMA GARAGE’ is currently under renovation, but you can view everything on Instagram at “animagarage.flower”‘ You can also place orders, of course.
Furthermore, the conversations I had with Keita, the owner, were meaningful, ranging from serious topics to casual conversations. We could talk endlessly, even after work, and I often stayed at the shop and chatted with him. In fact, he has two roles: florist and electrician, and he also works on furniture design.
The time I worked with him was extremely valuable and deepened my interest in flowers even more. Additionally, beyond work, Keita became like an older brother to me, and I have met with him and my father and stepmother many times. I am truly grateful for his support in both work and personal life.
The experience as a florist in Tokyo gave me the courage to overcome the language barrier
When I started working at “ANIMA GARAGE,” I never thought about going to Vancouver. However, when I started making plans to challenge myself with overseas living, I decided that my job in Vancouver would be as a florist.
I wrote in detail about the reasons for this decision in an article here
When you are honest about your interests and what excites you and choose to live your life based on those things, unexpected connections can be made, and separate aspects of your life can come together and lead to further growth, enriching your life. For me, those aspects were being a “florist” and experiencing “overseas living.”
As someone who lacked confidence in English, the valuable experience of working at “ANIMA GARAGE,” even though it was only once a week, gave me the courage to search for work in Vancouver. The world of flowers is truly deep, and I still have a lot to learn in terms of knowledge and technical skills. I am continuously improving my English and floral design skills. It’s a constant learning process throughout life.
Taking the first step with a free consultation with a study abroad agent
If you are interested in studying abroad or a working holiday but haven’t been able to take action, I recommend starting with a free consultation with a study abroad agent. When I consulted with an agent and said, “I want to work as a florist in Vancouver,” the agent responded, “That’s absolutely possible! Vancouver has many wonderful flower shops.” I was very happy because my plans started to feel more realistic. Here is the study abroad agent I recommend. If you are interested, please make a reservation and give it a try.