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- バンクーバーに来てから通い始めた着付け教室
- 2023年11月の日本帰国時にヴィンテージの着物や帯を購入
- バンクーバーへ帰国後、着物で出向いた3つのシーン
- バンクーバーで着物を着る3つの理由
- バンクーバーに来てから増し続ける日本文化への愛
- Three Reasons to Wear a Kimono Out in Vancouver
- Started attending a kimono dressing class since coming to Vancouver
- In November 2023, during my return to Japan, I purchased vintage kimono and obi
- After returning to Vancouver, three occasions where I wore a kimono
- Three Reasons to Wear Kimono in Vancouver
- Growing Love for Japanese Culture Since Coming to Vancouver



岐阜県高山市上一之町32 0577-36-5773
・Your junction
岐阜県高山市天満町6丁目7 090-7672-8080

友人カップルが2人とも元シェフなので、贅沢なクリスマスディナーを作ってくれました。プレゼント交換や、 CRANIUMというゲームをしたり、良いクリスマスの夜を過ごすことが出来ました。








Three Reasons to Wear a Kimono Out in Vancouver
Started attending a kimono dressing class since coming to Vancouver
I have loved kimono, one of Japan’s traditional cultures, since my time in Japan. During weekends or holidays, whenever I had free time, I would visit kimono stores, listen to discussions, touch the fabrics, and ensure to wear yukata every summer.
Unconsciously, I created opportunities to engage with this cultural aspect. While wearing yukata is relatively easy, I couldn’t dress myself in a full kimono. Despite being born Japanese and having a fondness for kimono, I felt somewhat embarrassed that I couldn’t put one on. Although I desired to learn, I kept using busyness as an excuse and didn’t take any action.
However, about two years ago, miraculously, after coming to Vancouver, I encountered a wonderful kimono dressing teacher. Finally, I started attending classes!
For the article about my encounter with Fumiko, the queen of kimono dressing in Vancouver, click here → link
In November 2023, during my return to Japan, I purchased vintage kimono and obi
However, as I didn’t have my own kimono, I always borrowed a complete set of kimono from my kimono dressing teacher, Fumiko-san. Therefore, I couldn’t practice kimono dressing at home. The process of putting on a kimono is quite intricate, and if you don’t wear it frequently, it’s easy to forget the steps.
And so, determined to buy kimono and obi, I returned to Japan before last year’s departure. I successfully purchased two kimonos, three obis, as well as juban and various accessories, and returned to Vancouver. While kimono may give the impression of being expensive, vintage items are actually quite affordable.
Every time I found a vintage kimono store in Kyoto, Kanazawa, and Takayama during my return, I couldn’t resist going in and exploring. Each visit turned out to be longer than I had imagined, so I’m grateful to my partner Joseph for patiently accompanying me. The photo above captures one of those moments, with him actively helping me search.
For me, Takayama was particularly a hidden gem. The prices were reasonable, the items looked almost new, and the variety was extensive. I highly recommend these two stores. The staff were incredibly kind as well. I hope to visit them again on my next return.
Kurashi no Kotto Otsuki-san (Antique Shop Otsuki-san)
Address: 32 Kamiichinomachi, Takayama, Gifu Prefecture
Phone: 0577-36-5773
Your Junction
Address: 6-7 Temma-cho, Takayama, Gifu Prefecture
Phone: 090-7672-8080
After returning to Vancouver, three occasions where I wore a kimono
A Christmas party
My friends, a couple who are both former chefs, treated us to a luxurious Christmas dinner. We had a delightful Christmas night, exchanging presents, playing the game CRANIUM, and enjoying a wonderful festive evening together.
Wearing a kimono attracted attention, and it was heartening to hear people expressing a desire to take photos, saying, ‘I want to send pictures to my family, so could I take a photo?’ I was beyond happy.
The New Year’s Eve party
On New Year’s Eve, we gathered with the same group as the Christmas party. With three members from Colombia, we experienced a Colombian tradition of eating 12 green grapes at the stroke of midnight.
As it was New Year’s Eve, everyone was video calling their families back home. The kimono was a big hit again! There was a rush of requests like, ‘I want to show my family, so show the whole outfit! Rotate for a view of the obi in the back!’ It was a busy time, but the moments when people from abroad smiled in the kimono were truly joyful.
It’s a wonderful feeling to bring happiness through kimono to people overseas.
A charity tea gathering to support the victims of the Noto Peninsula earthquake
Invited by a wonderful Japanese woman I met at Fumiko-san’s kimono dressing class, I attended a ‘Charity Tea Gathering to Support the Victims of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake’ wearing a kimono. Kimono always brings natural connections with lovely Japanese individuals into my life.
Three Reasons to Wear Kimono in Vancouver
I still need a lot of self-practice in kimono dressing, so it takes much longer than wearing Western clothes.
On the morning of the day I went to the charity tea gathering, it was a battle against time. I was so desperate that I told Joseph firmly, ‘Don’t talk to me right now!!’ Looking back, I realize it wasn’t elegant at all. lol
When wearing kimono, you have to be constantly mindful to avoid any disarray. Keep your legs together, sit with good posture, and you can’t walk with large steps or run easily.
Listing these inconveniences, it’s clear that kimono is not yet a part of my daily life. In the past, kimono was everyday attire for people.
Why do I want to wear kimono in Vancouver? There are three reasons.
・To Improve Kimono Dressing Skills: I want to enhance my kimono dressing skills.
・To Experience the Splendor of Japanese Culture: I can feel the greatness of Japanese culture firsthand.
・To Bring Joy to Others: It’s rare for people outside Japan to see someone wearing a kimono in person. It brings joy to others, and I’m often appreciated when wearing it in public.
Growing Love for Japanese Culture Since Coming to Vancouver
Since my time in Japan, I have always had a love for traditional elements such as Japanese paintings, kimono, bonsai, temples, and shrines. I found solace in connecting with the historical and traditional aspects rather than modern ones, and I took pride in being Japanese.
This love has only grown stronger since coming to Vancouver. Every time I showcase or explain Japanese culture to people from other countries and witness the sparkle in their eyes, their genuine excitement, or the curiosity in their questions, my appreciation deepens. Each instance reaffirms the profound ability of Japanese culture to touch people’s hearts.
However, concurrently, there are still many instances where I find myself unable to answer questions about Japan when asked by people from different countries. I realize there is much more to learn. This is one of the reasons why I continue practicing kimono dressing.
Venturing abroad provides a wonderful opportunity to reaffirm the charm of your own country through immersion in various cultures, language acquisition, and accumulation of new experiences.