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- お互いの4つの共通点のなかにある違い
- カナディアン甚平男とジャパニーズ浴衣女と花火大会へ
- 将来とジョセフとの出会い
- “Canadian Jinbei-wearing Man and Japanese Yukata-clad Woman: Our One-Year Anniversary and Fireworks Festival – 4 Similarities and Differences Between the Two Individuals
- Here are the 4 commonalities and differences between the two individuals
- Canadian Jinbei-wearing Man and Japanese Yukata-clad Woman at the Fireworks Festival
- Encounter with Joseph and the Future





“Canadian Jinbei-wearing Man and Japanese Yukata-clad Woman: Our One-Year Anniversary and Fireworks Festival – 4 Similarities and Differences Between the Two Individuals
Partners Joseph and I celebrated our one-year anniversary on 7/28.
Over this past year, we’ve experienced a myriad of things to the point where we could talk endlessly.
We have many differences, including our native languages, upbringing, culture, gender, age, and values. Especially the language barrier, even though we’re both Japanese, sometimes makes things go smoothly, while at other times, it takes much more time, requiring patience from both sides.
Just within this one year, I have these emotions, so I truly admire couples around the world whose relationships have lasted for decades. haha.”
“The International Romance Series articles can be found here →“
Here are the 4 commonalities and differences between the two individuals
The reason our relationship with Joseph is going smoothly so far is because the parts where we differ and the parts where we are similar are in a good balance. In fact, the parts where we are similar might be stronger or just expressed differently than in my case. This is probably why I don’t get bored, as I can empathize with him while he brings stimulating aspects.
There are four commonalities and differences between Joseph and me.
1. Positive Thinking
I am fundamentally positive, but when I get down, I fall to the bottom.
However, I have the strength and speed to climb back up quickly from there. In Joseph’s case, he doesn’t get down in the first place. He’s one of the most positive people I’ve ever met in my life, vying for the top 1 or 2. By the way, the opponent in that competition is, incidentally, my father.
But for now, due to his years of experience, my father wins in my book. haha.
2. Valuing Own Feelings
I also prioritize doing things I like and things that excite me, deciding how to spend holidays, time, and work. Moreover, when it comes to the way of life, I adjust my big goals while achieving small ones, following my emotions. In Joseph’s case, he doesn’t meticulously plan the next break; he prioritizes seizing opportunities that come his way based on his feelings.
Because of this, plans might change suddenly. However, when it comes to his way of life, he has never changed his decision to succeed as an artist and has had the same big goal since childhood.
Joseph’s art website is here →
His Instagram is here → “studio.josephcunningham”
3. ”Time” is a Precious Rarity
Time is more valuable than money. We share a strong aversion to wasting time.
We both dislike conversations with people who complain a lot or superficial interactions at large parties (although there are exceptions, of course).
We dislike spending time that doesn’t contribute to growth.
However, he is even more disciplined than I am. Lately, he’s been practicing “Misogi” – he goes to Kung Fu classes almost every day after work and then hits the gym. It’s his three months of intense training leading up to October. He often comes home from Kung Fu class with injuries.
For me, it’s important to leisurely enjoy the precious Vancouver summer climate – something that can only be done now.
On the other hand, for him, it’s about honing himself mentally and physically, something that can only be done now. The idea is to balance this with the free time that follows, which he dedicates to various activities.
4. Gratitude Towards Family, Friends, and Surroundings
Both of us have equally strong feelings of gratitude in this aspect. However, in his case, alongside that gratitude, his sense of responsibility as the eldest son is powerful.
He lives with the constant mind of protecting and supporting his parents and family in the future. His disciplined approach to everything stems from this point.
Canadian Jinbei-wearing Man and Japanese Yukata-clad Woman at the Fireworks Festival
With our different days off and his newfound commitment to Kung Fu after work nearly every day, our opportunities to go out together have decreased.
In the midst of this, we recently went out for the first time in a while – to a fireworks festival the day after our anniversary.
In Vancouver, there’s an annual fireworks competition among three countries at the end of July. This means there are three fireworks festivals every year. This year, Australia, Mexico, and the Philippines treated us to beautiful displays.
This video is of the fireworks by the Philippines, which won this year.
We were late and missed the first half of the fireworks, but we enjoyed a leisurely stroll through downtown Vancouver in our yukata and jinbei.
Encounter with Joseph and the Future
No one around the world knows what the future holds. Every couple takes the marriage vow with the belief that they’ll be together for a lifetime. However, the divorce rate continues to rise. The dynamics between men and women are less predictable than those between close friends.
After a year of ups and downs, my relationship with him is going smoothly now. Regardless of what the future holds, my current relationship with him is undoubtedly a positive influence on my life. Meeting Joseph is a significant factor that makes me feel grateful for choosing to come to Vancouver.
You can read about my first encounter with Joseph here →
If you’re interested in studying abroad or on a working holiday but haven’t taken action yet, I recommend starting with a free consultation with an agent.
Please have a look if you’re interested.
On the other side, there are plenty of exciting and wonderful encounters waiting for you. And those chance encounters will become treasures in your life that money can’t buy.
I sincerely thank Joseph for our encounter in Vancouver and for spending this past year together, always caring for me and giving me so much love.
The last photo is of the anniversary gift of fresh flowers. He’s earnestly arranging the flowers he picked up.