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今日はメキシコ への旅についての執筆を少しお休みして、私のジョセフとの時間の過ごし方のお気に入りの1つについて書きます。私は彼がアートに使うための生地を調達するのに同行するのが好きです。
- 映画のセットをデザインする会社の移転により要らなくなった布達
- ジョセフのお気に入りの生地屋さん「Fabric time」
- 閑静な高級住宅街のとあるお家
- 多種多様な生地から生み出されるグース達
- 使わないものをお互いに交換する交流
- ジョセフと過ごす時間
- The Lives of People Revealed through the Procurement of Fabric with my Partner Joseph
- Unused Fabrics from a Movie Set Design Company’s Relocation
- Joseph’s Favorite Fabric Store, “Fabric Time”
- A House in a Quiet Upscale Residential Area
- Geese Created from a Variety of Fabrics
- Exchange of unused items between each other
- Time spent with Joseph

ジョセフのお気に入りの生地屋さん「Fabric time」
イーストバンクーバー の彼の自宅の近所にある生地屋さんです。見渡す限り生地で埋め尽くされています。




The Lives of People Revealed through the Procurement of Fabric with my Partner Joseph
Today, I will take a break from writing about my trip to Mexico and share one of my favorite activities with Joseph. I enjoy accompanying him to source fabrics for his art. There are two reasons why I like it. First, it incorporates my favorite element of “taking a walk
You can read about our walks in a past article here:
You can find the international love series here:
But the biggest reason is that every place we go has new discoveries and stories. Joseph has a favorite fabric store where he buys fabric, but he also explores other avenues. He gathers information from artist friends to find places where he can get fabric for free or picks up high-quality fabrics posted on marketplaces from the sellers’ homes. That’s why I enjoy joining him and glimpsing into the real Canadian society on these trips.
It has been about a year since we started dating, and I have accompanied him on fabric sourcing trips several times. Here are my three favorites:
Unused Fabrics from a Movie Set Design Company’s Relocation
This place was visited based on information Joseph received from his artist friends. I asked a woman on site why they were giving away such a large quantity of fabric for free. She explained that their company is involved in designing sets for movies, and due to their relocation, they decided to dispose of a large amount of fabric that they don’t usually use.
Vancouver is a city where movie filming frequently takes place, so I thought this was a unique case specific to Vancouver. However, I learned that the film industry in Vancouver has slowed down a bit. Nevertheless, she expressed her happiness at being able to take things a bit slower because it had been too busy before. I was delighted to accompany Joseph on his fabric sourcing journey and glimpse into the behind-the-scenes of the film industry, which I don’t usually have much contact with.
Joseph’s Favorite Fabric Store, “Fabric Time”
This is a fabric store located in the neighborhood of his home in Vancouver. It is filled with fabric as far as the eye can see. While Vancouver has other beautifully organized and stylish fabric stores, I personally find it exciting to search for treasures in this wild environment. The staff at the store are also friendly, and as shown in the photo, they sell a wide variety of fabrics. If you live in Vancouver and want to buy fabric, I highly recommend this store!
There is an interesting corner next to this fabric store where antique doors are attached to the walls.
A House in a Quiet Upscale Residential Area
Vancouver has a popular area called Kitsilano, known for its fashionable shops and cafes. It is, of course, an upscale residential area. Joseph found some fabric through a marketplace post and went to pick it up from this location. It was real calf and cheetah fur and leather. Just by touching it briefly, I could tell that it was of high quality. The son of the fabric owner helped us during this visit. When Joseph asked why his father had such fabric, the son explained that his father, who is a photographer, enjoys collecting unique items. I really enjoy glimpsing into the personal lives of people from other countries because it is something that tourists don’t usually do, and it gives me the opportunity to see the real society of that country. It was a great mood booster to take a walk with Joseph in this neighborhood with beautiful houses surrounded by abundant nature on a sunny day.
Geese Created from a Variety of Fabrics
For those who may wonder what Joseph does with such a large quantity of fabric, he creates geese as part of his art series. I have written in detail about the reasons behind starting this project and the meaning behind the geese in a past article
You can view Joseph’s art website at the following link:
Exchange of unused items between each other
One of the things I strongly feel since coming to Vancouver is the abundance of opportunities to buy and sell things that are no longer used. There are many thrift stores here compared to Japan, and individuals frequently hold garage sales in corners of the city to sell unwanted items. It’s enjoyable to visit such places and hear about the thoughts and reasons behind the items being sold, as it provides a glimpse into a part of the person’s life.
Time spent with Joseph
Spending time with him is always incredibly fun because I can have unexpected discoveries and experiences. While I also enjoy being alone, it’s very stimulating to have someone with different perspectives that I don’t possess. Meeting him is a significant encounter that makes me feel that trying to challenge myself by coming to Vancouver was worth it. (For more about how I met him, you can check out this article: link to the article)
Having a little courage to step into the outside world holds wonderful encounters and adventures. If you’re interested in studying abroad or working holiday but find it hard to take the plunge, I recommend starting with a free consultation with an agent. Here’s a link to a recommended agent, so please take a look.
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