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Today, I had a phone call with my father, who lives in Japan, for the first time in a long while.
Two weeks before I left for Canada, 2 years and 7 months ago, my father was in an accident when his motorcycle collided with a car.
Thankfully, his life was not in danger, but his leg was severely injured. He ended up undergoing a total of nine surgeries on his leg. Just when he was about to make a final push after his eighth leg surgery, he was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo surgery and chemotherapy. While it takes just three sentences to write this down, I can only imagine the immense mental and physical stress my father went through.
After battling the severe side effects and completing chemotherapy, he successfully had his final leg surgery in June. Finally, signs of complete recovery are starting to appear.
What I learned from my father
A former judo athlete, he is mentally very strong and never complains.
However, during this phone call, he said:
“To be honest, about 10% of me thought that I might never walk without a cane for the rest of my life.
But a few days ago, my doctor told me that my recovery was going very well, and I might be able to walk without a cane within three months. I often hear people say their future brightens up, and for the first time, I experienced that. I am truly happy that the end of my 2 years and 7 months of battling illness is finally in sight.”
Taking things step by step, trying to accomplish everything at once only leads to confusion
And my father said over the phone, “Don’t worry, if you steadily do the things right in front of you, the path will open up.”
As I prepare for visa and permanent residency applications, try to better organize my life in Vancouver, gain more experience, learn new things, and work towards my goal of living between Japan and Vancouver in the future, I sometimes get overwhelmed by the countless tasks at hand.
Through his recovery from the accident and cancer treatment, my father showed me this approach.
His words lightened my heart and cleared my mind.
The day I can take a walk with my father in Vancouver is near
This fall, I decided to invite my mother to Vancouver for a few weeks. Although I considered visiting Japan, I have a strong desire to show her this city where I have lived through many ups and downs.
While we will do some sightseeing, I mainly want to show her the everyday scenes of my life. The beach and mountains I occasionally visit after work, the secret spots with panoramic views of the city, my favorite murals and beautiful flower-lined walking routes in the neighborhood, my and my partner’s workplaces, and the places I go when I feel down. There are countless small things I want to show her.
And next year, I definitely want to show my father this city where I live. The future where I can walk with my father on the beautiful walking paths in the neighborhood without a cane is approaching!
Turning future anxiety and fear into anticipation depends on how we spend our time now
When you start thinking about it, there are countless tasks, anxieties, and fears that come with just living. Sometimes, our minds get confused, and we question whether we are spending our time the right way.
To relieve these emotions and organize my thoughts, I write down the things I want to do and need to do each day on small pieces of paper and check them off as I complete them.
At the end of the day, if I have completed everything, I feel a sense of accomplishment, thinking that I have moved forward at least one step or organized one more thing. Sometimes, I even reward myself with a small treat (like ice cream or dessert, haha).
I incorporate what I learned from my father, whom I respect into my daily life in this way. If you like, please try it too!