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一期一会 in バンクーバー⑦





Encounter with Cecile and the Greatness of Maternity
Once in a Lifetime in Vancouver #7
In April of last year, when I started working as a florist at my previous workplace, I met a very charming Chinese woman named Cecile. She later became my dear friend.
She had great taste and always wore lovely clothes. In addition to being fluent in English, she had a talent for flower arrangements and extensive knowledge of flowers. Watching her skillfully speak English on the phone while creating beautiful bouquets made her shine. She was loved by everyone at the workplace, and her presence brightened up the atmosphere of the shop.
The shop was always very busy, and I had to be quite flexible. Moreover, everything was in English, so when I first started, I was always confused and couldn’t grasp the dynamics of the place. Cecile sensed my struggle and always patiently and clearly explained in easy-to-understand English how to work efficiently. She provided me with tremendous emotional support. I believe it was because of her that I was able to continue working there for a year.
How I became close to Cecile
About a month after I started working, we started following each other on Instagram. Even though I was reserved at work, I began exchanging many messages with Cecile outside of work.
From there, we naturally started going out together. Despite the unfamiliarity of conversing in English, our conversations were very pleasant, and I have many memories of laughing together. Our conversations also align perfectly with the content of a previous article about meeting Joseph and the importance of improving English skills (link here →ジョセフとの出会いと英語上達の重要性と言葉言 ).
In this past year and five months, I have met many people, but all the connections that have continued naturally have this common factor. I think it’s the same no matter which country you’re in or whether there is a language barrier.
On the day we went out together for the first time, she gave me these goldfish-shaped earrings as a present. There is a belief in China that goldfish bring happiness. I was really happy to receive them.
Cecile’s maternity leave
When we first met, she was actually pregnant. Despite her large belly, she looked very brave, beautiful, and cool while making flower arrangements.
About four months after I started working, Cecil went on maternity leave. Even after that, the two of us created many beautiful memories together, such as going to a lavender field or going to the beach and a cat café with Ryan. (For the previous article about the encounter with Ryan and the power of laughter, click here →ライアンとの出会いと笑いの力/).
A photo that perfectly captures Cecile’s mischievousness, one of my favorites.
This dress is actually a gift from her. I wore it for the first time on this day.
After Cecile gave birth
And then, in September of last year, Clementine, the long-awaited baby, was born!
Clementine is incredibly adorable, but I’ve heard from Cecile many times that she has trouble falling asleep and often cries nonstop. She had many sleepless nights and felt extremely exhausted.
Cecile’s entire family is in China, and her husband, who was born and raised in Canada, left his home country when they got married. I greatly admire Cecile for her resilience in raising her child while being separated from her family in a foreign land.
The Greatness of Maternity
Recently, I asked my mother why she was ready to become a mother and if she ever regretted it. My mother said, “At that time, having children after marriage was more common than it is now, and I never regretted it. Watching my child grow and develop every day was incredibly joyful and meaningful.” I strongly admire the greatness of motherhood. They say that it’s only after becoming a mother that you truly understand the value of parents. And I believe that experience is very profound.
I think whether or not to have children is a personal choice, and both decisions are valid. Showing your children’s faces to your parents, experiencing and understanding the amount of love and time your parents invested in you is a wonderful way of filial piety, there is no doubt about that. But at the same time, I also believe that filial piety is not limited to just one aspect, and there are various ways to express it.
Since becoming a mother, Cecile has become even stronger and more beautiful. I have genuine respect for her and all mothers around the world.
Our Recent Activities
Despite our busy schedules, we often enjoy coffee and walks near Cecile’s house, or go to the park with Ryan (you can read about our memorable encounter with Ryan and the power of laughter here: [link to the past article]). I hope that time becomes a healing moment for Cecile, relieving the fatigue of parenting.
Spending time with her, always bright and humorous, is filled with laughter and is irreplaceable. Meeting her is a treasure that makes me truly believe that coming to Canada was the right decision.
When you gather the courage to go outside, there will always be wonderful encounters. These encounters also contribute to your personal growth. (You can find the past series of encounters here: [link to the past encounters])
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