Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.
- パートナージョセフとの同棲スタートを機に変化した朝の過ごし方
- 基本的な朝のルーティン
- 早起きが苦手だった私が早起きを習慣化できた3つのコツ
- 人との出会いで変わるライフスタイルと人生
- 毎日の小さな積み重ねが劇的に人生を良いものにする
- The early bird catches a ton of worms! Can life change based on your morning routine? 〜The three tips to establish the habit of waking up early〜
- Starting to live togather with my partner Joseph brought changes to my morning routine
- The healthy lifestyle that Joseph and I have started building together in the past two and a half months
- Our Basic Morning Routine
- Three Tips That Helped Me Turn Early Rising into a Habit, Even Though I Wasn’t a Morning Person
- 3. Use the early morning time to do what you want to do the most (= something that contributes to your life goals)
- Lifestyle and Life Changes Through Encounters with People
- Everyday Small Steps Dramatically Improve Life







The early bird catches a ton of worms! Can life change based on your morning routine? 〜The three tips to establish the habit of waking up early〜
waking up? There are often articles on the internet like ‘5 of Successful People’ or ’10 Tips for Living a Fulfilling Life,’ and many of them mention ‘Wake up early, even if it’s just for 30 minutes.’
Personally, I simply love sleeping so much that, regardless of where I am or whatever troubles I may have, I find great joy in getting a good night’s sleep. Consequently, even when I read such articles, I tend not to take them at face value, saying things like ‘Sure, I’m fulfilled even without waking up early,’ or ‘Success is about mindset, not necessarily waking up early.’ I don’t readily accept them (a bit of a contrarian, haha). And, I used to have a habit of sleeping until the very last moment before leaving the house.
Starting to live togather with my partner Joseph brought changes to my morning routine
Living togather with my partner officially began
At the beginning,we didn’t have all the furniture, so for a few weeks, Joseph and I slept on the floor with just some cardboards (surprisingly comfortable, though). The photo is from the day our bedding finally arrived after waiting for several weeks. Both of us were overjoyed as it marked the end of the wait.
The healthy lifestyle that Joseph and I have started building together in the past two and a half months
Balancing work, school, pursuing our individual interests (I focus on writing, while Joseph engages in art creation), meals, cleaning, cooking, and sleep, the 24 hours seem to pass by in the blink of an eye. Additionally, our days off and life rhythms often differ, leaving us with little time to spend together or for our respective art and writing pursuits.
We often find ourselves thinking about the things we wanted to do but couldn’t find the time for at the end of each day. Wishing for a day to have 36 hours has become a nightly contemplation.
Our Basic Morning Routine
That’s where we started making the most of our mornings. Here’s our basic routine on workdays:
- Wake up at 5:00 am and enjoy a leisurely coffee together.
- As my English skills are a work in progress, I spend 15 minutes reading an English book out loud.
Around 5:30 am, we head to the gym in our apartment complex for a 30-minute workout.
- From 6:00 am to 6:10 am, I use a tool that Joseph ordered for pad work (an item I might never have encountered in my life if not for him)
- After completing all exercises, until 7:15 am, I write blog posts and articles, while Joseph focuses on his art in his dedicated art room.
- I then take a shower and get ready to leave. By 8:00 am at the latest, we have breakfast together, and by 8:30 am, I’m out the door.
In these three hours, we manage to cover everything we want to do for ourselves, including studying, pursuing personal interests, and incorporating elements of exercise for health.
Three Tips That Helped Me Turn Early Rising into a Habit, Even Though I Wasn’t a Morning Person
However, as I mentioned earlier, being someone who genuinely loves sleeping, despite understanding intellectually how fulfilling early rising could be, establishing this habit was challenging. While we initially started this lifestyle enthusiastically and succeeded, there was a period when both of us struggled to maintain it. During this time, we often engaged in unreasonable blame games like ‘I can’t wake up because you don’t wake up.’ (haha)
So, I’d like to share the three tips I found to be effective in making early rising a habit.
1. Place the alarm (in my case, my phone) at the spot where the first task of the morning should be done once I wake up
This was the most effective tip for me. In my case, it starts with putting in contact lenses and brushing my teeth, so I place my phone in the bathroom along with the contact lenses the night before. When I used to keep my phone near the kitchen table, sofa, or in the bedroom, I found it inconvenient to go to the bathroom to put in my contacts after turning off the alarm.
I would often return to bed immediately and enjoy a comfortable snooze. Now that the alarm and the first task are in the same location, it has become more hassle to go back to the bedroom, making it smoother for me to get up.
2. Avoid doing anything after 9:00 PM
While it may be challenging for some due to work commitments, if possible, give it a try! I used to engage in writing or responding to emails regardless of the time, but I stopped that habit. After dinner, I established a routine of taking a bath and heading to bed by 9:00 PM. This leads to better sleep quality and makes it easier to wake up smoothly the next morning.
3. Use the early morning time to do what you want to do the most (= something that contributes to your life goals)
I treat the early morning as a reward for waking up early and spend that time doing what I love the most. Personally, I enjoy writing blog posts, and doing it in the early hours contributes to my life goals. This makes waking up in the morning something to look forward to. For Joseph, it’s his art.
In my case, I use that time for English study, as it feels like a waste not to study during the time when my mind is most active. Although I’ve been in Vancouver for two years, my English skills still have room for improvement.
Checking Instagram or replying to non-urgent emails during this time feels like a missed opportunity. I can do those during commuting or in small breaks. Breaking this habit was quite challenging for me, but understanding how valuable the early morning time is has significantly reduced the frequency of this habit.
Lifestyle and Life Changes Through Encounters with People
This photo captures a perfect rainbow I happened to see when going to the nearby supermarket from home.
When I came to Vancouver from Japan two years ago, I initially thought I would return within a year. I never imagined having a boyfriend, let me entering a serious relationship leading, starting to live also transformed me into someone who could wake up at 5:00 AM every morning, which was something I struggled with.
Even in moments of discouragement or negativity, cultivating the strength to correct them as quickly as possible is crucial. Training oneself to develop thought patterns that avoid even harboring negative emotions and giving one’s best effort. Never forgetting to express gratitude to those around you and maintaining an attitude of repaying kindness.
Living by these principles, I believe, attracts incredible encounters and a future beyond one’s imagination.
Everyday Small Steps Dramatically Improve Life
This photo captures the view from the window around 8:00 AM, after completing all routines and having breakfast. It’s exceptionally beautiful. Waking up in the pitch dark morning to witness this moment of sunrise is one of the rewards of early rising.
Within these three hours each morning, there’s time for exercise, blog writing, English study, and moments with Joseph. I am confident that these small daily steps undoubtedly lead to a better life. The sense of fulfillment at the end of each day has increased, and life is already becoming better.
There’s a saying that ‘he early bird catches the worm’ and I can confirm it’s more than just the worm, it’s a ton of worms. It’s essentially the same advice you find on various websites – ‘Why not try waking up even just 30 minutes earlier?’
For those who have the desire to wake up early but find it challenging to make it a habit, I encourage you to give my three tips a try 🙂
Life is shorter and more fleeting than we often realize. By making the most of the morning hours, I truly believe we can turn our once-in-a-lifetime short life into something even more meaningful.