1914年結成「バンクーバー朝日」野球チームの歴史、2014年再結成「新朝日」受け継がれた朝日魂/The history of the 1914-established ‘Vancouver Asahi’ baseball team, and the ‘New Asahi’ formed in 2014, carrying on the spirit of the Asahi

Please scroll to the bott “1914年結成「バンクーバー朝日」野球チームの歴史、2014年再結成「新朝日」受け継がれた朝日魂/The history of the 1914-established ‘Vancouver Asahi’ baseball team, and the ‘New Asahi’ formed in 2014, carrying on the spirit of the Asahi”

なぜ人は過去や未来に縛られるのか?〜今を生きる、この瞬間に集中する3つのコツ〜/Why do people feel bound by the past and future? – Three tips to live in the present moment and concentrate on the now

Please scroll to the bott “なぜ人は過去や未来に縛られるのか?〜今を生きる、この瞬間に集中する3つのコツ〜/Why do people feel bound by the past and future? – Three tips to live in the present moment and concentrate on the now”

早起きは十文の徳!朝の過ごし方で人生が変わる?〜早起きを習慣化する3つのコツ〜/The early bird catches a ton of worms! Can life change based on your morning routine? 〜The three tips to establish the habit of waking up early〜

Please scroll to the bott “早起きは十文の徳!朝の過ごし方で人生が変わる?〜早起きを習慣化する3つのコツ〜/The early bird catches a ton of worms! Can life change based on your morning routine? 〜The three tips to establish the habit of waking up early〜”

トリンギット族プレストン・シングレタリーのグラスアート、ご本人に遭遇の奇跡/The glass art of the Tlingit artist Preston Singletary, The miracle of encountering him in person

Please scroll to the bott “トリンギット族プレストン・シングレタリーのグラスアート、ご本人に遭遇の奇跡/The glass art of the Tlingit artist Preston Singletary, The miracle of encountering him in person”

最終章 創業285年帯匠「誉田屋源兵衛」想像を絶する奇跡的な帯たち in 京都②/Final Chapter: Unprecedented Miraculous Obi Creations by the 285-Year-Old Obi Craftsman, ‘Kondaya Genbei,’ in Kyoto (Part 2)

Please scroll to the bott “最終章 創業285年帯匠「誉田屋源兵衛」想像を絶する奇跡的な帯たち in 京都②/Final Chapter: Unprecedented Miraculous Obi Creations by the 285-Year-Old Obi Craftsman, ‘Kondaya Genbei,’ in Kyoto (Part 2)”

第三弾 創業285年帯匠「誉田屋源兵衛」想像を絶する奇跡的な帯たち in 京都 ①/The unimaginable miraculous obi of “Kondaya Genbei,” founded 285 years ago Obi Manufacturing and Sales Company in Kyoto Part1

Please scroll to the bott “第三弾 創業285年帯匠「誉田屋源兵衛」想像を絶する奇跡的な帯たち in 京都 ①/The unimaginable miraculous obi of “Kondaya Genbei,” founded 285 years ago Obi Manufacturing and Sales Company in Kyoto Part1″