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一期一会 in バンクーバー④

とにかく散歩が大好きな私は時々Deer Lakeというお気に入りの湖に1人でよく行っていました。その日は1月にも関わらず天気がとても良く、これは夕日が綺麗に違いないと意気込んで行きました。そのおかげでこんなに素晴らしい景色が見れました。

しかし夕日に満足して帰ろうとした時にはもう真っ暗になっていました。(バンクーバー の冬はとても日が短い)しかもGoogle Mapが指す帰路は真っ暗な森の中。脳天気な私は深く考えずにその中に入っていこうとしていました。
その時にたまたま声をかけてくたのが近くを通ったアマンダとその旦那様。「迷ってるの?」と聞かれ「いやGoogle Map見るから大丈夫」と謎に自信満々の私を強く引き止めてくれました。アマンダは安全な道に引率してバス停まで連れて行ってくれました。


そんな彼女に出来る私の恩返しは自分のファッションセンスに自信のないアマンダのお洋服を一緒に選ぶことです。(パーソナルコーディネーター的な。笑) またお花が大好きなアマンダに職場で廃棄される予定のまだ美しいお花たちを持ち帰ることです。

“Showing Gratitude to My Lifesaver, Amanda”
One Chance, One Meeting in Vancouver Part 4
Do you have anyone who saved your life? My life saver is Amanda, a Chinese woman whom I met 1 year and 5 months ago when I first came here.
What was the occasion when you first met her?
I love taking walks, so sometimes I go to my favorite lake called Deer Lake alone. On that day, despite being January, the weather was incredibly good, and I was determined to see the beautiful sunset. Thanks to that, I was able to witness such a magnificent view.
However, by the time I was satisfied with the sunset and decided to head back, it had already become pitch dark (winters in Vancouver have very short daylight hours). Moreover, the route indicated by Google Maps was through a dark forest. Being careless, I was about to enter it without much thought.
At that moment, Amanda and her husband happened to pass by. They asked me, “Are you lost?” and when I replied, “No, I’ll check Google Maps, so it’s okay,” with inexplicable confidence, Amanda strongly urged me to reconsider. She guided me to a safe path and accompanied me to the bus stop. She told me that it would have been very dangerous because there are wild animals in the winter forest, and it’s pitch dark. I often wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t met Amanda.
I exchanged phone numbers with her at that time, and we still meet regularly. I moved out from my homestay and coincidentally, the apartment I currently live in is even closer to Amanda’s home, just a 15-minute walk away. I visit her at her place, where we have conversations, enjoy her delicious homemade meals, and play with her adorable sons.
Actually, Amanda has saved me many times. When I was feeling unwell, with no appetite and no motivation to cook, she brought her delicious homemade food to my house. I attribute my recovery from the depths of despair during last winter’s mental breakdown period (link to the past article here:精神の崩壊時期から這い上がるため4つの行動/) to Amanda’s help.
She has raised two sons, built a successful business, and lives in a beautiful large house with her family and adorable cat. She appears very resilient. However, she also has a delicate side, which is why she has developed such deep kindness. I believe that no one starts off strong, and it is those who are delicate and have overcome numerous obstacles who are truly strong.
My way of repaying her kindness
My way of repaying her kindness is to help Amanda choose her outfits since she lacks confidence in her fashion sense so much (like a personal coordinator, haha). I also bring home beautiful flowers that are scheduled to be discarded at my workplace, knowing that Amanda loves flowers.
People in Vancouver are generally very sociable. They talk a lot, indeed. However, it’s precious to meet someone with whom you can establish a warm connection on a deep level where you can show your vulnerable self. Perhaps this is true regardless of the country you go to.
It’s a once-in-a-lifetime encounter thanks to coming to Canada. I have met her, been saved by her multiple times, and learned a lot. If you have even a slight interest in working holidays or studying abroad but find it difficult to make a decision or don’t know what to do, I recommend starting with small actions. Feel free to begin with a free consultation with my recommended agency.
I had the opportunity to play table tennis in Amanda’s basement at her home. There was a table tennis table, and I was allowed to join in. The difference in skill between my rusty elementary school self and Amanda’s husband and their adorable son was quite impressive.