Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.
- 一期一会 in バンクーバー No.15
- テリーさんと出会ったきっかけ
- テリー佐々木さんの人生について3つの質問
- テリー佐々木さんのアートについて6つの質問
- テリーさんが共有してくださった「仕事のマニュアル」
- テリーさんとの出会いで学んだビジネスを成功に導く7つの秘訣
- テリー佐々木さんの将来の目標は?
- バンクーバーで活躍する日本人との一期一会
- 11月に「Sasaki Art Gallery」の展示即売会が東京で開催!
- The encounter Japanese Artist Terry Sasaki and the 7 Secrets to Leading Business to Success
- One Time, One Meeting in Vancouver No.15
- How I Met Terry Sasaki
- Three Questions About Terry Sasaki’s Life
- 6 Questions About Terry Sasaki’s Art
- “Work Manual” Shared by Terry Sasaki
- The 7 secrets for business success that I learned from Terry Sasaki’s encounters
- What are Terry Sasaki’s future goals?
- “Ichigo Ichie” with Japanese Individuals Thriving in Vancouver
- “In November, the “Sasaki Art Gallery” exhibition and sale will be held in Tokyo!
一期一会 in バンクーバー No.15



バンクーバーのウォーターフロント駅の近くにある「The Pan Pacific」というホテルには、現地のアートコレクターや観光客をターゲットにいくつかのギャラリーが入っています。

たまたま先月にその中の一つのアートギャラリーに訪れました。そのあとふいに目に入った「Sasaki Art Gallery」 という看板。私はバンクーバーに来てすぐの約2年前から頃からこの名前を知っていました。
カナダと日本の歴史と芸術を学ぶ施設「日系センター」やバンクーバーで開催される日本文化のイベントで度々「Sasaki Art Gallery」の作品を目にしていたからです。
さらにパートナーのお母様のために、日本文化を感じる特別に美しいメッセージカードを探していた去年の夏。その時に選んだのが偶然にも「Sasaki Art Gallery」のものでした。

3. 1988年に「Sasaki Art Gerally」をオープンした経緯を教えてください。

1. 芸術を始めたきっかけは何ですか?
2. 絵画〜洋服のデザインまで、幅広いジャンルでご活躍されていますが、最も好きなジャンルはなんですか?
3. 日本ではなくバンクーバーでアーティストとして活躍することの利点と難点を教えてください。
4. 作品の購入者は主にどんな方ですか?
5. 絵画に所々立体的な箇所がありますが、何の素材を使っていますか?

- 仕事への心がまえ,姿勢がたいせつ –
1. 好きな事を楽しみながらする
2. PASSION -情熱に向かって一生懸命努力する
1. 目標
トップになる人の共通項―人間性 前向き 誠実 正直 社会貢献出来る人
3. 情熱
4. 営業
行動と努力 - 自分の長所と短所を理解し、その長所を生かせる自分なりの営業スタイルをつくる。自分の居場所をつくる。
5. 方法
外商と内商 “我々はセールスマンではない“
社交性 - 五感で表す。人は第一印象が大切。
目で語り、目でさとす。ー 目は口ほど物を言う。

1. 人々との出会いが新しい扉を開く
2. 時代の流れとタイミングを掴むスピード

3. 年を重ねるとともに培われる判断力

11月に「Sasaki Art Gallery」の展示即売会が東京で開催!
開催場所:オフィス銀の鈴 〒105-0003 東京港区西新橋3丁目-8-1 第二鈴丸ビル6F
「Sasaki Art Gallery」Webサイト
The encounter Japanese Artist Terry Sasaki and the 7 Secrets to Leading Business to Success
One Time, One Meeting in Vancouver No.15
Last month, I had a wonderful encounter with a Japanese individual named Terry Sasaki. Terry has been living in Vancouver for over 50 years and is actively working as an artist in the city.
The concept behind his artwork is the fusion of Eastern and Western elements. His pieces, which incorporate a touch of Asian influence, captivate viewers with their innovative use of colors and the exquisite balance between Eastern and Western cultures.
In addition to paintings, he engages in a wide range of creative activities, including paper cutting, designing accessories, and clothing.
How I Met Terry Sasaki
The opportunity to meet Terry Sasaki came about in an unexpected way. Near the Waterfront Station in Vancouver, there’s a hotel called ‘The Pan Pacific’ that houses several galleries targeting local art collectors and tourists.
Last month, I happened to have some business at one of those galleries, so I paid a visit. After completing my business, I suddenly noticed a sign that read ‘Sasaki Art Gallery.’ I had known this name for about two years, ever since I came to Vancouver. I had encountered works from ‘Sasaki Art Gallery’ at the Nikkei Centre, a facility where I learned about the history and art of Canada and Japan, as well as at Japanese cultural events held in Vancouver. Furthermore, when I was looking for special, beautifully crafted message cards that would reflect Japanese culture to give to friends, I had chosen cards from ‘Sasaki Art Gallery.’
Fortunately, on the day I wanted to inquire, Terry Sasaki himself happened to be there, so I had the opportunity to have a lengthy conversation with him. I was genuinely intrigued by the strength and determination that lay beneath his kind aura.
Subsequently, I revisited the gallery to learn more about his life and art, and we had further discussions on the matter.
Three Questions About Terry Sasaki’s Life
1. When did you come to Vancouver, and what was the reason?
Terry Sasaki: I came to Vancouver in 1976 as a student to attend a language school. At that time, the Beatles were a big sensation in Japan, and many young people were fascinated by Western culture. I was working as a waiter, and the pay was relatively good.
Additionally, the cost of living was significantly lower than it is today, making it a very comfortable place to live.
2.Please tell me about the path that led you to become an artist in Vancouver.
Terry Sasaki: During the economic bubble years from 1986 to 1991, Vancouver became a popular tourist destination for affluent individuals, including CEOs of major Japanese companies like Kintetsu and Nihon Shinpan, as well as politicians and their families.
However, they couldn’t speak English, so they needed local tour coordinators. I took on that role. Through these connections, I received commissions to create artwork for them and they would also buy my art when returning to Japan after their tours. There were even instances where they purchased 20 to 40 pieces of my artwork at once to decorate their offices. This was the beginning of my art spreading in Vancouver.
3. Can you share the story of how you opened “Sasaki Art Gallery” in 1988?
Terry Sasaki: The building where my gallery is located, “The Pan Pacific,” was constructed by Tokyu Land Corporation. Fortunately, through acquaintances, I received an offer to open a gallery.
What’s interesting about a gallery is that you never know who will walk in.
6 Questions About Terry Sasaki’s Art
1. What was the inspiration behind starting your journey in art?
Terry Sasaki: I’ve always had a passion for creativity, even since I was a child. I consider painting as a means of self-expression.
2. You work across a wide range of genres, from painting to clothing design. What is your favorite genre?
Terry Sasaki: I love all of them, but painting is my foundation, and I never stray too far from it. Even when I’m creating clothing or accessories, painting is at the core.
3. Can you tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of being an artist in Vancouver rather than in Japan?
Terry Sasaki: If I had pursued my art in Japan, I might have become more famous. The art market in Canada is smaller than in Japan. Vancouver is a melting pot of immigrants from various countries, and many people here don’t have a fundamental education about investing in art. As immigrants, they prioritize establishing their livelihoods, protecting their families, and raising children.
4. Who are the primary buyers of your artwork?
Terry Sasaki: Lately, most of my buyers are American tourists. Some have even purchased up to 16 pieces at once.
5. Your paintings have three-dimensional elements. What materials do you use for those?
Terry Sasaki: I use Japanese paper, ink, sand, and acrylic to create the three-dimensional aspects.
6. Could you explain the details of your art concept?
Terry Sasaki: I’m always seeking the intersection between Eastern and Western influences.
The colors and movements are Western in style, while the techniques are Eastern. I dye handmade Japanese paper with acrylic, and I often combine fabric with Japanese paper.
To add depth to the colors, I layer them multiple times. For example, I layer dark blue on top of brown or white on top of black. I draw inspiration from my travels in Asian countries.
“Work Manual” Shared by Terry Sasaki
Here’s the translation of the “Work Manual” shared by Terry Sasaki:
“Nothing is received without asking for it. Attitude and Approach to Work“
To achieve success in your work:
Do what you love and enjoy it. “You can do your job without passion, but it’s more enjoyable when you add passion.”
Passion – Strive diligently toward your passion. “Changing your perspective changes your actions. Changing your actions changes your life.”
Approach to Work: “Luck comes when preparation meets opportunity.”
Goals “Goals enhance one’s abilities and enthusiasm.” Create clear, specific goals and concepts. Understand the gap between ideals and reality and make efforts to bridge that gap. The importance of writing.
Become a Believer “The Chinese character for ‘profit’ is written as ‘believer.'” Common traits of top achievers: Positivity, sincerity, honesty, and the ability to contribute to society.
Passion “Passion is a privilege that anyone can have equally.” To keep dreams alive and turn them into reality, strong determination, desires, and effort are necessary. The difference between someone who works at 100% and someone who works at 120%.
Sales Action and effort – Understand your strengths and weaknesses, and create your own sales style that leverages your strengths. Create your own space. Business is not charity. When it’s time to profit, profit generously, and when it’s time to give, give generously.
Approach The difference between working hard and working with knowledge. External and internal commerce. “We are not salespeople.” We are only connecting the product and the person, finding points of connection.Social skills – Express with the five senses. The first impression is crucial. Speak with your eyes and listen with your eyes. Nose – Smell reveals lifestyle habits.
Mouth – Conversation – Must have a story and inspire dreams. Ears – Good listeners are good talkers. Skin – Develop expressive gestures with your body. The moment of the first encounter is important – healthy skin leaves an impression.
Having dreams, reading the situation, planning, executing, and confirming must satisfy oneself.
The 7 secrets for business success that I learned from Terry Sasaki’s encounters
Meeting People Opens New Doors
Terry Sasaki’s story illustrates that with every positive encounter, he expands the scope of his artistic activities and seizes opportunities. His personality, attitude towards art and business, and preparedness to seize opportunities when they come are all exemplifications of the secret to success.
Grasping the Flow of Time and Timing
For instance, regarding the creation of accessories, he mentioned that the initial inspiration came from encountering beautiful gemstones during his travels in India and Thailand. Riding the wave of the healing stone trend at the time, his timely entry into accessory production in Vancouver illustrates how speed in adapting to trends can be key to business success.
Developing Judgement with Age
He emphasized that as one gets older, judgment skills develop, enabling better choices when it comes to people and situations. People who don’t align their actions with their words or cannot build trust are to be calmly assessed and cut off. Such discernment and decisiveness are essential for business owners.
When One Door Closes, Another Opens
Over the course of a long life, one inevitably faces challenging situations. However, Terry Sasaki learned that by facing challenges head-on, staying true to oneself, and putting in maximum effort daily, new opportunities eventually arise.
Trust Is Built by You Alone
He emphasized that trust is something no one gives or sells. Building trust is solely one’s responsibility.
Avoid Overly Ambitious Goals; Live Within Your Means
Terry Sasaki advised against striving to appear bigger than one is or living a lifestyle beyond one’s means. He stressed the importance of pursuing realistic goals within reach. However, he also mentioned that a little bit of stretching beyond one’s immediate capabilities can lead to excitement and growth.
“Sei – Dō – Wa” – Finding Harmony in Stillness, Action, and Balance
Terry Sasaki’s way of life is built upon the principles of “Sei – Dō – Wa,” which mean that there are three phases in life: a time to be still and think, a time to act upon one’s thoughts, and ultimately, a time to find balance by adjusting while looking both left and right. This philosophy is also reflected in his art. He stressed the importance of incorporating moments of stillness and reflection, even in a life filled with action, to maintain balance and harmony.
What are Terry Sasaki’s future goals?
I asked Terry Sasaki about his future goals, considering he has been pursuing his career as an artist in Vancouver for about 35 years. Here is his response:
“In my 40s and 50s, I was hardly ever at home. That’s why I want to cherish my future lifestyle. To realize what I want to do, I need a certain level of income. Fortunately, my gallery is currently doing well enough.
I want to spend time at home, inviting friends for weekly home parties, taking care of my beloved orchids, and valuing such moments. I also want to travel more to Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and India.”
Terry Sasaki showed me pictures of his home, which was adorned with meticulously cared-for orchids, creating a heavenly atmosphere. I also had the opportunity to see photos of his culinary creations, which displayed chef-level skills.
He pays great attention to the presentation, including the choice of serving dishes. It was evident that he values his personal time and enjoys it to the fullest.
“Ichigo Ichie” with Japanese Individuals Thriving in Vancouver
Meeting Japanese individuals who have found success in pursuing their passions in a foreign land can be incredibly inspiring. Terry Sasaki, whom I had the pleasure of meeting this time, is a prime example. Such individuals radiate enthusiasm, and they possess a balance of three key elements: the strength to pursue their passions, adaptability to the trends and timing of the times, and the marketing prowess to generate realistic numbers.
This encounter marks the 15th installment in the “Ichigo Ichie” series in Vancouver. Each of these encounters is unique and precious in my life. Every time, I reflect on how challenging and rewarding my life in Vancouver has been.
You can find previous installments of the “Ichigo Ichie” series here:
“In November, the “Sasaki Art Gallery” exhibition and sale will be held in Tokyo!
Terry’s exhibition “Kanata Exhibition” is scheduled to be held in Tokyo from 11/17 to 11/19. It’s a rare opportunity to see his works in person, which are usually only available in Vancouver.
Please make sure to visit!
Venue: Office Gin no Suzu, 6th Floor, 3-8-1 Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003
“Sasaki Art Gallery” Website: