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一期一会 in バンクーバー⑧




Meeting Sculptor Gerry and the Opportunities of Long-Term Overseas Stay
Once in a Lifetime in Vancouver #8
Gerry is one of the artists who is a business partner of my partner Joseph’s workplace art gallery. He is a sculptor who primarily creates totem poles and panels. (For past articles on Canadian Indigenous art, click here →カナダ先住民アートに心揺さぶられ/)
In the process of creating a totem pole with Jerry:
Here is the completed totem pole. The bear is depicted catching a salmon. The bear is a symbol of physical and spiritual strength, while the salmon symbolizes trust, prosperity, success, reliance, regeneration, provider, and life-giver.
How I Met Gerry:
Since last summer, Joseph has been learning sculpture skills from Gerry. I was very curious about him and finally had the chance to meet him at a pumpkin carving event on Halloween last October.
Gerry carved an eagle catching a salmon. Additionally, the eagle’s feathers were carved with the face of a pumpkin, which is a symbol of Halloween. The eagle represents great strength, fame, leadership, and future possibilities.
Here is Gerry at work. For someone who usually carves large pieces of wood, this giant pumpkin must have felt small and soft to him. I was mesmerized by his skillful knife handling and the certainty and speed with which he worked. By the way, floral design is similar in that experienced senior floral designers can create beautiful arrangements in a short amount of time. (For past articles in the florist series, click here →
On that day, we were also given the opportunity to carve a giant pumpkin. Joseph carved a unique face, while I carved a chrysanthemum, one of Japan’s symbolic flowers. It was challenging as the knife didn’t always go as planned, and there were hard spots. I was able to personally experience Jerry’s greatness.
Observing Gerry’s creative process in the long term:
There was a time when Ge rry worked at Joseph’s workplace, and since my former workplace was nearby, I visited many times to see Gerry’s work.
Gerry working on the totem pole:
Gerry working on a panel: In this video, he is creating a panel with an orca. The orca is said to symbolize longevity, intuition, harmony, traveler, guardian, ruler of the sea, and good fortune.
Over 20 knives used depending on the area and technique being carved.
You can easily see the completed artworks in museums and galleries. However, having the opportunity to directly observe the creative process for an extended period is one of the things that can only be done through long-term stays such as studying abroad or working holidays.
When I first started considering going to Canada, I never imagined I would have the chance to observe the process of creating totem poles multiple times.
Stepping out into the world brings valuable and meaningful experiences that we cannot imagine on our own. If you have even a slight interest in studying abroad or working holidays, I recommend starting with a free consultation with an agent from this link. That’s where everything started for me!