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一期一会 in バンクーバー⑤

特にRogers Arena(ロジャースアリーナ)に彼と何度もアレンジメントの設営に行ったのはとても大切な思い出です。ここにアイスホッケーの試合を見に来た人は山ほどいると思いますが、試合前の舞台裏を見れる人は少数だと思います。




Meeting Ryan and the Power of Laughter is Universal
“Once in a Lifetime in Vancouver Part 5”
My beloved friend Ryan and I met in April of last year. We met at my former workplace, where he worked as a driver delivering arrangements to clients and hotels, as well as setting up weddings and events. But his main job is actually in the film industry, and on top of that, he is a comedian.
Ryan loves making people laugh, and his presence always brings a bright and soothing atmosphere to any place. I enjoyed the driving time with him, and I loved going to the sites with him to set up arrangements.
The conversation with Ryan has been pleasant since the beginning, even though I couldn’t speak English well. He always chooses words that are easy to understand and speaks slowly for my sake. People who are good at conversation are usually skilled at asking questions and listening attentively. They also have abundant knowledge and can empathize with the other person while speaking. I believe these skills are important universally.
One of the most precious memories I have is going to Rogers Arena with him multiple times for arrangement setups. While many people come here to watch hockey games, only a few get to see the backstage before the games. Ryan would introduce us to the staff, saying, “This girl just came from Japan,” and he always created an opportunity for us to see behind the scenes.
Having a great time going out with my dear colleague Cecil, who I worked with. Although we haven’t been able to meet frequently recently due to our busy schedules, we keep in touch regularly, and I’m grateful that our relationship has continued even after I changed jobs.
“The Power of Laughter is Universal”
I’ve had the opportunity to attend Ryan’s comedy show, and many people were roaring with laughter at his jokes. The atmosphere in the venue was filled with a sense of peace.
Since coming here, I’ve realized that the sense of humor and cultural references vary greatly from person to person. However, I believe that making people smile is something universally desired around the world.
In fact, his comedy shows are meticulously crafted like this.
I think people who can make others laugh universally are incredibly intelligent and powerful. It’s a challenging task to navigate social situations, understand people’s characteristics and cultures, and push the boundaries just enough to bring laughter.
I also hope to improve my language skills and be able to make people laugh in English like Ryan in the near future. Making others laugh in a different language might be the most challenging aspect.
I believe that everything depends on the individual, regardless of where they are or who they meet. But if I hadn’t come to Vancouver, I wouldn’t have met Ryan or seen his comedy shows. I wouldn’t have experienced the humor and comedic preferences of other countries. Looking back, I’m truly glad that I took the challenge of living in Canada.
If you have even a slight interest, I recommend starting by consulting with a study abroad agent. Here is the link to my recommended agent.
I believe that even a little interest can transform into a concrete plan and lead to bold actions.
[…] 出会った当初、実は彼女は妊婦さんでした。大きなお腹でアレンジメントを作る姿はとても勇ましく、美しくてかっこよかったです。私が働き始めた約4ヶ月後にセシルは産休へ。その後も2人でラベンダー畑に行ったり、ライアンと3人でビーチや猫カフェに行ったりと沢山の美しい思い出を作りました。(ライアンとの一期一会についての過去記事はこちらから→ライアンとの出会いと笑いの力/) […]