Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.
- 日本が誇る伝統文化「盆栽/BONSAI」
- 東京での「TRADMAN’S BONSAI」との出会いとバンクーバーで見かける「BONSAI」
- 「TRADMAN’S GALLERY」に足を踏み入れると広がる絶景
- 「TRADMAN’S BONSAI」創立までのヒストリー
- ジョセフから鉄平さんと修介さんへの一問一答
- 日本を明るい未来へ導く盆栽の力
- かっこいい日本の伝統文化BONSAIを通して、日本をひっくり返す
- ジャーナリスト、ライターの仕事のご依頼はこちらのフォームから
- The traditional Japanese art of bonsai
- Encounter with “TRADMAN’S BONSAI” in Tokyo and Spotting “BONSAI” in Vancouver
- Stepping into the “TRADMAN’S GALLERY” reveals a breathtaking view
- The History Leading Up to the Establishment of “TRADMAN’S BONSAI”
- Q&A with Teppei and Shusuke from Joseph
- The power of bonsai guiding Japan towards a brighter future
- Flipping Japan through the cool traditional culture of Bonsai
- For job inquiries, please contact me here


その仕掛け役となっているのが盆栽プロデューサー小島鉄平さんが率いる「TRADMAN’S BOSAI」チーム。こちらの写真のかっこいい日本男児たち。(この日は全メンバーいたわけではないので、他にもメンバーがいらっしゃいます)

2015年TRADMAN’S BOSAI(株式会社松葉屋)として創立。日本の長い歴史で培われてきた盆栽文化の価値を広めるというミッションを掲げ、 店舗やオフィス、個人宅への盆栽リースから、アパレルセレクトショップやラグジュアリーホテルでの盆栽ディスプレイ、国内外の有名なブランドとのコラボレーションなどをしています。盆栽業界の垣根を超えた色々なジャンルと盆栽を組み合わせることで、新たな盆栽の魅力を世界中に発信しています。

東京での「TRADMAN’S BONSAI」との出会いとバンクーバーで見かける「BONSAI」
私が「TRADMAN’S BONSAI」を知ったのは約10年前の創立当初。日本での元職場が彼らから盆栽をリースしてディスプレイしていました。新しい盆栽が交換される毎週水曜日が楽しみでしょうがなかったです。海外のお客様も多かったので彼らが感動して、目を奪われる瞬間を何度も目にしました。その度に日本の文化を誇らしく感じ、私も盆栽の虜になっていきました。
本物の盆栽を直で見る機会を失い、日本で扱われている盆栽の価値を再確認した私はパートナージョセフを連れて、2023年11月の一時帰国の際に一般公開されていない「TRADMAN’S BONSAI」のギャラリーにお邪魔することに。そして創立者である代表取締役小島鉄平さんと副社長小山修介さんにインタビューの時間をいただきました。
「TRADMAN’S GALLERY」に足を踏み入れると広がる絶景



「TRADMAN’S BONSAI」創立までのヒストリー

代表取締役小島鉄平さん(写真左)と副社長小山修介さん(写真右)にまずお聞きしたのが「TRADMAN’S BONSAI」創立までのヒストリーです。
ちなみに修介(のちにTRADMAN’S 副社長となる)とも松葉小学校で出会いました。
鉄平さん: 1ヶ月以内ですね。

私:え? 師匠柔軟性ありすぎません?




「TRADMAN’S BONSAI」のオフィシャルウェブサイトはこちら
The traditional Japanese art of bonsai
What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘bonsai’?
I believe that among Japanese people, there are still quite a few who associate it with a hobby enjoyed by elderly individuals in their retirement years.
However, are you aware that in recent years, there has been an increasing interest in bonsai, and it has been gaining popularity among the younger generation in Japan and people all over the world?
Leading the charge is bonsai producer Teppei Kojima, who heads the team at “TRADMAN’S BONSAI.” Here are some cool Japanese gentlemen in the photo (though not all members were present on this particular day, as there are others as well).
Founded in 2015 as TRADMAN’S BONSAI (Matabayashi Co., Ltd.), the mission is to spread the value of bonsai culture cultivated over Japan’s long history. They engage in various activities, from leasing bonsai to stores, offices, and private homes, to displaying bonsai in apparel select shops and luxury hotels, as well as collaborating with famous brands both domestically and internationally. By combining bonsai with various genres beyond the boundaries of the bonsai industry, they are promoting the allure of bonsai worldwide.
Encounter with “TRADMAN’S BONSAI” in Tokyo and Spotting “BONSAI” in Vancouver
I first became acquainted with “TRADMAN’S BONSAI” about 10 years ago when they were first established. My former workplace in Japan leased bonsai from them for display. I looked forward to Wednesdays when new bonsai would be exchanged, and I couldn’t wait to see them. Since there were many foreign visitors, I witnessed their amazement and captivation by the bonsai on numerous occasions. Each time, I felt proud of Japanese culture and gradually became enamored with bonsai myself.
About 2 years ago, I left that workplace and started living in Vancouver. The plants labeled as “BONSAI” that I saw in Vancouver were completely different from the bonsai I knew. I couldn’t help but mutter to myself, “Huh? Is this BONSAI?”
Having lost the opportunity to see real bonsai up close, I reaffirmed the value of bonsai handled in Japan. So, during a temporary return to Japan in November 2023 with my partner Joseph, we visited the gallery of “TRADMAN’S BONSAI,” which is not open to the public. There, we had the opportunity to interview the CEO Teppei Kojima, and the vice president, Shusuke Koyama.
Stepping into the “TRADMAN’S GALLERY” reveals a breathtaking view
I had been looking forward to visiting this gallery, which was completed shortly after I arrived in Vancouver. The moment I stepped inside, I was greeted by a breathtaking sight of over 500 bonsai beautifully arranged, leaving me speechless.
Upon ascending to the second floor of the gallery, as shown in this photo, you can oversee all the bonsai. On clear days, Mount Fuji is visible from here. Teppei-san was responsible for all the design work. He expresses his desire to expand the gallery’s premises, utilizing all the land visible from this second floor.
The History Leading Up to the Establishment of “TRADMAN’S BONSAI”
I first asked CEO Teppei Kojima (left in the photo) and Vice President Shusuke Koyama (right in the photo) about the history leading up to the establishment of “TRADMAN’S BONSAI.”
Me: What was the starting point for you to begin bonsai cultivation?
Teppei: When I was young, my parents faced some temporary troubles and couldn’t take care of us anymore. So, I spent a few years in a facility. The headmaster there used to arrange and handle bonsai, and I often saw him working with them. That’s how I got to know bonsai and started interacting with them.
So, in a way, bonsai had always been in my heart since then.
Me: How old were you when you were at the facility?
Teppei: Around kindergarten to first or second grade of elementary school. After that, my parents took me back, and we moved. The place we moved to was Matsuba-cho in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture. I attended Matsuba Elementary School and Matsuba Middle School. The name “Matsu no Ha” (Pine Needle) was always around me. So, when I established the company, I decided to name it “Matsubaya Co., Ltd.”
By the way, I met Shusuke (who later became the vice president of TRADMAN’S) at Matsuba Elementary School.
Me: Before starting TRADMAN’S, you were involved in the vintage clothing business, right? I heard that it somehow led to the bonsai business. Could you please tell us more about the background?
Teppei: The first time I got into vintage was when my dad taught me about it in fifth grade. Especially vintage Levi’s. I studied a lot about the historical background, wondering why something that originally cost a few thousand yen could become worth tens of thousands of yen after being worn and dirtied by various people over time. I was really fascinated by aspects like how the wearer’s background could be reflected in the fading of the color.
After going through such childhood experiences, I thought I would like to run a clothing store when I grew up. Over the years, I was surrounded by various street cultures and music genres. Eventually, I became an adult and started running a clothing store.
Me: What was the catalyst for transitioning from vintage clothing to bonsai?
Teppei: At that time, I traveled to various countries as a buyer to scout for vintage clothing. There, I saw bonsai displayed, but they didn’t look as cool as I expected, and it felt disconnected from the bonsai I was familiar with.
When I showed a picture of real bonsai to foreigners at that time and saw their reactions, I thought there might be something I could do with this.
I had some vague knowledge of bonsai, and there were people around me who practiced bonsai. I thought maybe I could convey real bonsai to the world in a new way. So, when I returned to Japan, I formed the TRADMAN’S team.
Me: How long was it from conceiving that idea to the formation of the TRADMAN’S team?
Teppei: Within a month.
Me: That’s quite a significant challenge. How did people around you react?
Teppei: People around me reacted pretty normally. They weren’t surprised because I’ve always been that type. Everyone supported me. And I had a lot of confidence in the future vision of TRADMAN’S.
It’s not just a bonsai shop; it has its roots in street culture, and the mix of that with bonsai is what TRADMAN’S is all about. That’s something no one else was doing. When it comes to the bonsai industry, it’s a completely red ocean. Everyone’s already doing everything. But what we’re trying to do is in a blue ocean, where we can express anything.
Joseph: What was the scale like when you first started? How many bonsai were you handling?
Teppei: We started by renting shelves at a bonsai select shop and selling our bonsai there. We began with around 20 or 30 bonsai initially.
Joseph: You were gathering these bonsai by participating in auctions, right?
Shusuke: Yes. However, there are various stages in auctions, and it took us a lot of groundwork to finally reach the top-tier auctions we participate in now. What we’re participating in now is considered auctions where high-quality bonsai gather.
Joseph: What was the biggest risk at the inception?
Teppei: Since they didn’t sell right away, I would say using our savings was the biggest risk. Our initial capital was around 10 million yen. I had been involved in various company management and branding since I was 22 or 23 years old, and I sold all those businesses to raise capital for TRADMAN’S.
But I had absolute confidence without a doubt.
The catalyst for becoming an apprentice under a bonsai master was a falling-out with my comrades
Me: Has your confidence ever wavered?
Teppei: Actually, there was only one time when I experienced a slump. It was about 10 years ago when I had a falling-out with someone I was working with due to differences in our perspectives.
He was a bonsai artist, so when the artist left, I lost motivation. That’s when Shusuke (the vice president) really supported me.
However, that incident prompted us to learn bonsai properly on our own. Shusuke and I went to train under a bonsai master. Looking back now, I think it was a good opportunity given to us.
Me: What was your master’s reaction to mixing street culture with bonsai?
When you have a falling-out with an artist and can’t immediately acquire the skills, right? But my master is a very flexible person.
We talked to our master about what we were doing and asked for his cooperation. He understood because he also had a complicated past with his own master. So, we began our apprenticeship under him, believing that we needed to learn the techniques properly.
In the bonsai industry, it’s common to apprentice for a full five years without pay and live with the master. But since we had started a company and had families, and could only visit for training, our master accepted that.
But rumors started circulating when we started frequenting the bonsai garden; it felt like tough, tattooed people were coming in, as if they were intimidating.
Me: How long did you attend your master’s place?
It was actually ridiculously short, only two years. Normally, it would have been about five years, but our company kept growing rapidly and we got too busy to attend regularly. So, I told my master, “I’m kinda… you know, busy. laughs“
Then my master said, “You’ve learned the basics, you’ll be fine. Just leave the rest to me.”
And as soon as I finished my apprenticeship, I said to my master, “Please join us as an employee!” So now my master is an employee of TRADMAN’S!
Me: Huh? Isn’t your master too flexible?
Teppei: Yeah. My master is my subordinate, and I’m his disciple and also the president. It’s a complicated relationship. laughs
To be honest, those two years of training were mentally tough. I was constantly scolded, yelled at; it was really strict. Looking back, it was a good experience, but at the time, we were really struggling. laughs with Shusuke
We had some serious arguments with my master back then. But through that, we’ve built a really good relationship now.
Q&A with Teppei and Shusuke from Joseph
Joseph: You two met at Matsuba Elementary School, but did Teppei approach Shusuke when TRADMAN’S was founded?
Teppei: Yes. We had been working together on various projects originally. There was also a period when we lived together.
Joseph: Why did Shusuke say “Yes”?
Shusuke: We’ve been working together on various projects for a long time, so it felt very natural to me.
Joseph: Were you originally interested in bonsai, or did you become interested after starting with Teppei?
Shusuke: The latter!
Joseph: What is your favorite part of the job?
Teppei: For me, it’s spreading bonsai to the world. I believe it can change Japan.
Shusuke: The most rewarding moment for me is when I feel that we have successfully introduced bonsai to many clients. It gives me a sense of fulfillment.
Joseph: Can you tell me your favorite bonsai?
Teppei: Mine is a bonsai called “501” that I bought for the first time with a high price. It may not be considered a great bonsai by many, but it holds a lot of sentimental value for me.
Shusuke: Mine is a black pine bonsai that I won at auction when I first started participating. It’s not necessarily the best bonsai, but it holds memories of the excitement of winning it.
The power of bonsai guiding Japan towards a brighter future
When I returned to Japan in November, I watched Japanese news on TV for the first time in a while. The yen depreciation, increasing concerns about retirement, and heavy tax burdens on young people were all I heard, and it made me feel sad because of the negative news.
So, I asked Mr. Teppei about his thoughts on Japan’s future.
The cool Japanese culture to be proud of worldwide
Teppei : Lately, I’ve been constantly thinking about the future of Japan. We grew up in Japan after losing the war, with American culture influencing us through education.
I hadn’t realized it was because we lost the war. But I came to that realization along the way. And from vintage Levi’s 501 jeans, I ventured into the world of bonsai, and from bonsai, I learned about Japan’s history.
Through bonsai, I came to understand the valuable aspects of Japan. What I truly believe is cool now is Japan.
Japan will change as the younger generation becomes aware of the coolness of Japanese culture
Teppei: It’s a fact that Japan is facing various problems. But we have to change this.
It’s natural to promote the charm of Japanese culture to the world. However, I want young people in Japan to know more about how cool Japanese culture is. The reason we’re opening a shop in Marunouchi, where Tokyo Station and the Imperial Palace are located, fundamentally stems from that sentiment.
In that shop, we’ll not only sell bonsai but also collaborate with various traditional cultures.
I want as many people as possible to realize the goodness of Japanese culture there. I hope they’ll notice the current dire situation in Japan and think we need to do something about it. And perhaps, that feeling might lead to actions like “Let’s go vote” or “Maybe things will change if we vote.”
I believe when young people learn about the goodness of Japan, Japan might turn around.
Me: I’m feeling really excited right now. I love kimonos, and I’ve been influenced by my stepmother, who is French. I’ve learned a lot about the goodness of Japan from her. Even while in Vancouver, and especially during this recent return trip, that feeling has grown even stronger.
Teppei: You know, many young Japanese are starting to realize that. Especially those in their twenties. There are more kids who can research and think for themselves. They’re not just following what the media says.
It’s important to nurture the younger generation. I’ve experienced it firsthand. This younger generation can carry Japan forward.
If you seek it, it will come!!!! Absolutely!!!! There are many Japanese who are fully awake.
Also, there are many people who think Japan is in trouble, so they leave Japan, learn various things overseas, fall even more in love with Japan, and then work to make Japan better.
Me: I completely resonate with that! That’s exactly how I feel!! But sometimes I question myself, thinking if I love Japan so much, shouldn’t I go back to Japan? But then I also realize there are things I can do precisely because I’m in Vancouver.
Teppei: There are warriors in every country, and ultimately, they should create a huge Genki Dama (Spirit Bomb).
By the way, there’s a group called “The Future of Japan Forum” with about 20 members, and I was invited there. Things like that are happening behind the scenes. There are actually people who are seriously thinking about it.
Me: I’ll do my best to contribute from Vancouver to make that huge Spirit Bomb.
Flipping Japan through the cool traditional culture of Bonsai
I had met both of you a few times during my time at my former workplace, but I had never had the chance to deeply understand the history and thoughts leading up to the establishment until now. Through this conversation, I came to understand once again why TRADMAN’S captivates not only Japan but people all over the world.
And the moment I heard Mr. Tepppei say, “The future of Japan is bright. Absolutely fine,” it felt like the fog in my mind that I had during my return home was lifted.
Feeling the strong spirit of TRADMAN’S, which aims to “flip Japan through the cool traditional culture of BONSAI,” I deeply empathize with its ideology and have reaffirmed what I, as a Japanese, should do.
As a journalist, I hope that by sharing articles, even if it’s just with one more Japanese person, it will become an opportunity for them to take pride in and deeply understand Japanese culture. And may it further cultivate a love for their own country.
Moreover, I hope that it serves as a catalyst for people from other countries to become interested in Japanese culture and become captivated by its true charm and depth.
With this in mind, I write with the hope that it will contribute, even in a small way, to preserving the beautiful culture of Japan that is at risk of being lost.
You can find the official website of “TRADMAN’S BONSAI” here:
For job inquiries, please contact me here
For inquiries regarding jobs as a journalist, interviewer, or writer, please contact me here.
I also accept requests for writing articles that require interviews conducted in English, and translation between Japanese and English. Interviews with people worldwide can be conducted online.