Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.
第一弾 創業285年帯匠「誉田屋源兵衛」源兵衛さんインタビュー記事①→
第二弾 創業285年帯匠「誉田屋源兵衛」源兵衛さんインタビュー記事②
「源兵衛さん自身のお寺での修行のお話」「親友 田中泯さんとの出会い」「源兵衛さんの意外なご趣味」
第三弾 創業285年帯匠「誉田屋源兵衛」想像を絶する奇跡的な帯たち in 京都①
- ボストン美術館に保管されている水墨画を表現した2本の帯
- 日光東照宮の暗闇で見た牡丹をラピスラズリで表現した帯
- 徳川十一代目家斉公の紋様を施した帯
- 日々表情を変えていく帯と永遠に変らない帯
- 一階フロアに展示されていた国宝レベルの帯たち
- 着物姿は帯姿、帯が持つ本来の意味とは?
- 国宝級のスキルを持つ職人たちが失われてく現実
- 日本人として母国のために自分が出来ること
- Final Chapter: Unprecedented Miraculous Obi Creations by the 285-Year-Old Obi Craftsman, ‘Kondaya Genbei,’ in Kyoto (Part 2)
- Two Obis Depicting Ink Paintings Preserved at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts
- An obi belt that captures the image of peonies seen in the darkness of Nikko Toshogu Shrine, rendered in lapis lazuli
- An obi belt adorned with the crest of the eleventh shogun of the Tokugawa era, Ienari Tokugawa
- An obi belt that evolves and changes its expression daily, alongside a belt that remains eternal and unchanging
- Belts of national treasure caliber exhibited on the first floor
- The attire of a kimono involves the style of the obi, and what is the inherent meaning of the obi?
- The harsh reality is the loss of artisans with national treasure-level skills.
- What I Can Do as a Japanese for My Homeland





私が源兵衛さんのことを知ったのは、パートナージョセフが源兵衛さんのこちらの帯の動画をYou Tubeで見つけたのがきっかけ。この帯を見た瞬間に虜になりました。








Final Chapter: Unprecedented Miraculous Obi Creations by the 285-Year-Old Obi Craftsman, ‘Kondaya Genbei,’ in Kyoto (Part 2)
I have been conducting interviews with Yamaguchi Genbei, the 10th generation of the 285-year-old establishment, “Kondaya Genbei,” since December. In the first and second installments, we delved into his insights. In the third installment, we introduced the miraculous obis of “Kondaya Genbei” that can be considered national treasures.
Now, in the final chapter – the fourth installment – we will explore topics that were not covered in the previous discussions.
We will delve into the “breathtakingly beautiful obis beyond imagination,” the harsh reality of losing craftsmen with skills at the national treasure level, and the true significance of the kimono attire. Genbei, with fervent admirers both domestically and internationally, continues to introduce groundbreaking works while preserving inherited techniques and traditions. Describing him as the “maverick of the obi industry” would not be an exaggeration.
Visit the official website of ‘Kondaya Genbei’ here:
During my return to Japan last November, a series of miracles unfolded, providing me with the rare opportunity to witness firsthand obis at the national treasure level and conduct an invaluable interview with Genbei-san.
In the first installment, an interview article with Genbei-san, the 10th generation obi craftsman of the 285-year-old establishment ‘Kondaya Genbei,’ is available at:
Topics covered include ‘Japanese history not found in textbooks,’ ‘the modern tendency to overcomplicate things,’ and ‘the genuine culture of Kyoto and Japan beyond tourist attractions.’
The second installment of the interview series with Genbei-san is accessible at:
It features discussions on ‘Genbei-san’s personal experiences in training at his own temple,’ ‘the encounter with his close friend, Min Tanaka,’ and ‘unexpected hobbies of Genbei-san.’
The third installment, showcasing the miraculous obis beyond imagination in Kyoto, is available at:
Two Obis Depicting Ink Paintings Preserved at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts
This is a representation in textile form of a Chinese ink painting from the Ming Dynasty, the original of which is housed in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
It was a challenge to weave something surpassing the beauty of the original ink painting using fabric. The obi belt is infused with silver that has undergone sulfurization over approximately 100 years.
Additionally, threads dyed with ink, with varying shades to depict the ink painting, are woven into the fabric. The threads dyed with lacquer are exclusively used for the carp scales, revealing the gleam of lacquer.
Every single wave is meticulously woven into the fabric. It is an incredibly intricate and delicate textile that is beyond imagination.
And here is an obi belt that takes on the challenge of expressing Chinese ink paintings stored in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. It seems that Mr. Genbei believes that “as an art form, ink paintings are the ultimate and the best.” Therefore, he is challenging himself to see how far he can express the ultimate work of art through weaving.
This obi also utilizes silver that has undergone sulfurization over approximately 100 years as its base. The distinctive feature of silver is that it initially starts with a beautiful silver color, but over time, it transforms, exhibiting shades of gold, green, and orange before eventually turning black. These two belts, expressing the Chinese ink paintings, allow one to savor the unique process of change inherent in silver. As another 100 years pass, they will likely become even darker, acquiring a more subdued and sophisticated taste. Just as humans age and gain depth, the belts seem to come alive, embodying a truly dynamic quality!
An obi belt that captures the image of peonies seen in the darkness of Nikko Toshogu Shrine, rendered in lapis lazuli
I learned about Mr. Genbei when my partner stumbled upon a YouTube video showcasing one of his obi belts. The moment I saw this belt, I was captivated. It represents the peonies seen in the darkness of a special, usually inaccessible area of Nikko Toshogu Shrine.
To capture a hint of moonlight, silver is deliberately incorporated. Lapis lazuli is used in the woven blue peonies.
An obi belt adorned with the crest of the eleventh shogun of the Tokugawa era, Ienari Tokugawa
This belt is created by dyeing washi paper with lacquer, layering it, and then cutting it into thin threads before weaving the family crest pattern. Normally, lacquer hardens, but the soft finish of this belt is achieved by weaving finely cut lacquered washi paper into it.
Interestingly, lacquer is said to deepen and gain more richness as 100 or 200 years pass. The torn fan portion incorporates platinum and 24-karat gold. The torn fan is a pattern from the battle surcoat (jinbaori) of the eleventh shogun, Ienari Tokugawa, symbolizing the spirit of “never giving up no matter how torn, taking responsibility no matter what happens.”
It is truly a refined and profound expression of determination woven into the battle surcoat with one’s own resolve.
An obi belt that evolves and changes its expression daily, alongside a belt that remains eternal and unchanging
Obi belts dyed with silver or persimmon tannin, as introduced in the previous examples, change over time. They evolve gradually day by day, embodying the essence of “ichi-go ichi-e” – a unique and unrepeatable encounter with each passing day.
Conversely, platinum, 24-karat gold, and shell, as seen in the belts introduced in the previous discussions, remain constant. These belts, such as the one created with “supernatural delicacy using seashells” or the one expressing the art of Ito Jakuchu with platinum, truly embody the concept of unchanging beauty.
Being able to appreciate both the “beauty that changes day by day” and the “eternal beauty” through belts is truly enchanting!
Belts of national treasure caliber exhibited on the first floor
The belts introduced thus far were displayed on the second floor of “Kondaya Genbei.” As captivating as they were, the first floor also showcased an array of national treasure-level belts. I will introduce them one by one in order.
(Left) The base is made from silver that dates back approximately 100 years. The pattern in the foreground incorporates the use of gold.
(Right) Expression of the swirling wind pattern from the glassware of René Lalique, a French jewelry and glass craftsman from the 19th to 20th century. To achieve a three-dimensional effect, soft silk cotton is woven inside while crafting the belt.
This belt is woven with threads made from the gemstone opal. It’s mentioned that just mastering this particular technique alone requires a significant investment of time and effort. According to Mr. Hotta, who explained the belts, “With a history of 285 years, Kondaya Genbei seems to exist as a matter of course, but ordinarily, for a regular company, just creating one of these materials might be considered a considerable accomplishment.”
(Left) A belt that expresses the highly praised and finely detailed technique of maki-e, known for its extraordinary craftsmanship during the Meiji era. This belt is made of lacquer and 24-karat gold. Since every thin line is three-dimensional, it creates the illusion of swirling movement.
(Right) A belt delicately woven with extremely fine threads depicting wisteria flowers. It employs the highest-grade weaving technique known as “Uki-ori,” which weaves the pattern called “Karaori” in an embroidery-like fashion. It is said that “Karaori” is used for costumes in Noh theater.
This obi belt represents the winged horse, “Tenma,” depicted in the national treasure “Dragon-Headed Water Bottle” at Horyu-ji Temple. Upon closer inspection, the horse’s head transforms into a dragon. The Tenma is an imaginative creature created over a thousand years ago as the “ultimate creature that fulfills dreams.”
The entire belt utilizes silver leaf that has changed over time. The silver leaf is applied after tanning the leather. The black portion of the Tenma is woven with lacquered threads.
The beautiful green decorative parts on either side of the horse’s torso incorporate opals. When seen in person, the belt imparts a three-dimensional sensation, making the Tenma appear as if it is emerging from the surface.
The attire of a kimono involves the style of the obi, and what is the inherent meaning of the obi?
Kimono is a thousand ryo, obi is ten thousand ryo
While kimonos are often considered the main focus, the phrase “Kimono is the body, but the obi is the soul” underscores the prominence of the obi. After all, the allure of the “beautiful back” is a well-known concept, and kimonos tend to be more subdued, often resembling plain fabric. Hence, the saying “A kimono is worth a thousand gold pieces, but an obi is worth ten thousand gold pieces.”
Mr. Hotta’s statement, “The obi is yourself. It’s referred to as the back of your face. It represents your status and your expression. Don’t undersell yourself. Elevate yourself,” remains a strong and lasting impression.
The continuous issuance of sumptuary laws, known as the “Luxury Prohibition Edict”
During the Edo period, was a set of regulations imposed by the shogunate to “forbid extravagance, promote frugality, and enforce thriftiness.” It intricately specified everything from the types of fabric for kimono to the colors used for dyeing, targeting both samurai and townspeople.
Interestingly, there is a theory that obis were not included in the scope of these regulations. As a result, kimonos gradually became more plain, leading to a counterreaction where obis became more ornate. This shift marked a period where obis started to assert individuality and extravagance.
The obi is a boundary, a protective charm
Mr. Hotta mentioned, “The obi is a boundary, also a protective charm. The moment you wrap the obi, you become a different person in a different world. By tying the obi, a different version of yourself emerges. It’s better to wear a good obi.”
When tying the obi while wearing a kimono, there’s a sensation of the spine straightening and awakening. I realized that this comes from the inherent meaning that the obi carries.
The harsh reality is the loss of artisans with national treasure-level skills.
Depending on the obi, it takes at least a year or two to complete a single obi, starting from Mr. Genbei’s design concept. As seen in this blog, some obis have taken a decade to produce.
The process of making an obi involves multiple steps, and “Hommataya Genbei” gathers highly skilled artisans at each stage, totaling 5 to 6 individuals. These craftsmen dedicate their entire lives to this craft.
“However, they are all around 80 years old, and there are no successors. That’s the biggest concern. Jobs like these for artisans don’t pay well, and they are very diligent. Young people wouldn’t take up such work,” says Mr. Hotta. While machines might be able to produce similar precise and beautiful textiles, capturing the essence and flavor of these handmade items is impossible.
What I Can Do as a Japanese for My Homeland
As a Japanese living in Vancouver for about two years now, I find myself contemplating what I can do for my beloved homeland every day. The extensive interviews with Mr. Yamaguchi Genbei in the first to fourth installments and the miraculous obis have been truly inspiring.
For me, the answer to what I can contribute for the sake of my country is “writing and sharing about the beautiful culture of Japan.” This is directed towards people worldwide and within Japan. Japanese culture is incredibly profound, and there are still many aspects even Japanese people might not be aware of.
By introducing and deepening the understanding of the charm of Japanese culture to a wider audience, I hope to contribute in a small way to preserving the beauty of Japan’s culture, which is slowly being lost. I believe that the love each individual has for their homeland will inevitably guide Japan towards a bright future.
Finally, I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Yamaguchi Genbei for generously participating in the lengthy interview despite the sudden request, to Mr. Hotta for explaining the obis in detail, and to all the staff at “Kondaya Genbei” for their cooperation.