第三弾 創業285年帯匠「誉田屋源兵衛」想像を絶する奇跡的な帯たち in 京都 ①/The unimaginable miraculous obi of “Kondaya Genbei,” founded 285 years ago Obi Manufacturing and Sales Company in Kyoto Part1

日本文化/Japanese Culture

Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.



「誉田屋源兵衛」オフィシャルウェブサイトはこちら。 https://kondayagenbei.jp



第一弾 源兵衛さんインタビュー記事→ https://ayakanoikigaidou.com/post-5026/


第二弾 源兵衛さんインタビュー記事


「源兵衛さん自身のお寺での修行のお話」「親友 田中泯さんとの出会い」「源兵衛さんの意外なご趣味」







































Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.

The unimaginable miraculous obi of “Kondaya Genbei,” founded 285 years ago Obi Manufacturing and Sales Company in Kyoto

Since mid-December, I have been working on the first and second installments of interviews with Mr. Yamaguchi Genbei, the tenth generation of the 285-year-old establishment “Kondaya Genbei.” In this third installment, we will focus on the beautiful obi (sashes) from “Kondaya Genbei” that were shown to us after the interview with Mr. Genbei.

Mr. Genbei has enthusiastic followers both domestically and internationally. While inheriting the skills and traditions passed down through generations, he continues to unveil works that bring about “innovation” in the world of kimono, truly earning the title of the “maverick of the obi industry!”

The official website of “Kondaya Genbei” can be found here: https://kondayagenbei.jp

I first learned about Mr. Genbei when my partner discovered a video of his obi on Youtube. The moment I saw the bold peony woven into this jet-black fabric adorned with lapis lazuli, as showcased in that video, I was captivated.

Various miracles aligned during my return to Japan in November last year, providing me with the opportunity to meet Mr. Genbei in person in Kyoto and conduct an interview.

First Installment: Interview with Mr. Genbei Article → Link

“Unveiling Japan’s History Not Found in Textbooks,” “Modern Complications Faced by People,” “The Real Kyoto and Japanese Culture Beyond Tourist Spots.”

Second Installment: Interview with Mr. Genbei Article → Link

“Mr. Genbei’s Personal Stories of Training at His Own Temple,” “Encounter with Close Friend Mr. Min Tanaka,” “Surprising Hobbies of Mr. Genbei.”

Now, let’s delve into the unimaginably beautiful and immeasurably rare obi from “Kondaya Genbei” that were shown to us. Mr. Hotta from “Konadaya Genbei” graciously provided detailed explanations for each obi. I sincerely express my gratitude.

An obi dyed by repeating the process 20 to 30 times using persimmon tannin

“This obi is woven from threads cut from paper mulberry (mitsumata) dyed with persimmon tannin. To achieve the deep color seen here, the dyeing and drying process is repeated 20 to 30 times.

Due to the use of persimmon tannin in this obi, its color will change over time, evolving with the years. When one looks at this obi a hundred years from now, its expression is likely to have transformed. The silver dragonfly motif is crafted with platinum.

Obi woven and crafted by incorporating peacock feathers

This is an obi woven by incorporating peacock feathers into the warp threads. The peacock feathers are so soft and lightweight, almost floating with a breath, indicating the meticulous and delicate craftsmanship involved in creating this intricate piece of work..

One notable feature of this obi is its ability to change color depending on the viewing angle. In the first and second photos, a beautiful green hue dominates. However, in the lower two photos, a rich brown color takes the lead, with hints of green peeping through.

Imagining how this obi will appear when tied is truly captivating. The three-dimensional effect created by tying it will undoubtedly showcase a beautiful gradient of green and brown! Moreover, the way it is tied can significantly alter its overall appearance.

Historically, it is known that Uesugi Kenshin created Jinbaori (warrior vest) using this weaving technique. Therefore, this method is not a recent innovation but rather a restoration dating back approximately 450 years. However, since Uesugi Kenshin’s era, no one has been using this technique for weaving until Mr. Genbei revived it. Without his efforts, we might never have had the chance to witness this ancient craft again.

Currently, there are no artisans possessing this technique, and it is said that it cannot be restored.

Obi Made with Seashells Using Superhumanly Delicate Techniques

This obi is made using seashells.

The specific production method involves first cutting the seashells in half. Only the pristine parts of the shells are used, as damaged areas with holes are not suitable. The beautiful inner sections revealed by polishing both sides are carefully polished further.

From there, sheets are created at an immeasurable thickness level using a ruler, and these sheets are aligned in countless layers, adhered to Japanese paper, and coated to prevent them from coming apart. The sheets are then finely cut into thread-like strands, and only then can the weaving process begin.

Because seashells exhibit patterns in light, the weaver meticulously aligns these patterns during the weaving process to restore their original appearance.

I had the privilege of touching a special obi made from these seashells. Despite being made from firm shells, it was astonishingly smooth and soft.

Ordinarily, even thin and hard materials are prone to breaking. Surprisingly, this obi has invisible fractures throughout. The reason it doesn’t break further is because it’s already broken.

It is finished to the ultimate thinness where even the seams are invisible. It is said that any thickness beyond that, the seams would appear torn, giving the appearance of holes.

When tracing back through history, there were belts made with seashells in the past, but they were not as superhumanly thin as those created by ‘Kondata-ya Genbei.’ To avoid the unsightly appearance caused by fractures, they were discreetly placed in areas of the obi that wouldn’t be visible during wear.

However, this approach didn’t align with Mr. Genbei’s philosophy, as he believes an obi should serve its functional purpose. According to historical records such as “Murasaki Shikibu Nikki,” princesses in the past adorned themselves with shells, but Mr. Genbei is credited with being the first in Japanese history to use seashells in such a groundbreaking way.

Obi Expressing the Art of Ito Jakuchu Using Platinum

There is also an obi that expresses the works of Ito Jakuchu using platinum. Various master craftsmen dedicated an astonishing 10 years to the creation of this piece, experimenting and challenging themselves to capture the weightless quality found in Ito Jakuchu’s artwork through weaving.

Platinum is used in the white portions of the obi, and depending on the viewing angle, the metallic brilliance of platinum becomes apparent. The specific production process involves applying lacquer to Mitsu-mata, Japan’s finest handmade paper, with the lacquer acting as an adhesive. Thinly stretched platinum is delicately applied over it, forming sheets that are finely cut into threads.

These threads are then woven one by one to create the obi. Simultaneously, intricate patterns are woven with ultra-fine threads. Surprisingly, these patterns are not embroidered but expressed with extremely fine woven threads, contributing to the transparent and weightless quality of the design. Achieving this texture requires the extraordinary skills of a master craftsman.

Most woven fabrics are created with the concept of “adding volume.” However, the remarkable aspect of this obi lies in its challenge to do the exact opposite – to “reduce volume.” Imagining how it will complement various kimono ensembles is an exciting prospect in itself.

Continuing with the fourth installment, I will now provide detailed introductions to the miraculous obi shown to us at ‘Kondaya Genbei.’ Stay tuned for more insights into these extraordinary pieces!

I initially thought that the third installment of the ‘Kondaya Genbei’ series would be the final chapter. However, as I wrote, I realized that each obi from ‘Kondaya Genbei’ contains an unexpectedly deep and fascinating wealth of information. Therefore, I’ve decided to separate and introduce them in the fourth installment.

I hope that this article serves as an opportunity for Japanese readers to take pride in and deepen their understanding of their own culture. May it nurture a stronger love for their country.

For international readers, I hope it sparks an interest in Japanese culture and captivates them with its true charm and depth. Furthermore, I wish that these insights contribute in a small way to preserving the beauty of Japan’s vanishing traditions.

Having lived in Vancouver for about two years now, I’ve come to appreciate the value and profound charm of Japan, especially since being away. The beauty of tradition and its deep allure. I believe that conveying these aspects to as many people as possible is something I can do for my beloved homeland.

The individual strength to love one’s homeland will undoubtedly guide Japan towards a brighter future. Stay tuned for the fourth installment, which I’ll be writing soon. Please give it a read!



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