Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.
しかしそんな中でも少しずつ時間を見つけて「紋のIkigai道」をベースにして書いた「FIRST TIME 人間〜海外生活から見出す人生の答えとIKIGAIの追求〜」という本を出版しました!

- 「FIRST TIME 人間」の出版を決めたきっかけは?
- なぜ「FIRST TIME 人間」というタイトルなのか?
- 人、仕事、言語、生き方、挑戦、価値観などあらゆることに迷った時に、ふと開くと人生の答えが見つかるバイブル
- バンクーバーで撮影した美しい写真たちも必見!
- 「FIRST TIME 人間〜海外生活から見出す人生の答えとIKIGAIの追求〜」を出版するまでに至った全ての人や出来事への感謝
- Announcement of the Publication of FIRST TIME Human ~ Finding Life’s Answers and the Pursuit of Ikigai sparked by Living Abroad
- What inspired me to publish FIRST TIME Human?
- Why the title FIRST TIME Human?
- A bible to turn to when you feel lost about people, work, language, lifestyle, challenges, values, and more—a guide to finding answers in life
- The beautiful photos taken in Vancouver are a must-see!
- Gratitude to All the People and Experiences That Led to the Publication of FIRST TIME Human~ Finding Life’s Answers and the Pursuit of Ikigai sparked by Living Abroad
「FIRST TIME 人間」の出版を決めたきっかけは?

なぜ「FIRST TIME 人間」というタイトルなのか?
それがこの本のタイトル「FIRST TIME 人間」の理由です。

First Time人間になることは苦労もありましたが、精神的に強くなり、自己成長や視野を広げることに繋がりました。そして何よりも言語と文化、国籍、性別の全てを取っ払った「人間」という生き物を改めて客観視したうえで、自分の指針や生き方を見出すことに導いてくれました。



「FIRST TIME 人間〜海外生活から見出す人生の答えとIKIGAIの追求〜」を出版するまでに至った全ての人や出来事への感謝
安全な環境で質の良い教育を受けさせてくれた日本、世界に誇る美しい日本の文化に囲まれて育ったこと、私のFirst time 人間の経験に至るまでに培った背景に関わっている全ての人達、文化や芸術、事柄があったからこそ今の私があります。
そしてFirst time人間になった後の私と根気強く付き合い続けているパートナーや彼の家族、新たな価値観を生み出すきっかけを作ってくれたバンクーバーで出会った人々や出来事に深く感謝します。
※この記事は「FIRST TIME 人間〜海外生活から見出す人生の答えとIKIGAIの追求〜」から一部引用しています
Announcement of the Publication of FIRST TIME Human ~ Finding Life’s Answers and the Pursuit of Ikigai sparked by Living Abroad
It has been over a year since I started this blog, ‘Ayaka’s Ikigai Dou,’ on May 30, 2023. Time truly flies!
I began this journey after overcoming a period of deep emotional turmoil, when my mind and heart were gradually starting to find peace.
I started this blog with the hope of sharing the valuable experiences, encounters, struggles, and joys I gained during my life abroad. By doing so, I wished to encourage others, to help them find answers when they feel lost in life.
As a natural progression, this blog has led to opportunities in writing and journalism, expanding my career options.
Additionally, my desire to delve deeper into topics of interest and to acquire more knowledge has grown stronger. The blog has also opened doors for me to interview artists I met in Japan and Vancouver, who are innovating while preserving and passing on Japanese culture. This has made my life much richer and more meaningful.
In the beginning, I was able to post daily, but as school started, and just when I thought my school days were over, my work as a writer and journalist increased, and suddenly my floral work also became busier. With these hectic days, I could barely manage to write a few articles a month.
However, even amidst all this, I gradually found time and published a book based on this blog titled FIRST TIME Human ~ Finding Life’s Answers and the Pursuit of Ikigai sparked by Living Abroad~
What inspired me to publish FIRST TIME Human?
The inspiration came from a simple suggestion by my partner, Joseph.
‘Your blog is great, but why not try publishing a book? Writing an entire book, not just web articles, could further expand your potential as a writer. Having something tangible and visible could also give you a great sense of accomplishment.’
At first, I resisted, saying, ‘I’m too busy!’ But once I started writing, I found it enjoyable and slowly made progress by waking up early in the morning or using time after work. There were moments when I got frustrated, endlessly finding typos even after dozens of revisions. (Haha!)
However, the moment I received the actual book was deeply moving.
The photo below is from when my partner took me out to eat oysters, my favorite, to celebrate the publication.
Why the title FIRST TIME Human?
From the moment I arrived in Vancouver about two years and eight months ago, I had a strong desire to live like a local, not just as a student or tourist. With this in mind, I consciously made an effort to immerse myself in the lives of the local people. Meeting my Canadian partner further accelerated this process, and from the first year, I found myself surrounded by locals.
However, what awaited me were challenges I hadn’t anticipated: the difficulty of mastering English, building relationships from scratch, finding a job and a place to live, establishing an economic cycle where I could earn and sustain myself, and reconciling the differences between who I was in Japan and who I was becoming. Even simple tasks took much longer to accomplish.
Another thing that struck me about life in Vancouver was the lack of the intricate, unspoken rules that I naturally followed in Japan, and the overwhelming diversity of values. Vancouver is a city where people of various religions, nationalities, genders, and cultures come together, and there is a strong emphasis on mutual respect.
Even now, there are many things that don’t quite make sense to me—like, “How can that be okay, but this isn’t?” Such differences arise even among Japanese people due to different upbringings, so it’s even more pronounced in a city with people from all over the world. For some, what is correct is the complete opposite of what I believe.
This experience forced me to reevaluate and adjust the boundaries of right and wrong, good and bad, that I had held. I realized that concepts which seem to be opposites often overlap and create a gradient, where neither 0 nor 100 is the absolute truth.
When I feel the need to finely adjust these boundaries, it’s as if I’m experiencing life as a “human” for the first time.
This is why I titled the book FIRST TIME Human.”
Becoming a First Time 人間 was challenging, but it made me mentally stronger, more courageous, and led to personal growth and a broader perspective. Most importantly, it allowed me to strip away the barriers of language, culture, nationality, and gender, and view ‘human beings’ from a fresh, objective standpoint, helping me to discover my own path and way of life.
This, in turn, led me to think daily about the pursuit of Ikigai and the importance of accumulating time. This book is not just about living abroad—it’s written for those who want to take on new challenges but struggle to take the first step, those who have hit a wall in life, those who can’t find their goals or who they want to be, those who feel anxious about the future, those who are tired of dealing with relationships, or those who are facing difficult decisions and are unsure which way to go.
I wrote this book in the hope that it might help even a little for those who are grappling with these emotions.
A bible to turn to when you feel lost about people, work, language, lifestyle, challenges, values, and more—a guide to finding answers in life
It’s believed that people make up to 35,000 decisions each day.
From small daily choices to major life decisions, challenges, uncertainties about the future, and moments of doubt, we experience a wide range of emotions just by living.
At times, you might find yourself questioning what your Ikigai is, who you want to become, which values are right, how you should live, whether you’re okay as you are, and what truly matters. When you feel this way, I encourage you to pick up this book.
This is not a book that says, ‘Living abroad is the best! You should definitely try it!’ Instead, it’s a book that clearly summarizes the conclusions, life lessons, true values, answers to life, mindset, and teachings that I discovered through various real-life experiences while living abroad. These lessons apply regardless of whether you’re in Japan or any other country.
The beautiful photos taken in Vancouver are a must-see!
I absolutely love taking walks (even when I’m tired), and Vancouver is filled with stunning scenery. My phone’s folder is packed with countless photos because I have a habit of capturing something whenever I see it.
I’ve scattered these photos throughout the book, making it a visually enjoyable read. To be honest, while I love writing, I don’t enjoy reading all that much. (Haha)
That’s why I wanted to create a book that even those who aren’t fond of reading can enjoy! I hope that people who usually dislike reading will first be drawn to the photos, which might then inspire them to read, or that they can use the photos as a break if they get tired of reading.
I hope the words and photos in this book will serve as a hint for finding the answers to life that you’re searching for and inspire you to pursue your Ikigai.
Gratitude to All the People and Experiences That Led to the Publication of FIRST TIME Human~ Finding Life’s Answers and the Pursuit of Ikigai sparked by Living Abroad
I am deeply grateful to my parents, who brought me into this world healthy and raised me with great care. They always watch over me, respect my wishes, and allow me to live freely. My stepmother, who continues to have a profound influence on me, remains my eternal role model.
I am thankful to Japan for providing me with a safe environment and a high-quality education. Growing up surrounded by Japan’s beautiful culture, which is admired worldwide, and all the people, cultures, arts, and events that shaped the background leading to my First Time 人間 experience, has made me who I am today.
I am also deeply grateful to my partner and his family, who have patiently stayed by my side after I became a First Time Human, and to the people and experiences I encountered in Vancouver, which sparked new perspectives and values.
*Note: This article contains excerpts from FIRST TIME Human ~ Finding Life’s Answers and the Pursuit of Ikigai sparked by Living Abroad.