『FIRST TIME 人間〜海外生活から見出す人生の答えとIKIGAIの追求〜』出版記念イベント&ワークショップの開催〜小さな選択が生む大きな成功の扉〜/”FIRST TIME Human – Finding Life’s Answers and the Pursuit of IKIGAI sparked by Living Abroad” Book Launch Event & Workshop: The Door to Great Success Opened by Small Choices


Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.

今年8月に『FIRST TIME 人間 〜海外生活から見出す人生の答えとIKIGAIの追求〜』を出版してから、あっという間に二ヶ月以上が過ぎ、2024年も残りわずかとなっていることに驚きを隠せません。




たった一通のLINEが『FIRST TIME 人間』出版記念イベントのきっかけに











「人生の思い出に残る一日」 〜イベント当日の詳細〜





書籍『FIRST TIME 人間〜海外生活から見出す人生の答えとIKIGAIの追求〜』著者・古川紋によるトークショー。

ファシリテーター:ウェルスダイナミクス認定シニアプラクティショナー 刈山志穂さん

Facebook: Shiho Kariyama

Instagram: Beer Therapy Vancouver

IKIGAI ワークショップ
IKIGAIの基本要素をわかりやすく解説し、自分の「生きがい」を見つけるためのヒントを提供しました。その後、目を閉じて「IKIGAI TRIP」を体感しながら、自分自身と向き合い、才能や情熱を再発見し、本当に大切なことに焦点を当てる時間となりました。
ファシリテーター:生きがい研究員 船戸愛さん

website: https://lit.link/aifunato










参加させて頂き大正解・大満足でした。あやかさんのお人柄の賜物かと思いますが、終始和やかな雰囲気だった事や、愛ちゃんのファシリテイターとしてのスムーズな流れのトークショーも素晴らしいと思いました。そして志穂さんの元気で快活なワークショップも周りの方達ともコミニュケーションが取れて、とても楽しませて頂きました。愛ちゃんのワークはビジュアル的にとても美しくて、引き込まれるものがあり、もう少しじっくり自分と対話しながらやってみたい気持ちになりました。 お迎えから、ケーキにシャンパン🥂最後にはビールまで用意いただいていたので、パーティに呼んで頂いた気分です。 大変楽しませて頂きました。ありがとうございました。


知り合いが全くいないところへ飛び込んだのでちょっと心細かったのですが、新しい人との出会いと広がったご縁にワクワクする時間を過ごせました。 個人的に「言語化」ということがあまり得意ではなく、でも取り組んでいくべき課題だな、と強く感じていたタイミングでした。 自分の体験や想いを言語化することによって、それが他の誰かの気づきになり、誰かの背中を押すことができる。それを体現されているあやかさんにお会いしてパワーを頂きました。カナダに来てたった2年でそこまで達成しているあやかさんの行動力、とても尊敬です! このイベントでもらったパワーを無駄にせず、自分の行動する力へ繋げていきたいと思います。


『FIRST TIME 人間』を読んでくださった皆様からの感想

イベントに参加してくださった皆さんに『FIRST TIME 人間』をお渡ししました。その後、読み終えた方々から続々と感想のメッセージが届きました。




私はカナダに来てそろそろ10年目なのですが、カナダに来た頃は価値観の違いや、言語の違い、コミュニケーションの違い、表現の違い、色んなことを本当に一から知っていかなければなく、その過程は楽しいだけじゃなくて、自分が情けなくなるような悔しい想いをたくさん経験したことや、 自分の軸や美学というものをもって生きること、








ビクトリア在住 Rikaさん

『FIRST TIME 人間』が、誰かの人生に少しでも良い影響を与えられたと実感するたび、私の心は温かさで満たされます。この瞬間に出会うたびに、出版して本当に良かったと心から思います。





『FIRST TIME 人間〜海外生活から見出す人生の答えとIKIGAIの追求〜』はAmazonで販売しています。URLはこちらから♪

Amazon Japan

Amazon Canada

“FIRST TIME Human – Finding Life’s Answers and the Pursuit of IKIGAI sparked by Living Abroad” Book Launch Event & Workshop: The Door to Great Success Opened by Small Choices

It’s hard to believe that more than two months have flown by since I published FIRST TIME Human – Finding Life’s Answers and the Pursuit of IKIGAI sparked by Living Abroad this August, and that 2024 is already nearing its end.

After the publication, it felt as if I had burned through all my creative energy, leaving me unable to write anything new, and my blog updates came to a complete halt.

However, successfully hosting the book launch event in Vancouver on October 4th reignited my desire to write again. I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the journey leading to the event’s success, the emotions I experienced, and what unfolded afterward.

Through this post, I hope readers will also feel inspired to recognize how even a small step forward can lead to unexpected, extraordinary outcomes.

A Single Message Sparked the ‘FIRST TIME Human’ Book Launch Event

After achieving my long-cherished goal of publishing the book, my next step was to spread the word. Naturally, I started with social media platforms like Instagram, my blog, Facebook, and Twitter. However, I also wanted to try a different approach by reaching out directly to people I wasn’t connected with on social media.

That said, unlike close friends or family whom I see regularly, contacting people with whom I had more distant relationships made me hesitate. I worried that it might come across as presumptuous or that they wouldn’t be interested. I was also concerned that it might seem like I was pushing them to buy my book, which made me second-guess my actions.

However, I realized that how others respond is beyond my control, and it’s all about how I communicate my message. So, I decided to take the plunge and sent out the announcement email.

Among the recipients was a LINE group called “Bi-jokai,” which consists of about 40 women entrepreneurs based in Vancouver. Although the group holds monthly lunch gatherings and occasional events, I hadn’t participated much—only attending a lunch once about a year and a half ago. I figured that many members wouldn’t know me, and those I had met likely wouldn’t remember me.

To my surprise, I received far more responses than I had expected, along with warm and encouraging messages. I was deeply touched by the kindness and support from everyone.

My Encounter with Ai Funato and Shiho Kariyama

One of the Bi-jokai members, Ai Funato, whom I had never met before, reached out to me with a kind offer: “Would you like to host a publication event?” Shortly after, Shiho Kariyama, who also showed great interest, sent me a message saying, “I’d love to help.”

What captivated both of them was the word “IKIGAI” included in the title of my book.

We met for a meeting at the end of August, and thanks to the support of both Ai and Shiho, everything progressed smoothly, leading to the successful event on October 4th.

Looking back, I never imagined that a small act of courage—sending a message to the Bi-jokai group chat to announce my book—would result in a publication event I hadn’t even dreamed of.

A Day to Remember for a Lifetime

While preparing for the event, I aimed for a scale of about 30 attendees. However, since my book and the event were entirely in Japanese, I found it difficult to actively invite non-Japanese speakers, and with only a few Japanese friends in Vancouver, I felt a bit anxious about whether many people would actually come.

Fortunately, my friends helped by inviting their families and acquaintances, and thanks to the impressive outreach by Shio and Ai, around 30 people attended, making the venue a great success!

In a relaxed atmosphere, Ai’s calm demeanor as the MC and Shio’s vibrant personality filled the room with energy, resulting in the event running over 30 minutes longer than scheduled.

The schedule for the day was as follows:

Book Talk Show
A talk show by the author Ayaka Furukawa for the book FIRST TIME Human: Finding Life’s Answers and Pursuing IKIGAI Through Overseas Living. The discussion was held in a dialogue format with IKIGAI researcher Ai Funato, where we deeply explored the pursuit of IKIGAI.

Talent Discovery Workshop
To help participants find their “strengths” that make up their IKIGAI, we conducted a simplified Wealth Dynamics assessment. (Wealth Dynamics is a self-analysis tool that has been taken by over 210,000 people and is used by global companies like Google and Microsoft.) Understanding one’s talent type led to a better grasp of their strengths and what is sought by those around them.
Facilitator: Shio Kariyama, Certified Senior Practitioner of Wealth Dynamics

IKIGAI Workshop
We provided an easy-to-understand explanation of the basic elements of IKIGAI and offered tips for finding one’s “purpose.” Participants then closed their eyes to experience the “IKIGAI TRIP,” which allowed them to reflect on themselves, rediscover their talents and passions, and focus on what truly matters.
Facilitator: Ai Funato, IKIGAI Researcher

My mother, who had come from Japan, also participated in the event

When deciding on the event date, Ai suggested, “Why not hold it while your mother is here?” Thanks to her, I was able to schedule the event to coincide with my mother’s stay in Vancouver.

I vividly remember my mother watching me during my talk show with a warm gaze from the back of the room, reminding me of her presence during my school events as a child.

When suddenly asked to share a few words, my mother hesitated slightly but managed to convey her heartfelt thanks to everyone. She also contributed in various ways, like washing glasses and welcoming participants in the lobby, all while reading the atmosphere of the event.

Feedback from participants after the event

After the event, I received many warm messages from the participants. Here are some of them.

Thank you very much for providing the opportunity to reflect on myself from various perspectives.

Hearing your story yesterday made me realize that discussing my lowest moments and times when I struggled in front of others takes great courage. There may be things I want to hide, but sharing how those experiences have impacted who I am today is important. It reminded me that there will come a time when I can talk about those periods with a smile, and that facing myself during those times is essential.

I’m so glad I participated—it was absolutely the right decision, and I had a wonderful time. I believe the relaxed and friendly atmosphere was thanks to Ayaka-san’s warm personality. Ai-chan’s smooth facilitation throughout the talk show was also outstanding.

Shiho-san’s energetic and lively workshop allowed me to interact with others, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Ai-chan’s work was visually stunning and captivating, leaving me wanting to take more time to engage in self-reflection while experiencing it.

From the warm welcome, delicious cake, and champagne 🥂 to even having beer prepared at the end—it truly felt like being invited to a party. I had such a fantastic time. Thank you very much!

Shiho-san’s personality type assessment allowed me to understand how people with different types think and what intentions lie behind their actions. I felt that this knowledge would be valuable for building better relationships and fostering personal development.

I felt a bit uneasy at first since I was stepping into a place where I didn’t know anyone, but I ended up having an exciting time meeting new people and forming meaningful connections.

Personally, I’m not very good at putting my thoughts into words, though I’ve been feeling that it’s something I need to work on. I realized that by expressing my experiences and feelings in words, it can inspire others and give them the encouragement they need. Meeting Ayaka-san, who embodies this so well, gave me a lot of positive energy.

I truly admire Ayaka-san’s drive and ability to achieve so much in just two years since arriving in Canada! I want to make the most of the energy I received from this event and channel it into my own actions moving forward.

Reflecting on how my talk show and book, along with Shiho’s talent discovery workshop and Ai’s IKIGAI workshop, provided participants with opportunities to pursue and reconsider their IKIGAI, I truly feel grateful for holding the event.

Feedback from readers of FIRST TIME Human

I distributed copies of FIRST TIME Human to everyone who attended the event. Afterward, I received a steady stream of feedback messages from those who finished reading it.

Here’s one of the messages:

In a nutshell, I felt that Ayaka’s way of living and being provides readers with warmth and courage, pushing them forward—it’s a powerful book.

There were many parts that resonated with me as I read.

I’ve been in Canada for nearly ten years now, and when I first arrived, I had to learn so many things from scratch—cultural differences, language barriers, communication styles, and expressions. The process was not only enjoyable but also filled with moments that made me feel frustrated and embarrassed. I learned the importance of living with my own values and aesthetics and the necessity of taking charge of my life.

I also want to take pride in the beauty of Japanese culture and aesthetic sensibilities. Reflecting on these various aspects brought back a lot of memories.

In fact, after achieving my long-held dream of obtaining permanent residency after six years, I found myself at a loss for my next goal. I questioned what my IKIGAI was and what I wanted to do. I struggled, felt anxious, and confronted that vague sense of uncertainty for years.

Therefore, I was deeply moved by Ayaka’s journey, especially how she turned her feelings of rock bottom into choices. She emphasized the importance of asking myself what I choose at every moment, taking action to seize opportunities, and sharing her experiences to create wealth for others.

Will I continue to live by the same choices as yesterday, or will I choose to live on my own terms?

Since that night’s event, I’ve started to focus more on this. I’ve always struggled with verbalizing my thoughts and feelings, but now I want to express them more and share the journey of the past ten years. I also connected with new people.

I hope to channel the power I received from Ayaka into actions that will lead to a better life. Although it was a bit far from Victoria, I’m truly glad I could participate. Thank you so much!

Rika-san from Victoria

Every time I realize that FIRST TIME Human has had even a small positive impact on someone’s life, my heart fills with warmth. With each of these moments, I genuinely feel that it was truly worth publishing.

The Door to Great Success Created by Small Choices

I never imagined that the single message I sent to the Bijo-kai group chat that day would lead to such significant outcomes.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended the event, to Ai funato and Shiho Kariyama for their support in planning, and to my family, friends, and everyone around me who always encourages me.

My next goal is to make the publication and event available in a full English version.

FIRST TIME Human – Finding Life’s Answers and the Pursuit of IKIGAI sparked by Living Abroad is available on Amazon. You can find the URL here!

Amazon Japan

Amazon Canada


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